You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
883 B

env GOPRIVATE=test/main
garble -debugdir ./test1 build
exists 'test1/test/main/imported/imported.go' 'test1/main/main.go'
! grep ImportedFunc $WORK/test1/test/main/imported/imported.go
! grep ImportedFunc $WORK/test1/main/main.go
! grep 'some comment' $WORK/test1/main/main.go
[short] stop
# Sources from previous builds should be deleted
cp $WORK/test1/main/main.go $WORK/test1/some_file_from_prev_build.go
garble -debugdir ./test1 build -v
stderr 'test/main' # we force rebuilds with -debugdir
! exists $WORK/test1/some_file_from_prev_build.go
-- go.mod --
module test/main
go 1.15
-- main.go --
package main
import "test/main/imported" // some comment
type someType int // some comment
var someVar = 0
type someStruct struct {
someField int // some comment
func main() {
-- imported/imported.go --
package imported
func ImportedFunc() {}