Addressed PR changes

Added NVActivityIndicatorView to the SessionShareExtension.
Removed the SignalAttachmentType.
Morgan Pretty 3 years ago
parent a7661da41a
commit 2fedba4cea

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ target 'SessionShareExtension' do
pod 'CryptoSwift', :inhibit_warnings => true
pod 'Curve25519Kit', git: '', :inhibit_warnings => true
pod 'Mantle', git: '', branch: 'signal-master', :inhibit_warnings => true
pod 'NVActivityIndicatorView', :inhibit_warnings => true
pod 'PromiseKit', :inhibit_warnings => true
pod 'PureLayout', '~> 3.1.8', :inhibit_warnings => true
pod 'SignalCoreKit', git: '', :inhibit_warnings => true

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ PODS:
- NVActivityIndicatorView (5.0.1):
- NVActivityIndicatorView/Base (= 5.0.1)
- NVActivityIndicatorView/Base (5.0.1)
- OpenSSL-Universal (1.1.1200)
- PromiseKit (6.13.1):
- PromiseKit/CorePromise (= 6.13.1)
- PromiseKit/Foundation (= 6.13.1)
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ PODS:
- SAMKeychain (1.5.3)
- SignalCoreKit (1.0.0):
- CocoaLumberjack
- GRKOpenSSLFramework
- OpenSSL-Universal
- Sodium (0.8.0)
- SQLCipher (4.4.0):
- SQLCipher/standard (= 4.4.0)
@ -147,6 +148,7 @@ SPEC REPOS:
- GRKOpenSSLFramework
- NVActivityIndicatorView
- OpenSSL-Universal
- PromiseKit
- PureLayout
- Reachability
@ -196,11 +198,12 @@ SPEC CHECKSUMS:
HKDFKit: c058305d6f64b84f28c50bd7aa89574625bcb62a
Mantle: 2fa750afa478cd625a94230fbf1c13462f29395b
NVActivityIndicatorView: 738e843cb8924e9e4fc3e559d0728031624bf860
OpenSSL-Universal: 3b8c0d6268fbd5d3ac44f97338e2fd16a73d9dbf
PromiseKit: 28fda91c973cc377875d8c0ea4f973013c05b6db
PureLayout: a4afb3d79dd958564ce33d22c89f407280d8e6a8
Reachability: 33e18b67625424e47b6cde6d202dce689ad7af96
SAMKeychain: 483e1c9f32984d50ca961e26818a534283b4cd5c
SignalCoreKit: 4562b2bbd9830077439ca003f952a798457d4ea5
SignalCoreKit: 1fbd8732163ef76de16cd1107d1fa3684b607e5d
Sodium: 63c0ca312a932e6da481689537d4b35568841bdc
SQLCipher: e434ed542b24f38ea7b36468a13f9765e1b5c072
SwiftProtobuf: 241400280f912735c1e1b9fe675fdd2c6c4d42e2
@ -208,6 +211,6 @@ SPEC CHECKSUMS:
YYImage: 6db68da66f20d9f169ceb94dfb9947c3867b9665
ZXingObjC: fdbb269f25dd2032da343e06f10224d62f537bdb
PODFILE CHECKSUM: 50e6a35c838ba28d2ee02bc6018fdd297c04e55f
PODFILE CHECKSUM: e7aa4e20c8329a413eadd5e6f0d900340810f4c7

@ -20,18 +20,6 @@ public enum SignalAttachmentError: Error {
case couldNotResizeImage
public enum SignalAttachmentType: Int {
case text
case oversizeText
case image
case animatedImage
case video
case audio
case url
case unknown
extension String {
public var filenameWithoutExtension: String {
return (self as NSString).deletingPathExtension
@ -447,19 +435,6 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
return audioUTISet.union(videoUTISet).union(animatedImageUTISet).union(inputImageUTISet)
public var fileType: SignalAttachmentType {
if isAnimatedImage { return .animatedImage }
if isImage { return .image }
if isVideo { return .video }
if isAudio { return .audio }
if isUrl { return .url }
if isOversizeText { return .oversizeText }
if isText { return .text }
return .unknown
public var isImage: Bool {
return SignalAttachment.outputImageUTISet.contains(dataUTI)

@ -44,37 +44,36 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
private lazy var validImage: UIImage? = {
switch attachment.fileType {
case .image:
let image: UIImage = attachment.image(),
image.size.width > 0,
image.size.height > 0
else {
return nil
return image
case .video:
let image: UIImage = attachment.videoPreview(),
image.size.width > 0,
image.size.height > 0
else {
return nil
if attachment.isImage {
let image: UIImage = attachment.image(),
image.size.width > 0,
image.size.height > 0
else {
return nil
return image
return image
else if attachment.isVideo {
let image: UIImage = attachment.videoPreview(),
image.size.width > 0,
image.size.height > 0
else {
return nil
default: return nil
return image
return nil
private lazy var validAnimatedImage: YYImage? = {
attachment.fileType == .animatedImage,
let dataUrl: URL = attachment.dataUrl,
let image: YYImage = YYImage(contentsOfFile: dataUrl.path),
@ -153,22 +152,19 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
view.isHidden = true
// Override the image to the correct one
switch attachment.fileType {
case .image, .video:
if let validImage: UIImage = validImage {
view.layer.minificationFilter = .trilinear
view.layer.magnificationFilter = .trilinear
view.image = validImage
case .url:
view.clipsToBounds = true
view.image = UIImage(named: "Link")?.withTint(Colors.text)
view.contentMode = .center
view.backgroundColor = (isDarkMode ? .black :
view.layer.cornerRadius = 8
default: break
if attachment.isImage || attachment.isVideo {
if let validImage: UIImage = validImage {
view.layer.minificationFilter = .trilinear
view.layer.magnificationFilter = .trilinear
view.image = validImage
else if attachment.isUrl {
view.clipsToBounds = true
view.image = UIImage(named: "Link")?.withTint(Colors.text)
view.contentMode = .center
view.backgroundColor = (isDarkMode ? .black :
view.layer.cornerRadius = 8
return view
@ -225,7 +221,7 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
let stackView: UIStackView = UIStackView()
stackView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
stackView.axis = .vertical
stackView.alignment = (attachment.fileType == .url ? .leading : .center)
stackView.alignment = (attachment.isUrl ? .leading : .center)
stackView.distribution = .fill
switch mode {
@ -257,35 +253,33 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
// Content
switch attachment.fileType {
case .image, .animatedImage, .video: break // No title for these
case .url:
// If we have no link preview info at this point then assume link previews are disabled
guard let linkPreviewURL: String = linkPreviewInfo?.url else {
label.text = "vc_share_link_previews_disabled_title".localized()
if attachment.isUrl {
// If we have no link preview info at this point then assume link previews are disabled
if let linkPreviewURL: String = linkPreviewInfo?.url {
label.font = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: Values.smallFontSize)
label.text = linkPreviewURL
label.textAlignment = .left
label.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingTail
label.numberOfLines = 2
else {
label.text = "vc_share_link_previews_disabled_title".localized()
// Title for everything except these types
else if !attachment.isImage && !attachment.isAnimatedImage && !attachment.isVideo {
if let fileName: String = attachment.sourceFilename?.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines), fileName.count > 0 {
label.text = fileName
else if let fileExtension: String = attachment.fileExtension {
label.text = String(
if let fileName: String = attachment.sourceFilename?.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines), fileName.count > 0 {
label.text = fileName
else if let fileExtension: String = attachment.fileExtension {
label.text = String(
label.textAlignment = .center
label.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingMiddle
label.textAlignment = .center
label.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingMiddle
// Hide the label if it has no content
@ -314,32 +308,30 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
// Content
switch attachment.fileType {
case .image, .animatedImage, .video: break // No size for these
case .url:
// If we have no link preview info at this point then assume link previews are disabled
guard let linkPreviewURL: String = linkPreviewInfo?.url else {
label.text = "vc_share_link_previews_disabled_explanation".localized()
label.textColor = Colors.text
label.textAlignment = .center
label.numberOfLines = 0
// We only load Link Previews for HTTPS urls so append an explanation for not
if attachment.isUrl {
// We only load Link Previews for HTTPS urls so append an explanation for not
if let linkPreviewURL: String = linkPreviewInfo?.url {
if let targetUrl: URL = URL(string: linkPreviewURL), targetUrl.scheme?.lowercased() != "https" {
label.font = UIFont.ows_regularFont(withSize: Values.verySmallFontSize)
label.text = "vc_share_link_previews_unsecure".localized()
label.textColor = (mode == .attachmentApproval ? Colors.pinIcon : Colors.accent)
// Format string for file size label in call interstitial view.
// Embeds: {{file size as 'N mb' or 'N kb'}}.
let fileSize: UInt = attachment.dataLength
label.text = String(format: "ATTACHMENT_APPROVAL_FILE_SIZE_FORMAT".localized(), OWSFormat.formatFileSize(UInt(fileSize)))
// If we have no link preview info at this point then assume link previews are disabled
else {
label.text = "vc_share_link_previews_disabled_explanation".localized()
label.textColor = Colors.text
label.textAlignment = .center
label.numberOfLines = 0
// Subtitle for everything else except these types
else if !attachment.isImage && !attachment.isAnimatedImage && !attachment.isVideo {
// Format string for file size label in call interstitial view.
// Embeds: {{file size as 'N mb' or 'N kb'}}.
let fileSize: UInt = attachment.dataLength
label.text = String(format: "ATTACHMENT_APPROVAL_FILE_SIZE_FORMAT".localized(), OWSFormat.formatFileSize(UInt(fileSize)))
label.textAlignment = .center
// Hide the label if it has no content
@ -352,7 +344,7 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
private func setupViews() {
// Plain text will just be put in the 'message' input so do nothing
guard attachment.fileType != .text && attachment.fileType != .oversizeText else { return }
guard !attachment.isText && !attachment.isOversizeText else { return }
// Setup the view hierarchy
@ -370,95 +362,90 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
// Type-specific configurations
switch attachment.fileType {
case .animatedImage: animatedImageView.isHidden = false
case .image: imageView.isHidden = false
case .video:
// Note: The 'attachmentApproval' mode provides it's own play button to keep
// it at the proper scale when zooming
imageView.isHidden = false
videoPlayButton.isHidden = (mode == .attachmentApproval)
case .audio:
// Hide the 'audioPlayPauseButton' if the 'audioPlayer' failed to get created
imageView.isHidden = false
audioPlayPauseButton.isHidden = (audioPlayer == nil)
setAudioProgress(0, duration: (audioPlayer?.duration ?? 0))
fileTypeImageView.image = UIImage(named: "table_ic_notification_sound")?
fileTypeImageView.tintColor = Colors.text
fileTypeImageView.isHidden = false
// Note: There is an annoying bug where the MediaMessageView will fill the screen if the
// 'audioPlayPauseButton' is added anywhere within the view hierarchy causing issues with
// the min scale on 'image' and 'animatedImage' file types (assume it's actually any UIButton)
case .url:
imageView.isHidden = false
imageView.alpha = 0 // Not 'isHidden' because we want it to take up space in the UIStackView
loadingView.isHidden = false
if let linkPreviewUrl: String = linkPreviewInfo?.url {
// Don't want to change the axis until we have a URL to start loading, otherwise the
// error message will be broken
stackView.axis = .horizontal
loadLinkPreview(linkPreviewURL: linkPreviewUrl)
if attachment.isAnimatedImage {
animatedImageView.isHidden = false
else if attachment.isImage {
imageView.isHidden = false
else if attachment.isVideo {
// Note: The 'attachmentApproval' mode provides it's own play button to keep
// it at the proper scale when zooming
imageView.isHidden = false
videoPlayButton.isHidden = (mode == .attachmentApproval)
else if attachment.isAudio {
// Hide the 'audioPlayPauseButton' if the 'audioPlayer' failed to get created
imageView.isHidden = false
audioPlayPauseButton.isHidden = (audioPlayer == nil)
setAudioProgress(0, duration: (audioPlayer?.duration ?? 0))
fileTypeImageView.image = UIImage(named: "table_ic_notification_sound")?
fileTypeImageView.tintColor = Colors.text
fileTypeImageView.isHidden = false
// Note: There is an annoying bug where the MediaMessageView will fill the screen if the
// 'audioPlayPauseButton' is added anywhere within the view hierarchy causing issues with
// the min scale on 'image' and 'animatedImage' file types (assume it's actually any UIButton)
else if attachment.isUrl {
imageView.isHidden = false
imageView.alpha = 0 // Not 'isHidden' because we want it to take up space in the UIStackView
loadingView.isHidden = false
if let linkPreviewUrl: String = linkPreviewInfo?.url {
// Don't want to change the axis until we have a URL to start loading, otherwise the
// error message will be broken
stackView.axis = .horizontal
default: imageView.isHidden = false
loadLinkPreview(linkPreviewURL: linkPreviewUrl)
else {
imageView.isHidden = false
private func setupLayout() {
// Plain text will just be put in the 'message' input so do nothing
guard attachment.fileType != .text && attachment.fileType != .oversizeText else { return }
guard !attachment.isText && !attachment.isOversizeText else { return }
// Sizing calculations
let clampedRatio: CGFloat = {
switch attachment.fileType {
case .url: return 1
case .image, .video, .audio, .unknown:
let imageSize: CGSize = (imageView.image?.size ?? CGSize(width: 1, height: 1))
let aspectRatio: CGFloat = (imageSize.width / imageSize.height)
if attachment.isUrl {
return 1
return CGFloatClamp(aspectRatio, 0.05, 95.0)
if attachment.isAnimatedImage {
let imageSize: CGSize = (animatedImageView.image?.size ?? CGSize(width: 1, height: 1))
let aspectRatio: CGFloat = (imageSize.width / imageSize.height)
case .animatedImage:
let imageSize: CGSize = (animatedImageView.image?.size ?? CGSize(width: 1, height: 1))
let aspectRatio: CGFloat = (imageSize.width / imageSize.height)
return CGFloatClamp(aspectRatio, 0.05, 95.0)
return CGFloatClamp(aspectRatio, 0.05, 95.0)
// All other types should maintain the ratio of the image in the 'imageView'
let imageSize: CGSize = (imageView.image?.size ?? CGSize(width: 1, height: 1))
let aspectRatio: CGFloat = (imageSize.width / imageSize.height)
default: return 0
return CGFloatClamp(aspectRatio, 0.05, 95.0)
let maybeImageSize: CGFloat? = {
switch attachment.fileType {
case .image, .video:
if validImage != nil { return nil }
if attachment.isImage || attachment.isVideo {
if validImage != nil { return nil }
// If we don't have a valid image then use the 'generic' case
case .animatedImage:
if validAnimatedImage != nil { return nil }
// If we don't have a valid image then use the 'generic' case
case .url: return 80
// Use the 'generic' case for these
case .audio, .unknown: break
// If we don't have a valid image then use the 'generic' case
else if attachment.isAnimatedImage {
if validAnimatedImage != nil { return nil }
default: return nil
// If we don't have a valid image then use the 'generic' case
else if attachment.isUrl {
return 80
// Generic file size
@ -531,7 +518,7 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
// No inset for the text for URLs but there is for all other layouts
if (attachment.fileType != .url) {
if !attachment.isUrl {
titleLabel.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stackView.widthAnchor, constant: -(32 * 2)),
subtitleLabel.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stackView.widthAnchor, constant: -(32 * 2))
@ -541,7 +528,7 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
// Note: There is an annoying bug where the MediaMessageView will fill the screen if the
// 'audioPlayPauseButton' is added anywhere within the view hierarchy causing issues with
// the min scale on 'image' and 'animatedImage' file types (assume it's actually any UIButton)
if attachment.fileType == .audio {
if attachment.isAudio {
audioPlayPauseButton.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: imageView.centerXAnchor),
audioPlayPauseButton.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: imageView.centerYAnchor),
