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Scripted SNApp hosting on a Pi

SNApp-PI-HOST Release 1.1

Loki SNApp-PI-HOST is an easy to use Lokinet webserver set up tool to rapidly configure a hidden service (SNApp) on a Raspberry Pi or Orange Pi. After installing a fresh image, running the script and entering your own user during the installation the device is ready to launch your website providing you with your individual Loki address.


"Loki is a privacy network which will allow users to transact and communicate privately over the internet, providing a suite of tools to help maintain the maximum amount of anonymity possible while browsing, transacting and communication online. Using the decentralised nature of blockchain technology, Loki creates new private and secure methods of interacting with the internet, as well as building privacy-centric applications, such as messaging services, forums, online marketplaces, and social media platforms."




Start with a clean install of Armbian or Raspbian (currently Buster and Stretch are verified as working). Lite versions are recommended. If using Raspbian Buster you will need to run the command sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change then elevate to root with sudo su before running the LokiAP installer script. These additional steps are not required when using Armbian.

For Orange Pi R1 use Armbian Buster found here: Recommend using "minimal" which is available for direct download at the bottom of the page or much faster download by .torrent also linked there.

Specific code has been incorporated to take advantage of the OrangePi R1's second ethernet interface. The AP will provide access via ethernet in addition to wifi when using this board.

For OrangePi Zero use Armbian Buster found here":

To burn the image to an SD card on your PC you can use Etcher:

Preparing the image

For Raspbian you will need to remove the SD card from the computer, reinsert it, open the boot directory up and create a new textfile file named ssh with no .txt file extension i.e. just ssh in order to remotely connect. This step is not required for Armbian.

Insert the SD card into the device and power it up.

Accessing the device

Obtain a copy of Putty and install it on your PC:

  1. Log into your router from your PC and find the address it assigned to the Pi.

  2. Start Putty up and enter this obtained address into Putty with settings:

    Host Name Address = the address obtained from router | Port 22 | connection type SSH | then OPEN

    For Raspbian the default login is root password raspberry For Armbian the default login is root password 1234

  3. Follow any first user password instructions provided once logged in.

  4. If you want to get the lastest updates before installing SNApp-PI-HOST:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo reboot

With the prerequisites done, you can now proceed with the Quick installer.

Quick installer

Install SNApp-PI-HOST from shell prompt:

$ wget -q -O /tmp/snapp && bash /tmp/snapp

The installer will update, locate, install and configure all the prerequisites for you. You will be prompted to create a new user account. In future this account and it's associate SNApp directory is used to run the server. Enter a username and password, the script will automatically create and elevate privileges of this account to root while generating the SNApp folder at /home/$USER/snapp.

At the end of the install process you will be presented with your Lokinet address. Either by starting the test server by answer "Y" or exiting the script "N" it will allow you to highlight the address and copy/paste this to clipboard or plug it directly into your browser to test your server. Remember to have Lokinet running on the computer you are using to test the site. Lokinet privately and anonymously only communicates with Lokinet.

Creating your unique Webserver (SNApp)

SNApps are placed in the /home/$USER/snapp directory "$USER" being substituted by the name of the user you created. The index.html file is there for initial testing. Either move it to another name or remove it and replace it with your own files. If you have a computer that can read the SD card partitions you can simply copy over your SNApp files to the folder on the sd card otherwise sftp into the PI and transfer the files you require.

Starting and Stopping the Webserver

SNApp-PI-HOST uses the utility "screen" and the script "" found in /home/$USER/snapp to run the server. If the server is running the terminal command screen -r snapp will open up the terminal screen showing it running and reporting requests. To stop the server use Ctrl C while in this terminal screen. Restarting the webserver is done by running the snapp script with sudo ./ This will create the snapp screen again and run the service even if you exit terminal as the screen the webserver runs in is now "detached". If you are uncertain if the webserver is running screen -ls will reveal any screens running in the background. Lastly if you wish to detach fro the screen and leave it running Ctrl A D will detach and leave the webserver runnning.

Selection of Ports

The default port is set to 80. This value can be found and changed in the script. Changing the value will change the port the webserver uses. If you change the port number ensure that you forward that port through your router as well.

Support us

SNApp-PI-HOST is free software, but powered by your support. If you find it beneficial or wish to contribute to inspire ongoing development your donations of any amount; be they even symbolic, are a show of approval and are greatly appreciated.

Loki Donation Address:


How to contribute

  1. File an issue in the repository, using the bug tracker, describing the contribution you'd like to make. This will help us to get you started on the right foot.
  2. Fork the project in your account and create a new branch: your-great-feature.
  3. Commit your changes in that branch.
  4. Open a pull request, and reference the initial issue in the pull request message.


See the LICENSE file.