Fixed a couple of QA issues

Forced the user config feature to be on (for testing)
Fixed a bug where triggering the 'Delete for everyone' functionality would incorrectly try to delete from the recipient swarm (not possible)
Fixed a bug where the 'profileNamePublisher' could only be set once resulting in potential issues if you try to restore different accounts within the same session
Re-added the limit to the number of reactions to display before collapsing to make it consistent with the designs and other platforms
Updated the SnodeAPI to ensure that when it retries it will actually select a new snode
Morgan Pretty 1 year ago
parent 19eddd79a1
commit 3f362a71f3

@ -1921,6 +1921,10 @@ extension ConversationVC:
case .contact, .legacyGroup, .group:
let targetPublicKey: String = (cellViewModel.threadVariant == .contact ?
userPublicKey :
let serverHash: String? = { db -> String? in
try Interaction
@ -1996,16 +2000,7 @@ extension ConversationVC:
accessibilityIdentifier: "Delete for everyone",
style: .destructive
) { [weak self] _ in
from: self,
request: SnodeAPI
publicKey: cellViewModel.threadId,
serverHashes: [serverHash]
.map { _ in () }
) { [weak self] in
let completeServerDeletion = { [weak self] in
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
try MessageSender
@ -2019,6 +2014,22 @@ extension ConversationVC:
// We can only delete messages on the server for `contact` and `group` conversations
guard cellViewModel.threadVariant == .contact || cellViewModel.threadVariant == .group else {
return completeServerDeletion()
from: self,
request: SnodeAPI
publicKey: targetPublicKey,
serverHashes: [serverHash]
.map { _ in () }
) { completeServerDeletion() }
actionSheet.addAction(UIAlertAction.init(title: "TXT_CANCEL_TITLE".localized(), style: .cancel) { [weak self] _ in

@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ final class ReactionContainerView: UIView {
private static let arrowSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: 15, height: 13)
private static let arrowSpacing: CGFloat = Values.verySmallSpacing
// We have explicit limits on the number of emoji which should be displayed before they
// automatically get collapsed, these values are consistent across platforms so are set
// here (even though the logic will automatically calculate and limit to a single line
// of reactions dynamically for the size of the view)
private static let numCollapsedEmoji: Int = 4
private static let maxEmojiBeforeCollapse: Int = 6
private var maxWidth: CGFloat = 0
private var collapsedCount: Int = 0
private var showingAllReactions: Bool = false
@ -173,7 +180,10 @@ final class ReactionContainerView: UIView {
numReactions += 1
return numReactions
return (numReactions > ReactionContainerView.maxEmojiBeforeCollapse ?
ReactionContainerView.numCollapsedEmoji :
self.showNumbers = showNumbers
self.reactionViews = []

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ public struct SessionApp {

@ -86,6 +86,12 @@ final class LinkDeviceVC: BaseVC, UIPageViewControllerDataSource, UIPageViewCont
scanQRCodePlaceholderVC.constrainHeight(to: height)
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
tabBarTopConstraint.constant = navigationController!.navigationBar.height()

@ -8,25 +8,37 @@ import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SessionMessagingKit
enum Onboarding {
private static let profileNameRetrievalPublisher: Atomic<AnyPublisher<String?, Error>> = {
private static let profileNameRetrievalIdentifier: Atomic<UUID?> = Atomic(nil)
private static let profileNameRetrievalPublisher: Atomic<AnyPublisher<String?, Error>?> = Atomic(nil)
public static var profileNamePublisher: AnyPublisher<String?, Error> {
guard let existingPublisher: AnyPublisher<String?, Error> = profileNameRetrievalPublisher.wrappedValue else {
return profileNameRetrievalPublisher.mutate { value in
let requestId: UUID = UUID()
let result: AnyPublisher<String?, Error> = createProfileNameRetrievalPublisher(requestId)
value = result
profileNameRetrievalIdentifier.mutate { $0 = requestId }
return result
return existingPublisher
private static func createProfileNameRetrievalPublisher(_ requestId: UUID) -> AnyPublisher<String?, Error> {
// FIXME: Remove this once `useSharedUtilForUserConfig` is permanent
guard SessionUtil.userConfigsEnabled else {
return Atomic(
return Just(nil)
.setFailureType(to: Error.self)
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
return Atomic(
SnodeAPI.getSwarm(for: userPublicKey)
return SnodeAPI.getSwarm(for: userPublicKey)
.subscribe(on: .userInitiated))
.tryFlatMap { swarm -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error> in
guard let snode = swarm.randomElement() else { throw SnodeAPIError.generic }
return CurrentUserPoller
.tryFlatMapWithRandomSnode { snode -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error> in
namespaces: [.configUserProfile],
from: snode,
@ -39,7 +51,10 @@ enum Onboarding {
.tryFlatMap { receivedMessageTypes -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error> in
// FIXME: Remove this entire 'tryFlatMap' once the updated user config has been released for long enough
guard receivedMessageTypes.isEmpty else {
requestId == profileNameRetrievalIdentifier.wrappedValue
else {
return Just(())
.setFailureType(to: Error.self)
@ -63,7 +78,8 @@ enum Onboarding {
let message: ConfigurationMessage = receivedMessageTypes
.last(where: { $0 is ConfigurationMessage })
let displayName: String = message.displayName
let displayName: String = message.displayName,
requestId == profileNameRetrievalIdentifier.wrappedValue
else { return () }
// Handle user profile changes
@ -93,8 +109,12 @@ enum Onboarding {
.flatMap { _ -> AnyPublisher<String?, Error> in
Storage.shared.readPublisher { db in
.map { _ -> String? in
guard requestId == profileNameRetrievalIdentifier.wrappedValue else {
return nil
return { db in
try Profile
.filter(id: userPublicKey)
@ -104,15 +124,36 @@ enum Onboarding {
public static var profileNamePublisher: AnyPublisher<String?, Error> {
enum Flow {
case register, recover, link
/// If the user returns to an earlier screen during Onboarding we might need to clear out a partially created
/// account (eg. returning from the PN setting screen to the seed entry screen when linking a device)
func unregister() {
// Clear the in-memory state from SessionUtil
// Clear any data which gets set during Onboarding
Storage.shared.write { db in
db[.hasViewedSeed] = false
try SessionThread.deleteAll(db)
try Profile.deleteAll(db)
try Contact.deleteAll(db)
try Identity.deleteAll(db)
try ConfigDump.deleteAll(db)
try SnodeReceivedMessageInfo.deleteAll(db)
// Clear the profile name retrieve publisher
profileNameRetrievalIdentifier.mutate { $0 = nil }
profileNameRetrievalPublisher.mutate { $0 = nil }
UserDefaults.standard[.hasSyncedInitialConfiguration] = false
func preregister(with seed: Data, ed25519KeyPair: KeyPair, x25519KeyPair: KeyPair) {
let x25519PublicKey = x25519KeyPair.hexEncodedPublicKey

@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ final class PNModeVC: BaseVC, OptionViewDelegate {
// If we don't have one then show a loading indicator and try to retrieve the existing name
ModalActivityIndicatorViewController.present(fromViewController: self) { viewController in
ModalActivityIndicatorViewController.present(fromViewController: self) { [weak self, flow = self.flow] viewController in
.timeout(.seconds(15), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main, customError: { HTTPError.timeout })
.catch { _ -> AnyPublisher<String?, Error> in
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ final class PNModeVC: BaseVC, OptionViewDelegate {
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
receiveValue: { [weak self, flow = self.flow] value in
receiveValue: { value in
// Hide the loading indicator
viewController.dismiss(animated: true)

@ -151,6 +151,12 @@ final class RegisterVC : BaseVC {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// MARK: General
@objc private func enableCopyButton() {
copyPublicKeyButton.isUserInteractionEnabled = true

@ -128,8 +128,15 @@ final class RestoreVC: BaseVC {
notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(handleKeyboardWillHideNotification(_:)), name: UIResponder.keyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil)
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// On small screens we hide the legal label when the keyboard is up, but it's important that the user sees it so
// in those instances we don't make the keyboard come up automatically
if !isIPhone5OrSmaller {

@ -67,10 +67,8 @@ public final class BackgroundPoller {
return SnodeAPI.getSwarm(for: userPublicKey)
.subscribeOnMain(immediately: true)
.receiveOnMain(immediately: true)
.tryFlatMap { swarm -> AnyPublisher<[Message], Error> in
guard let snode = swarm.randomElement() else { throw SnodeAPIError.generic }
return CurrentUserPoller.poll(
.tryFlatMapWithRandomSnode { snode -> AnyPublisher<[Message], Error> in
namespaces: CurrentUserPoller.namespaces,
from: snode,
for: userPublicKey,

@ -846,10 +846,9 @@ public extension Interaction {
.asRequest(of: Attachment.DescriptionInfo.self)
attachmentCount: try? attachments.fetchCount(db),
isOpenGroupInvitation: (try? linkPreview
isOpenGroupInvitation: linkPreview
.filter(LinkPreview.Columns.variant == LinkPreview.Variant.openGroupInvitation)
.defaulting(to: false)
case .infoMediaSavedNotification, .infoScreenshotNotification, .infoCall:

@ -31,7 +31,16 @@ public enum MessageSendJob: JobExecutor {
// so extract them from any associated attachments
var messageFileIds: [String] = []
if details.message is VisibleMessage {
/// Ensure any associated attachments have already been uploaded before sending the message
/// **Note:** Reactions reference their original message so we need to ignore this logic for reaction messages to ensure we don't
/// incorrectly re-upload incoming attachments that the user reacted to, we also want to exclude "sync" messages since they should
/// already have attachments in a valid state
details.message is VisibleMessage,
(details.message as? VisibleMessage)?.reaction == nil &&
details.isSyncMessage == false
let jobId: Int64 =,
let interactionId: Int64 = job.interactionId

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import SessionUtilitiesKit
public extension Features {
static func useSharedUtilForUserConfig(_ db: Database? = nil) -> Bool {
return true
// TODO: Need to set this timestamp to the correct date (currently start of 2030)
// guard Date().timeIntervalSince1970 < 1893456000 else { return true }
guard !SessionUtil.hasCheckedMigrationsCompleted.wrappedValue else {
@ -141,6 +142,15 @@ public enum SessionUtil {
// MARK: - Loading
public static func clearMemoryState() {
// Ensure we have a loaded state before we continue
guard !SessionUtil.configStore.wrappedValue.isEmpty else { return }
SessionUtil.configStore.mutate { confStore in
public static func loadState(
_ db: Database? = nil,
userPublicKey: String,

@ -639,10 +639,8 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
return getSwarm(for: publicKey)
.tryFlatMap { swarm -> AnyPublisher<(ResponseInfoType, SendMessagesResponse), Error> in
guard let snode: Snode = swarm.randomElement() else { throw SnodeAPIError.generic }
return try sendMessage(to: snode)
.tryFlatMapWithRandomSnode(retry: maxRetryCount) { snode -> AnyPublisher<(ResponseInfoType, SendMessagesResponse), Error> in
try sendMessage(to: snode)
.tryMap { info, response -> (ResponseInfoType, SendMessagesResponse) in
try response.validateResultMap(
sodium: sodium.wrappedValue,
@ -651,11 +649,8 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
return (info, response)
public static func sendConfigMessages(
@ -732,10 +727,8 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
let responseTypes = { $0.responseType }
return getSwarm(for: publicKey)
.tryFlatMap { swarm -> AnyPublisher<HTTP.BatchResponse, Error> in
guard let snode: Snode = swarm.randomElement() else { throw SnodeAPIError.generic }
return SnodeAPI
.tryFlatMapWithRandomSnode(retry: maxRetryCount) { snode -> AnyPublisher<HTTP.BatchResponse, Error> in
request: SnodeRequest(
endpoint: .sequence,
@ -749,8 +742,6 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
.decoded(as: responseTypes, requireAllResults: false, using: dependencies)
// MARK: - Edit
@ -768,10 +759,8 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
return getSwarm(for: publicKey)
.subscribe(on: Threading.workQueue)
.tryFlatMap { swarm -> AnyPublisher<[String: [(hash: String, expiry: UInt64)]], Error> in
guard let snode: Snode = swarm.randomElement() else { throw SnodeAPIError.generic }
return SnodeAPI
.tryFlatMapWithRandomSnode(retry: maxRetryCount) { snode -> AnyPublisher<[String: [(hash: String, expiry: UInt64)]], Error> in
request: SnodeRequest(
endpoint: .expire,
@ -796,11 +785,8 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
validationData: serverHashes
public static func revokeSubkey(
@ -815,10 +801,8 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
return getSwarm(for: publicKey)
.subscribe(on: Threading.workQueue)
.tryFlatMap { swarm -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error> in
guard let snode: Snode = swarm.randomElement() else { throw SnodeAPIError.generic }
return SnodeAPI
.tryFlatMapWithRandomSnode(retry: maxRetryCount) { snode -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error> in
request: SnodeRequest(
endpoint: .revokeSubkey,
@ -843,11 +827,8 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
return ()
// MARK: Delete
@ -866,15 +847,7 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
return getSwarm(for: publicKey)
.subscribe(on: Threading.workQueue)
.flatMap { swarm -> AnyPublisher<[String: Bool], Error> in
.setFailureType(to: Error.self)
.tryMap { _ -> Snode in
guard let snode: Snode = swarm.randomElement() else { throw SnodeAPIError.generic }
return snode
.flatMap { snode -> AnyPublisher<[String: Bool], Error> in
.tryFlatMapWithRandomSnode(retry: maxRetryCount) { snode -> AnyPublisher<[String: Bool], Error> in
request: SnodeRequest(
@ -891,8 +864,6 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
associatedWith: publicKey,
using: dependencies
.subscribe(on: Threading.workQueue)
.decoded(as: DeleteMessagesResponse.self, using: dependencies)
.tryMap { _, response -> [String: Bool] in
let validResultMap: [String: Bool] = try response.validResultMap(
@ -914,13 +885,8 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
return validResultMap
/// Clears all the user's data from their swarm. Returns a dictionary of snode public key to deletion confirmation.
@ -937,10 +903,8 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
return getSwarm(for: userX25519PublicKey)
.subscribe(on: Threading.workQueue)
.tryFlatMap { swarm -> AnyPublisher<[String: Bool], Error> in
guard let snode: Snode = swarm.randomElement() else { throw SnodeAPIError.generic }
return getNetworkTime(from: snode)
.tryFlatMapWithRandomSnode(retry: maxRetryCount) { snode -> AnyPublisher<[String: Bool], Error> in
getNetworkTime(from: snode)
.flatMap { timestampMs -> AnyPublisher<[String: Bool], Error> in
@ -968,11 +932,8 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
/// Clears all the user's data from their swarm. Returns a dictionary of snode public key to deletion confirmation.
@ -990,10 +951,8 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
return getSwarm(for: userX25519PublicKey)
.subscribe(on: Threading.workQueue)
.tryFlatMap { swarm -> AnyPublisher<[String: Bool], Error> in
guard let snode: Snode = swarm.randomElement() else { throw SnodeAPIError.generic }
return getNetworkTime(from: snode)
.tryFlatMapWithRandomSnode(retry: maxRetryCount) { snode -> AnyPublisher<[String: Bool], Error> in
getNetworkTime(from: snode)
.flatMap { timestampMs -> AnyPublisher<[String: Bool], Error> in
@ -1022,11 +981,8 @@ public final class SnodeAPI {
// MARK: - Internal API
@ -1377,3 +1333,31 @@ public final class SNSnodeAPI: NSObject {
return UInt64(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs())
// MARK: - Convenience
public extension Publisher where Output == Set<Snode> {
func tryFlatMapWithRandomSnode<T, P>(
maxPublishers: Subscribers.Demand = .unlimited,
retry retries: Int = 0,
_ transform: @escaping (Snode) throws -> P
) -> AnyPublisher<T, Error> where T == P.Output, P: Publisher, P.Failure == Error {
return self
.mapError { $0 }
.flatMap(maxPublishers: maxPublishers) { swarm -> AnyPublisher<T, Error> in
var remainingSnodes: Set<Snode> = swarm
return Just(())
.setFailureType(to: Error.self)
.tryFlatMap(maxPublishers: maxPublishers) { _ -> AnyPublisher<T, Error> in
let snode: Snode = try remainingSnodes.popRandomElement() ?? { throw SnodeAPIError.generic }()
return try transform(snode)

@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public extension AnyPublisher {
// MARK: - Data Decoding
public extension AnyPublisher where Output == Data, Failure == Error {
public extension Publisher where Output == Data, Failure == Error {
func decoded<R: Decodable>(
as type: R.Type,
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public extension AnyPublisher where Output == Data, Failure == Error {
public extension AnyPublisher where Output == (ResponseInfoType, Data?), Failure == Error {
public extension Publisher where Output == (ResponseInfoType, Data?), Failure == Error {
func decoded<R: Decodable>(
as type: R.Type,
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()

@ -29,4 +29,11 @@ public extension Set {
return updatedSet
mutating func popRandomElement() -> Element? {
guard let value: Element = randomElement() else { return nil }
return value

@ -537,6 +537,11 @@ private final class JobQueue {
queue.mutate { $0.append(job) }
// If this is a concurrent queue then we should immediately start the next job
guard executionType == .concurrent else { return }
/// Upsert a job onto the queue, if the queue isn't currently running and 'canStartJob' is true then this will start

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public extension Decodable {
public extension AnyPublisher where Output == (ResponseInfoType, Data?), Failure == Error {
public extension Publisher where Output == (ResponseInfoType, Data?), Failure == Error {
func decoded(
as types: HTTP.BatchResponseTypes,
requireAllResults: Bool = true,
