You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import PromiseKit
public final class LokiPushNotificationManager : NSObject {
// MARK: Settings
private static let server = ""
private static let server = ""
internal static let pnServerPublicKey = "642a6585919742e5a2d4dc51244964fbcd8bcab2b75612407de58b810740d049"
private static let maxRetryCount: UInt = 4
private static let tokenExpirationInterval: TimeInterval = 12 * 60 * 60
public enum ClosedGroupOperation: String {
case subscribe = "subscribe_closed_group"
case unsubscribe = "unsubscribe_closed_group"
// MARK: Initialization
private override init() { }
// MARK: Registration
/// Unregisters the user from push notifications. Only the user's device token is needed for this.
static func unregister(with token: Data, isForcedUpdate: Bool) -> Promise<Void> {
let hexEncodedToken = token.toHexString()
let parameters = [ "token" : hexEncodedToken ]
let url = URL(string: "\(server)/unregister")!
let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "POST", parameters: parameters)
request.allHTTPHeaderFields = [ "Content-Type" : "application/json" ]
let promise: Promise<Void> = attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: {
OnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(request, to: server, target: "/loki/v2/lsrpc", using: pnServerPublicKey).map2 { response in
guard let json = response["body"] as? JSON else {
return print("[Loki] Couldn't unregister from push notifications.")
guard json["code"] as? Int != 0 else {
return print("[Loki] Couldn't unregister from push notifications due to error: \(json["message"] as? String ?? "nil").")
promise.catch2 { error in
print("[Loki] Couldn't unregister from push notifications.")
// Unsubscribe from all closed groups
Storage.getUserClosedGroupPublicKeys().forEach { closedGroup in
performOperation(.unsubscribe, for: closedGroup, publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey())
return promise
/// Unregisters the user from push notifications. Only the user's device token is needed for this.
public static func objc_unregister(with token: Data, isForcedUpdate: Bool) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(unregister(with: token, isForcedUpdate: isForcedUpdate))
/// Registers the user for push notifications. Requires the user's device
/// token and their Session ID.
static func register(with token: Data, publicKey: String, isForcedUpdate: Bool) -> Promise<Void> {
let hexEncodedToken = token.toHexString()
let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
let oldToken = userDefaults[.deviceToken]
let lastUploadTime = userDefaults[.lastDeviceTokenUpload]
let now = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
guard isForcedUpdate || hexEncodedToken != oldToken || now - lastUploadTime > tokenExpirationInterval else {
print("[Loki] Device token hasn't changed or expired; no need to re-upload.")
return Promise<Void> { $0.fulfill(()) }
let parameters = [ "token" : hexEncodedToken, "pubKey" : publicKey]
let url = URL(string: "\(server)/register")!
let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "POST", parameters: parameters)
request.allHTTPHeaderFields = [ "Content-Type" : "application/json" ]
let promise: Promise<Void> = attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: {
OnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(request, to: server, target: "/loki/v2/lsrpc", using: pnServerPublicKey).map2 { response in
guard let json = response["body"] as? JSON else {
return print("[Loki] Couldn't register device token.")
guard json["code"] as? Int != 0 else {
return print("[Loki] Couldn't register device token due to error: \(json["message"] as? String ?? "nil").")
userDefaults[.deviceToken] = hexEncodedToken
userDefaults[.lastDeviceTokenUpload] = now
userDefaults[.isUsingFullAPNs] = true
promise.catch2 { error in
print("[Loki] Couldn't register device token.")
// Subscribe to all closed groups
Storage.getUserClosedGroupPublicKeys().forEach { closedGroup in
performOperation(.subscribe, for: closedGroup, publicKey: publicKey)
return promise
/// Registers the user for push notifications. Requires the user's device
/// token and their Session ID.
public static func objc_register(with token: Data, publicKey: String, isForcedUpdate: Bool) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(register(with: token, publicKey: publicKey, isForcedUpdate: isForcedUpdate))
public static func performOperation(_ operation: ClosedGroupOperation, for closedGroupPublicKey: String, publicKey: String) -> Promise<Void> {
let isUsingFullAPNs = UserDefaults.standard[.isUsingFullAPNs]
guard isUsingFullAPNs else { return Promise<Void> { $0.fulfill(()) } }
let parameters = [ "closedGroupPublicKey" : closedGroupPublicKey, "pubKey" : publicKey]
let url = URL(string: "\(server)/\(operation.rawValue)")!
let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "POST", parameters: parameters)
request.allHTTPHeaderFields = [ "Content-Type" : "application/json" ]
let promise: Promise<Void> = attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: {
OnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(request, to: server, target: "/loki/v2/lsrpc", using: pnServerPublicKey).map2 { response in
guard let json = response["body"] as? JSON else {
return print("[Loki] Couldn't subscribe/unsubscribe closed group: \(closedGroupPublicKey).")
guard json["code"] as? Int != 0 else {
return print("[Loki] Couldn't subscribe/unsubscribe for closed group: \(closedGroupPublicKey) due to error: \(json["message"] as? String ?? "nil").")
promise.catch2 { error in
print("[Loki] Couldn't subscribe/unsubscribe closed group: \(closedGroupPublicKey).")
return promise