Finish message receiving pipeline

nielsandriesse 4 years ago committed by Niels Andriesse
parent 97545de75e
commit 58802936c1

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ extension AppDelegate : OpenGroupAPIDelegate {
public func updateProfileIfNeeded(for channel: UInt64, on server: String, from info: OpenGroupInfo) {
let storage = OWSPrimaryStorage.shared()
let publicChatID = "\(server).\(channel)"
Storage.writeSync { transaction in
Storage.write { transaction in
// Update user count
storage.setUserCount(info.memberCount, forPublicChatWithID: publicChatID, in: transaction)
let groupThread = TSGroupThread.getOrCreateThread(withGroupId: .utf8)!, groupType: .openGroup, transaction: transaction)

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ final class Configuration : NSObject {
@objc static func performMainSetup() {
storage: Storage.shared,
messageReceiverDelegate: MessageReceiverDelegate.shared,
signalStorage: OWSPrimaryStorage.shared(),
identityKeyStore: OWSIdentityManager.shared(),
sessionRestorationImplementation: SessionRestorationImplementation(),

@ -201,124 +201,20 @@ extension Storage : SessionMessagingKitStorageProtocol {
// MARK: - Message Handling
public func isBlocked(_ publicKey: String) -> Bool {
return SSKEnvironment.shared.blockingManager.isRecipientIdBlocked(publicKey)
public func updateProfile(for publicKey: String, from profile: VisibleMessage.Profile, using transaction: Any) {
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
let profileManager = SSKEnvironment.shared.profileManager
if let displayName = profile.displayName {
profileManager.updateProfileForContact(withID: publicKey, displayName: displayName, with: transaction)
if let profileKey = profile.profileKey, let profilePictureURL = profile.profilePictureURL, profileKey.count == kAES256_KeyByteLength {
profileManager.setProfileKeyData(profileKey, forRecipientId: publicKey, avatarURL: profilePictureURL)
/// Returns the ID of the thread the message was stored under along with the `TSIncomingMessage` that was constructed.
public func persist(_ message: VisibleMessage, using transaction: Any) -> (String, Any) {
public func persist(_ message: VisibleMessage, groupPublicKey: String?, using transaction: Any) -> (String, Any)? {
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
let thread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(withContactId: message.sender!, transaction: transaction)
let message = TSIncomingMessage.from(message, associatedWith: thread, using: transaction) transaction)
return (thread.uniqueId!, message)
public func showTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String) {
var threadOrNil: TSContactThread? { transaction in
threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return }
func showTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() {
SSKEnvironment.shared.typingIndicators.didReceiveTypingStartedMessage(inThread: thread, recipientId: senderPublicKey, deviceId: 1)
if Thread.current.isMainThread {
var threadOrNil: TSThread?
if let groupPublicKey = groupPublicKey {
guard Storage.shared.isClosedGroup(groupPublicKey) else { return nil }
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
threadOrNil = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID), transaction: transaction)
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
public func hideTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String) {
var threadOrNil: TSContactThread? { transaction in
threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(withContactId: message.sender!, transaction: transaction)
guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return }
func hideTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() {
SSKEnvironment.shared.typingIndicators.didReceiveTypingStoppedMessage(inThread: thread, recipientId: senderPublicKey, deviceId: 1)
if Thread.current.isMainThread {
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
public func cancelTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String) {
var threadOrNil: TSContactThread? { transaction in
threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return }
func cancelTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() {
SSKEnvironment.shared.typingIndicators.didReceiveIncomingMessage(inThread: thread, recipientId: senderPublicKey, deviceId: 1)
if Thread.current.isMainThread {
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
public func notifyUserIfNeeded(for message: Any, threadID: String) {
guard let thread = TSThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID) else { return } { transaction in
SSKEnvironment.shared.notificationsManager!.notifyUser(for: (message as! TSIncomingMessage), in: thread, transaction: transaction)
public func markMessagesAsRead(_ timestamps: [UInt64], from senderPublicKey: String, at timestamp: UInt64) {
SSKEnvironment.shared.readReceiptManager.processReadReceipts(fromRecipientId: senderPublicKey, sentTimestamps: { NSNumber(value: $0) }, readTimestamp: timestamp)
public func setExpirationTimer(to duration: UInt32, for senderPublicKey: String, using transaction: Any) {
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
var threadOrNil: TSContactThread? { transaction in
threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return }
let configuration = OWSDisappearingMessagesConfiguration(threadId: thread.uniqueId!, enabled: true, durationSeconds: duration) transaction)
let senderDisplayName = SSKEnvironment.shared.profileManager.profileNameForRecipient(withID: senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
let message = OWSDisappearingConfigurationUpdateInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.millisecondTimestamp(), thread: thread,
configuration: configuration, createdByRemoteName: senderDisplayName, createdInExistingGroup: false) transaction)
public func disableExpirationTimer(for senderPublicKey: String, using transaction: Any) {
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
var threadOrNil: TSContactThread? { transaction in
threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return }
let configuration = OWSDisappearingMessagesConfiguration(threadId: thread.uniqueId!, enabled: false, durationSeconds: 24 * 60 * 60) transaction)
let senderDisplayName = SSKEnvironment.shared.profileManager.profileNameForRecipient(withID: senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
let message = OWSDisappearingConfigurationUpdateInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.millisecondTimestamp(), thread: thread,
configuration: configuration, createdByRemoteName: senderDisplayName, createdInExistingGroup: false)
guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return nil }
let message = TSIncomingMessage.from(message, associatedWith: thread, using: transaction) transaction)
return (thread.uniqueId!, message)

@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
import SessionMessagingKit
final class MessageReceiverDelegate : SessionMessagingKit.MessageReceiverDelegate {
static let shared = MessageReceiverDelegate()
// MARK: - Blocking
public func isBlocked(_ publicKey: String) -> Bool {
return SSKEnvironment.shared.blockingManager.isRecipientIdBlocked(publicKey)
// MARK: - Profiles
public func updateProfile(for publicKey: String, from profile: VisibleMessage.Profile, using transaction: Any) {
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
let profileManager = SSKEnvironment.shared.profileManager
if let displayName = profile.displayName {
profileManager.updateProfileForContact(withID: publicKey, displayName: displayName, with: transaction)
if let profileKey = profile.profileKey, let profilePictureURL = profile.profilePictureURL, profileKey.count == kAES256_KeyByteLength {
profileManager.setProfileKeyData(profileKey, forRecipientId: publicKey, avatarURL: profilePictureURL)
// MARK: - Typing Indicators
public func showTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String) {
var threadOrNil: TSContactThread? { transaction in
threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return }
func showTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() {
SSKEnvironment.shared.typingIndicators.didReceiveTypingStartedMessage(inThread: thread, recipientId: senderPublicKey, deviceId: 1)
if Thread.current.isMainThread {
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
public func hideTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String) {
var threadOrNil: TSContactThread? { transaction in
threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return }
func hideTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() {
SSKEnvironment.shared.typingIndicators.didReceiveTypingStoppedMessage(inThread: thread, recipientId: senderPublicKey, deviceId: 1)
if Thread.current.isMainThread {
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
public func cancelTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String) {
var threadOrNil: TSContactThread? { transaction in
threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return }
func cancelTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() {
SSKEnvironment.shared.typingIndicators.didReceiveIncomingMessage(inThread: thread, recipientId: senderPublicKey, deviceId: 1)
if Thread.current.isMainThread {
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// MARK: - Notifications
public func notifyUserIfNeeded(for message: Any, threadID: String) {
guard let thread = TSThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID) else { return } { transaction in
SSKEnvironment.shared.notificationsManager!.notifyUser(for: (message as! TSIncomingMessage), in: thread, transaction: transaction)
// MARK: - Read Receipts
public func markMessagesAsRead(_ timestamps: [UInt64], from senderPublicKey: String, at timestamp: UInt64) {
SSKEnvironment.shared.readReceiptManager.processReadReceipts(fromRecipientId: senderPublicKey, sentTimestamps: { NSNumber(value: $0) }, readTimestamp: timestamp)
// MARK: - Expiration
public func setExpirationTimer(to duration: UInt32, for senderPublicKey: String, groupPublicKey: String?, using transaction: Any) {
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
var threadOrNil: TSThread? { transaction in
if let groupPublicKey = groupPublicKey {
guard Storage.shared.isClosedGroup(groupPublicKey) else { return }
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
threadOrNil = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID), transaction: transaction)
} else {
threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return }
let configuration = OWSDisappearingMessagesConfiguration(threadId: thread.uniqueId!, enabled: true, durationSeconds: duration) transaction)
let senderDisplayName = SSKEnvironment.shared.profileManager.profileNameForRecipient(withID: senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
let message = OWSDisappearingConfigurationUpdateInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.millisecondTimestamp(), thread: thread,
configuration: configuration, createdByRemoteName: senderDisplayName, createdInExistingGroup: false) transaction)
public func disableExpirationTimer(for senderPublicKey: String, groupPublicKey: String?, using transaction: Any) {
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
var threadOrNil: TSThread? { transaction in
if let groupPublicKey = groupPublicKey {
guard Storage.shared.isClosedGroup(groupPublicKey) else { return }
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
threadOrNil = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID), transaction: transaction)
} else {
threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return }
let configuration = OWSDisappearingMessagesConfiguration(threadId: thread.uniqueId!, enabled: false, durationSeconds: 24 * 60 * 60) transaction)
let senderDisplayName = SSKEnvironment.shared.profileManager.profileNameForRecipient(withID: senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
let message = OWSDisappearingConfigurationUpdateInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.millisecondTimestamp(), thread: thread,
configuration: configuration, createdByRemoteName: senderDisplayName, createdInExistingGroup: false) transaction)
// MARK: - Closed Groups
func handleNewGroup(_ message: ClosedGroupUpdate, using transaction: Any) {
guard case let .new(groupPublicKeyAsData, name, groupPrivateKey, senderKeys, membersAsData, adminsAsData) = message.kind else { return }
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
let groupPublicKey = groupPublicKeyAsData.toHexString()
let members = { $0.toHexString() }
let admins = { $0.toHexString() }
// Persist the ratchets
senderKeys.forEach { senderKey in
guard members.contains(senderKey.publicKey.toHexString()) else { return }
let ratchet = ClosedGroupRatchet(chainKey: senderKey.chainKey.toHexString(), keyIndex: UInt(senderKey.keyIndex), messageKeys: [])
Storage.shared.setClosedGroupRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: senderKey.publicKey.toHexString(), ratchet: ratchet, using: transaction)
// Sort out any discrepancies between the provided sender keys and what's required
let missingSenderKeys = Set(members).subtracting( { $0.publicKey.toHexString() })
let userPublicKey = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
if missingSenderKeys.contains(userPublicKey) {
let userRatchet = SharedSenderKeys.generateRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: userPublicKey, using: transaction)
let userSenderKey = ClosedGroupSenderKey(chainKey: Data(hex: userRatchet.chainKey), keyIndex: userRatchet.keyIndex, publicKey: Data(hex: userPublicKey))
members.forEach { member in
guard member != userPublicKey else { return }
let thread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(withContactId: member, transaction: transaction) transaction)
let closedGroupUpdateKind = ClosedGroupUpdate.Kind.senderKey(groupPublicKey: Data(hex: groupPublicKey), senderKey: userSenderKey)
let closedGroupUpdate = ClosedGroupUpdate()
closedGroupUpdate.kind = closedGroupUpdateKind
MessageSender.send(closedGroupUpdate, in: thread, using: transaction)
missingSenderKeys.subtracting([ userPublicKey ]).forEach { publicKey in
(UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).requestSenderKey(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: publicKey, using: transaction)
// Create the group
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
let group = TSGroupModel(title: name, memberIds: members, image: nil, groupId: groupID, groupType: .closedGroup, adminIds: admins)
let thread: TSGroupThread
if let t = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID), transaction: transaction) {
thread = t
thread.setGroupModel(group, with: transaction)
} else {
thread = TSGroupThread.getOrCreateThread(with: group, transaction: transaction)
thread.usesSharedSenderKeys = true transaction)
// Add the group to the user's set of public keys to poll for
Storage.setClosedGroupPrivateKey(groupPrivateKey.toHexString(), for: groupPublicKey, using: transaction)
// Notify the PN server
let _ = LokiPushNotificationManager.performOperation(.subscribe, for: groupPublicKey, publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey())
// Notify the user
let infoMessage = TSInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.ows_millisecondTimeStamp(), in: thread, messageType: .typeGroupUpdate) transaction)
func handleGroupUpdate(_ message: ClosedGroupUpdate, using transaction: Any) {
guard case let .info(groupPublicKeyAsData, name, senderKeys, membersAsData, adminsAsData) = message.kind else { return }
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
let groupPublicKey = groupPublicKeyAsData.toHexString()
let members = { $0.toHexString() }
let admins = { $0.toHexString() }
// Get the group
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
guard let thread = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID), transaction: transaction) else {
return print("[Loki] Ignoring closed group info message for nonexistent group.")
let group = thread.groupModel
// Check that the sender is a member of the group (before the update)
guard Set(group.groupMemberIds).contains(message.sender!) else {
return print("[Loki] Ignoring closed group info message from non-member.")
// Store the ratchets for any new members (it's important that this happens before the code below)
senderKeys.forEach { senderKey in
let ratchet = ClosedGroupRatchet(chainKey: senderKey.chainKey.toHexString(), keyIndex: UInt(senderKey.keyIndex), messageKeys: [])
Storage.shared.setClosedGroupRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: senderKey.publicKey.toHexString(), ratchet: ratchet, using: transaction)
// Delete all ratchets and either:
// Send out the user's new ratchet using established channels if other members of the group left or were removed
// Remove the group from the user's set of public keys to poll for if the current user was among the members that were removed
let oldMembers = group.groupMemberIds
let userPublicKey = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
let wasUserRemoved = !members.contains(userPublicKey)
if Set(members).intersection(oldMembers) != Set(oldMembers) {
let allOldRatchets = Storage.getAllClosedGroupRatchets(for: groupPublicKey)
for (senderPublicKey, oldRatchet) in allOldRatchets {
let collection = ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType.old
Storage.shared.setClosedGroupRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: senderPublicKey, ratchet: oldRatchet, in: collection, using: transaction)
Storage.removeAllClosedGroupRatchets(for: groupPublicKey, using: transaction)
if wasUserRemoved {
Storage.removeClosedGroupPrivateKey(for: groupPublicKey, using: transaction)
// Notify the PN server
let _ = LokiPushNotificationManager.performOperation(.unsubscribe, for: groupPublicKey, publicKey: userPublicKey)
} else {
let userRatchet = SharedSenderKeys.generateRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: userPublicKey, using: transaction)
let userSenderKey = ClosedGroupSenderKey(chainKey: Data(hex: userRatchet.chainKey), keyIndex: userRatchet.keyIndex, publicKey: Data(hex: userPublicKey))
members.forEach { member in
guard member != userPublicKey else { return }
let thread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(withContactId: member, transaction: transaction) transaction)
let closedGroupUpdateKind = ClosedGroupUpdate.Kind.senderKey(groupPublicKey: Data(hex: groupPublicKey), senderKey: userSenderKey)
let closedGroupUpdate = ClosedGroupUpdate()
closedGroupUpdate.kind = closedGroupUpdateKind
MessageSender.send(closedGroupUpdate, in: thread, using: transaction)
// Update the group
let newGroupModel = TSGroupModel(title: name, memberIds: members, image: nil, groupId: groupID, groupType: .closedGroup, adminIds: admins)
thread.setGroupModel(newGroupModel, with: transaction)
// Notify the user if needed
if Set(members) != Set(oldMembers) || Set(admins) != Set(group.groupAdminIds) || name != group.groupName {
let infoMessageType: TSInfoMessageType = wasUserRemoved ? .typeGroupQuit : .typeGroupUpdate
let updateInfo = group.getInfoStringAboutUpdate(to: newGroupModel)
let infoMessage = TSInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.ows_millisecondTimeStamp(), in: thread, messageType: infoMessageType, customMessage: updateInfo) transaction)
func handleSenderKeyRequest(_ message: ClosedGroupUpdate, using transaction: Any) {
guard case let .senderKeyRequest(groupPublicKeyAsData) = message.kind else { return }
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
let userPublicKey = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
let groupPublicKey = groupPublicKeyAsData.toHexString()
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
guard let groupThread = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID), transaction: transaction) else {
return print("[Loki] Ignoring closed group sender key request for nonexistent group.")
let group = groupThread.groupModel
// Check that the requesting user is a member of the group
let members = Set(group.groupMemberIds)
guard members.contains(message.sender!) else {
return print("[Loki] Ignoring closed group sender key request from non-member.")
// Respond to the request
print("[Loki] Responding to sender key request from: \(message.sender!).")
SessionManagementProtocol.sendSessionRequestIfNeeded(to: message.sender!, using: transaction)
let userRatchet = Storage.shared.getClosedGroupRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: userPublicKey)
?? SharedSenderKeys.generateRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: userPublicKey, using: transaction)
let userSenderKey = ClosedGroupSenderKey(chainKey: Data(hex: userRatchet.chainKey), keyIndex: userRatchet.keyIndex, publicKey: Data(hex: userPublicKey))
let thread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(withContactId: message.sender!, transaction: transaction) transaction)
let closedGroupUpdateKind = ClosedGroupUpdate.Kind.senderKey(groupPublicKey: Data(hex: groupPublicKey), senderKey: userSenderKey)
let closedGroupUpdate = ClosedGroupUpdate()
closedGroupUpdate.kind = closedGroupUpdateKind
MessageSender.send(closedGroupUpdate, in: thread, using: transaction)
func handleSenderKey(_ message: ClosedGroupUpdate, using transaction: Any) {
guard case let .senderKey(groupPublicKeyAsData, senderKey) = message.kind else { return }
let groupPublicKey = groupPublicKeyAsData.toHexString()
guard senderKey.publicKey.toHexString() == message.sender! else {
return print("[Loki] Ignoring invalid closed group sender key.")
// Store the sender key
print("[Loki] Received a sender key from: \(message.sender!).")
let ratchet = ClosedGroupRatchet(chainKey: senderKey.chainKey.toHexString(), keyIndex: UInt(senderKey.keyIndex), messageKeys: [])
Storage.shared.setClosedGroupRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: message.sender!, ratchet: ratchet, using: transaction)

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import SessionProtocolKit
public struct Configuration {
public let storage: SessionMessagingKitStorageProtocol
public let messageReceiverDelegate: MessageReceiverDelegate
public let signalStorage: SessionStore & PreKeyStore & SignedPreKeyStore
public let identityKeyStore: IdentityKeyStore
public let sessionRestorationImplementation: SessionRestorationProtocol
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ public enum SNMessagingKit { // Just to make the external API nice
public static func configure(
storage: SessionMessagingKitStorageProtocol,
messageReceiverDelegate: MessageReceiverDelegate,
signalStorage: SessionStore & PreKeyStore & SignedPreKeyStore,
identityKeyStore: IdentityKeyStore,
sessionRestorationImplementation: SessionRestorationProtocol,
@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ public enum SNMessagingKit { // Just to make the external API nice
) {
Configuration.shared = Configuration(
storage: storage,
messageReceiverDelegate: messageReceiverDelegate,
signalStorage: signalStorage,
identityKeyStore: identityKeyStore,
sessionRestorationImplementation: sessionRestorationImplementation,

@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ public final class MessageReceiveJob : NSObject, Job, NSCoding { // NSObject/NSC{ transaction in // Intentionally capture self
Threading.workQueue.async {
do {
let message = try MessageReceiver.parse(, using: transaction)
MessageReceiver.handle(message, messageServerID: self.messageServerID, using: transaction)
let message = try MessageReceiver.parse(, messageServerID: self.messageServerID, using: transaction)
try MessageReceiver.handle(message, using: transaction)
} catch {
SNLog("Couldn't parse message due to error: \(error).")

@ -23,8 +23,17 @@ public final class ClosedGroupUpdate : ControlMessage {
// MARK: Validation
public override var isValid: Bool {
guard super.isValid else { return false }
return kind != nil
guard super.isValid, let kind = kind else { return false }
switch kind {
case .new(let groupPublicKey, let name, let groupPrivateKey, _, let members, let admins):
return !groupPublicKey.isEmpty && !name.isEmpty && !groupPrivateKey.isEmpty && !members.isEmpty && !admins.isEmpty // senderKeys may be empty
case .info(let groupPublicKey, let name, _, let members, let admins):
return !groupPublicKey.isEmpty && !name.isEmpty && !members.isEmpty && !admins.isEmpty // senderKeys may be empty
case .senderKeyRequest(let groupPublicKey):
return !groupPublicKey.isEmpty
case .senderKey(let groupPublicKey, _):
return !groupPublicKey.isEmpty
// MARK: Coding
@ -86,7 +95,26 @@ public final class ClosedGroupUpdate : ControlMessage {
// MARK: Proto Conversion
public override class func fromProto(_ proto: SNProtoContent) -> ClosedGroupUpdate? {
return nil
guard let closedGroupUpdateProto = proto.dataMessage?.closedGroupUpdate else { return nil }
let groupPublicKey = closedGroupUpdateProto.groupPublicKey
let kind: Kind
switch closedGroupUpdateProto.type {
case .new:
guard let name =, let groupPrivateKey = closedGroupUpdateProto.groupPrivateKey else { return nil }
let senderKeys = { ClosedGroupSenderKey.fromProto($0) }
kind = .new(groupPublicKey: groupPublicKey, name: name, groupPrivateKey: groupPrivateKey,
senderKeys: senderKeys, members: closedGroupUpdateProto.members, admins: closedGroupUpdateProto.admins)
case .info:
guard let name = else { return nil }
let senderKeys = { ClosedGroupSenderKey.fromProto($0) }
kind = .info(groupPublicKey: groupPublicKey, name: name, senderKeys: senderKeys, members: closedGroupUpdateProto.members, admins: closedGroupUpdateProto.admins)
case .senderKeyRequest:
kind = .senderKeyRequest(groupPublicKey: groupPublicKey)
case .senderKey:
guard let senderKeyProto = closedGroupUpdateProto.senderKeys.first else { return nil }
kind = .senderKey(groupPublicKey: groupPublicKey, senderKey: ClosedGroupSenderKey.fromProto(senderKeyProto))
return ClosedGroupUpdate(kind: kind)
public override func toProto() -> SNProtoContent? {
@ -130,6 +158,10 @@ public final class ClosedGroupUpdate : ControlMessage {
private extension ClosedGroupSenderKey {
static func fromProto(_ proto: SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupUpdateSenderKey) -> ClosedGroupSenderKey {
return ClosedGroupSenderKey(chainKey: proto.chainKey, keyIndex: UInt(proto.keyIndex), publicKey: proto.publicKey)
func toProto() throws -> SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupUpdateSenderKey {
return try SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupUpdateSenderKey.builder(chainKey: chainKey, keyIndex: UInt32(keyIndex), publicKey: publicKey).build()

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ public class Message : NSObject, NSCoding { // NSObject/NSCoding conformance is
public var receivedTimestamp: UInt64?
public var recipient: String?
public var sender: String?
public var groupPublicKey: String?
public var openGroupServerMessageID: UInt64?
public class var ttl: UInt64 { 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 }

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
public protocol MessageReceiverDelegate {
func isBlocked(_ publicKey: String) -> Bool
func updateProfile(for publicKey: String, from profile: VisibleMessage.Profile, using transaction: Any)
func showTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String)
func hideTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String)
func cancelTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String)
func notifyUserIfNeeded(for message: Any, threadID: String)
func markMessagesAsRead(_ timestamps: [UInt64], from senderPublicKey: String, at timestamp: UInt64)
func setExpirationTimer(to duration: UInt32, for senderPublicKey: String, groupPublicKey: String?, using transaction: Any)
func disableExpirationTimer(for senderPublicKey: String, groupPublicKey: String?, using transaction: Any)
func handleNewGroup(_ message: ClosedGroupUpdate, using transaction: Any)
func handleGroupUpdate(_ message: ClosedGroupUpdate, using transaction: Any)
func handleSenderKeyRequest(_ message: ClosedGroupUpdate, using transaction: Any)
func handleSenderKey(_ message: ClosedGroupUpdate, using transaction: Any)

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import SessionUtilitiesKit
// TODO:
// Threads don't show up on the first message; only on the second.
// Profile pictures aren't showing up.
// Check that message expiration works.
internal enum MessageReceiver {
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ internal enum MessageReceiver {
case noUserPublicKey
case noData
case senderBlocked
case noThread
// Shared sender keys
case invalidGroupPublicKey
case noGroupPrivateKey
@ -34,6 +36,7 @@ internal enum MessageReceiver {
case .noUserPublicKey: return "Couldn't find user key pair."
case .noData: return "Received an empty envelope."
case .senderBlocked: return "Received a message from a blocked user."
case .noThread: return "Couldn't find thread for message."
// Shared sender keys
case .invalidGroupPublicKey: return "Invalid group public key."
case .noGroupPrivateKey: return "Missing group private key."
@ -43,19 +46,22 @@ internal enum MessageReceiver {
internal static func parse(_ data: Data, using transaction: Any) throws -> Message {
internal static func parse(_ data: Data, messageServerID: UInt64?, using transaction: Any) throws -> Message {
// Parse the envelope
let envelope = try SNProtoEnvelope.parseData(data)
// Decrypt the contents
let plaintext: Data
let sender: String
var groupPublicKey: String? = nil
switch envelope.type {
case .unidentifiedSender: (plaintext, sender) = try decryptWithSignalProtocol(envelope: envelope, using: transaction)
case .closedGroupCiphertext: (plaintext, sender) = try decryptWithSharedSenderKeys(envelope: envelope, using: transaction)
case .closedGroupCiphertext:
(plaintext, sender) = try decryptWithSharedSenderKeys(envelope: envelope, using: transaction)
groupPublicKey = envelope.source
default: throw Error.unknownEnvelopeType
// Don't process the envelope any further if the sender is blocked
guard ! else { throw Error.senderBlocked }
guard !Configuration.shared.messageReceiverDelegate.isBlocked(sender) else { throw Error.senderBlocked }
// Parse the proto
let proto: SNProtoContent
do {
@ -79,6 +85,8 @@ internal enum MessageReceiver {
message.sender = sender
message.recipient =
message.receivedTimestamp = NSDate.millisecondTimestamp()
message.groupPublicKey = groupPublicKey
message.openGroupServerMessageID = messageServerID
guard message.isValid else { throw Error.invalidMessage }
return message
} else {
@ -86,7 +94,7 @@ internal enum MessageReceiver {
internal static func handle(_ message: Message, messageServerID: UInt64?, using transaction: Any) {
internal static func handle(_ message: Message, using transaction: Any) throws {
switch message {
case let message as ReadReceipt: handleReadReceipt(message, using: transaction)
case let message as SessionRequest: handleSessionRequest(message, using: transaction)
@ -94,56 +102,62 @@ internal enum MessageReceiver {
case let message as TypingIndicator: handleTypingIndicator(message, using: transaction)
case let message as ClosedGroupUpdate: handleClosedGroupUpdate(message, using: transaction)
case let message as ExpirationTimerUpdate: handleExpirationTimerUpdate(message, using: transaction)
case let message as VisibleMessage: handleVisibleMessage(message, using: transaction)
case let message as VisibleMessage: try handleVisibleMessage(message, using: transaction)
default: fatalError()
private static func handleReadReceipt(_ message: ReadReceipt, using transaction: Any) {!, from: message.sender!, at: message.receivedTimestamp!)
Configuration.shared.messageReceiverDelegate.markMessagesAsRead(message.timestamps!, from: message.sender!, at: message.receivedTimestamp!)
private static func handleSessionRequest(_ message: SessionRequest, using transaction: Any) {
// TODO: Implement
// We might not need this anymore
private static func handleNullMessage(_ message: NullMessage, using transaction: Any) {
// TODO: Implement
// We might not need this anymore
private static func handleTypingIndicator(_ message: TypingIndicator, using transaction: Any) {
let storage =
let delegate = Configuration.shared.messageReceiverDelegate
switch message.kind! {
case .started: storage.showTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for: message.sender!)
case .stopped: storage.hideTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for: message.sender!)
case .started: delegate.showTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for: message.sender!)
case .stopped: delegate.hideTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for: message.sender!)
private static func handleClosedGroupUpdate(_ message: ClosedGroupUpdate, using transaction: Any) {
let delegate = Configuration.shared.messageReceiverDelegate
switch message.kind! {
case .new: delegate.handleNewGroup(message, using: transaction)
case .info: delegate.handleGroupUpdate(message, using: transaction)
case .senderKeyRequest: delegate.handleSenderKeyRequest(message, using: transaction)
case .senderKey: delegate.handleSenderKey(message, using: transaction)
private static func handleExpirationTimerUpdate(_ message: ExpirationTimerUpdate, using transaction: Any) {
let storage =
let delegate = Configuration.shared.messageReceiverDelegate
if message.duration! > 0 {
storage.setExpirationTimer(to: message.duration!, for: message.sender!, using: transaction)
delegate.setExpirationTimer(to: message.duration!, for: message.sender!, groupPublicKey: message.groupPublicKey, using: transaction)
} else {
storage.disableExpirationTimer(for: message.sender!, using: transaction)
delegate.disableExpirationTimer(for: message.sender!, groupPublicKey: message.groupPublicKey, using: transaction)
private static func handleVisibleMessage(_ message: VisibleMessage, using transaction: Any) {
let storage =
private static func handleVisibleMessage(_ message: VisibleMessage, using transaction: Any) throws {
let delegate = Configuration.shared.messageReceiverDelegate
// Update profile if needed
if let profile = message.profile {
storage.updateProfile(for: message.sender!, from: profile, using: transaction)
delegate.updateProfile(for: message.sender!, from: profile, using: transaction)
// Persist the message
let (threadID, tsIncomingMessage) = storage.persist(message, using: transaction)
guard let (threadID, tsIncomingMessage) =, groupPublicKey: message.groupPublicKey, using: transaction) else { throw Error.noThread }
message.threadID = threadID
// Cancel any typing indicators
storage.cancelTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded(for: message.sender!)
delegate.cancelTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded(for: message.sender!)
// Notify the user if needed
storage.notifyUserIfNeeded(for: tsIncomingMessage, threadID: threadID)
delegate.notifyUserIfNeeded(for: tsIncomingMessage, threadID: threadID)

@ -62,15 +62,6 @@ public protocol SessionMessagingKitStorageProtocol {
// MARK: - Message Handling
func isBlocked(_ publicKey: String) -> Bool
func updateProfile(for publicKey: String, from profile: VisibleMessage.Profile, using transaction: Any)
/// Returns the ID of the thread the message was stored under along with the `TSIncomingMessage` that was constructed.
func persist(_ message: VisibleMessage, using transaction: Any) -> (String, Any)
func showTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String)
func hideTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String)
func cancelTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String)
func notifyUserIfNeeded(for message: Any, threadID: String)
func markMessagesAsRead(_ timestamps: [UInt64], from senderPublicKey: String, at timestamp: UInt64)
func setExpirationTimer(to duration: UInt32, for senderPublicKey: String, using transaction: Any)
func disableExpirationTimer(for senderPublicKey: String, using transaction: Any)
func persist(_ message: VisibleMessage, groupPublicKey: String?, using transaction: Any) -> (String, Any)?

@ -922,6 +922,8 @@
C3CA3B1D255CF3C800F4C6D4 /* MessageSender+Utilities.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3CA3B1C255CF3C800F4C6D4 /* MessageSender+Utilities.swift */; };
C3CA3B2F255CF84E00F4C6D4 /* NullMessage.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3CA3B2E255CF84E00F4C6D4 /* NullMessage.swift */; };
C3D0972B2510499C00F6E3E4 /* BackgroundPoller.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3D0972A2510499C00F6E3E4 /* BackgroundPoller.swift */; };
C3D697382564DCE6004AF766 /* MessageHandler.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3D697372564DCE6004AF766 /* MessageHandler.swift */; };
C3D6974A2564DEDC004AF766 /* MessageHandler.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3D697492564DEDC004AF766 /* MessageHandler.swift */; };
C3DAB3242480CB2B00725F25 /* SRCopyableLabel.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3DAB3232480CB2A00725F25 /* SRCopyableLabel.swift */; };
C3DFFAC623E96F0D0058DAF8 /* Sheet.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3DFFAC523E96F0D0058DAF8 /* Sheet.swift */; };
C3E5C2FA251DBABB0040DFFC /* EditClosedGroupVC.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3E5C2F9251DBABB0040DFFC /* EditClosedGroupVC.swift */; };
@ -2042,6 +2044,8 @@
C3CA3B1C255CF3C800F4C6D4 /* MessageSender+Utilities.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "MessageSender+Utilities.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
C3CA3B2E255CF84E00F4C6D4 /* NullMessage.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = NullMessage.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
C3D0972A2510499C00F6E3E4 /* BackgroundPoller.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = BackgroundPoller.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
C3D697372564DCE6004AF766 /* MessageHandler.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = MessageHandler.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
C3D697492564DEDC004AF766 /* MessageHandler.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = MessageHandler.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
C3DAB3232480CB2A00725F25 /* SRCopyableLabel.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SRCopyableLabel.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
C3DFFAC523E96F0D0058DAF8 /* Sheet.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Sheet.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
C3E5C2F9251DBABB0040DFFC /* EditClosedGroupVC.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = EditClosedGroupVC.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -2705,6 +2709,7 @@
C3471ECA2555356A00297E91 /* MessageSender+Encryption.swift */,
C300A5FB2554B0A000555489 /* MessageReceiver.swift */,
C3471F4B25553AB000297E91 /* MessageReceiver+Decryption.swift */,
C3D697372564DCE6004AF766 /* MessageHandler.swift */,
path = "Sending & Receiving";
sourceTree = "<group>";
@ -3811,6 +3816,7 @@
C3550A02255DD6D900194B6A /* AppDelegate+OpenGroupAPI.swift */,
C3F0A62B255C9937007BE2A3 /* AppDelegate+SharedSenderKeys.swift */,
C3F0A5EB255C970D007BE2A3 /* Configuration.swift */,
C3D697492564DEDC004AF766 /* MessageHandler.swift */,
B8CCF63B239757C10091D419 /* Components */,
C31F812425258F9C00DD9FD9 /* Database */,
C32B405424A961E1001117B5 /* Dependencies */,
@ -5208,6 +5214,7 @@
C352A349255781F400338F3E /* AttachmentDownloadJob.swift in Sources */,
C352A30925574D8500338F3E /* Message+Destination.swift in Sources */,
C300A5E72554B07300555489 /* ExpirationTimerUpdate.swift in Sources */,
C3D697382564DCE6004AF766 /* MessageHandler.swift in Sources */,
C352A2FF25574B6300338F3E /* MessageSendJob.swift in Sources */,
C3C2A75F2553A3C500C340D1 /* VisibleMessage+LinkPreview.swift in Sources */,
C3C2A74425539EB700C340D1 /* Message.swift in Sources */,
@ -5380,6 +5387,7 @@
458E38371D668EBF0094BD24 /* OWSDeviceProvisioningURLParser.m in Sources */,
34B6A905218B4C91007C4606 /* TypingIndicatorInteraction.swift in Sources */,
2400888E239F30A600305217 /* SessionRestorationView.swift in Sources */,
C3D6974A2564DEDC004AF766 /* MessageHandler.swift in Sources */,
B886B4A72398B23E00211ABE /* QRCodeVC.swift in Sources */,
34EA69402194933900702471 /* MediaDownloadView.swift in Sources */,
B8544E3323D50E4900299F14 /* AppearanceUtilities.swift in Sources */,

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ public final class ClosedGroupsProtocol : NSObject {
Storage.writeSync { transaction in
let allOldRatchets = Storage.getAllClosedGroupRatchets(for: groupPublicKey)
for (senderPublicKey, oldRatchet) in allOldRatchets {
let collection = Storage.ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType.old
let collection = ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType.old
Storage.setClosedGroupRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: senderPublicKey, ratchet: oldRatchet, in: collection, using: transaction)
// Delete all ratchets (it's important that this happens * after * sending out the update)
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ public final class ClosedGroupsProtocol : NSObject {
if Set(members).intersection(oldMembers) != Set(oldMembers) {
let allOldRatchets = Storage.getAllClosedGroupRatchets(for: groupPublicKey)
for (senderPublicKey, oldRatchet) in allOldRatchets {
let collection = Storage.ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType.old
let collection = ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType.old
Storage.setClosedGroupRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: senderPublicKey, ratchet: oldRatchet, in: collection, using: transaction)
Storage.removeAllClosedGroupRatchets(for: groupPublicKey, using: transaction)

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ public final class LokiPushNotificationManager : NSObject {
static func performOperation(_ operation: ClosedGroupOperation, for closedGroupPublicKey: String, publicKey: String) -> Promise<Void> {
public static func performOperation(_ operation: ClosedGroupOperation, for closedGroupPublicKey: String, publicKey: String) -> Promise<Void> {
let isUsingFullAPNs = UserDefaults.standard[.isUsingFullAPNs]
guard isUsingFullAPNs else { return Promise<Void> { $0.fulfill(()) } }
let parameters = [ "closedGroupPublicKey" : closedGroupPublicKey, "pubKey" : publicKey]

@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
public extension Storage {
internal enum ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType {
case old, current
// MARK: Ratchets
internal static func getClosedGroupRatchetCollection(_ collection: ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType, for groupPublicKey: String) -> String {
switch collection {
@ -27,7 +23,7 @@ public extension Storage {
transaction.setObject(ratchet, forKey: senderPublicKey, inCollection: collection)
internal static func getAllClosedGroupRatchets(for groupPublicKey: String, from collection: ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType = .current) -> [(senderPublicKey: String, ratchet: ClosedGroupRatchet)] {
public static func getAllClosedGroupRatchets(for groupPublicKey: String, from collection: ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType = .current) -> [(senderPublicKey: String, ratchet: ClosedGroupRatchet)] {
let collection = getClosedGroupRatchetCollection(collection, for: groupPublicKey)
var result: [(senderPublicKey: String, ratchet: ClosedGroupRatchet)] = []
read { transaction in
@ -45,7 +41,7 @@ public extension Storage {
internal static func removeAllClosedGroupRatchets(for groupPublicKey: String, from collection: ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType = .current, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
public static func removeAllClosedGroupRatchets(for groupPublicKey: String, from collection: ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType = .current, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
let collection = getClosedGroupRatchetCollection(collection, for: groupPublicKey)
transaction.removeAllObjects(inCollection: collection)

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ public extension TSIncomingMessage {
static func from(_ visibleMessage: VisibleMessage, associatedWith thread: TSThread, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> TSIncomingMessage {
let sender = visibleMessage.sender!
return TSIncomingMessage(
let result = TSIncomingMessage(
timestamp: visibleMessage.receivedTimestamp!,
in: thread,
authorId: sender,
@ -16,5 +16,7 @@ public extension TSIncomingMessage {
serverTimestamp: nil,
wasReceivedByUD: true
result.openGroupServerMessageID = visibleMessage.openGroupServerMessageID ?? 0
return result
