env GOPRIVATE=test/main garble -debugdir ./test1 build exists 'test1/test/main/imported/imported.go' 'test1/main/main.go' ! grep ImportedFunc $WORK/test1/test/main/imported/imported.go ! grep ImportedFunc $WORK/test1/main/main.go ! grep 'some comment' $WORK/test1/main/main.go [short] stop # Sources from previous builds should be deleted cp $WORK/test1/main/main.go $WORK/test1/some_file_from_prev_build.go garble -debugdir ./test1 build -v stderr 'test/main' # we force rebuilds with -debugdir ! exists $WORK/test1/some_file_from_prev_build.go -- go.mod -- module test/main go 1.15 -- main.go -- package main import "test/main/imported" // some comment type someType int // some comment var someVar = 0 type someStruct struct { someField int // some comment } func main() { imported.ImportedFunc() } -- imported/imported.go -- package imported func ImportedFunc() {}