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Contribution guidelines

Development environment


  • PHP 8.1+
  • make, awk, xargs
  • entr to watch for file changes
  • xdg-open link handler to invoke browser
  • libgd (php-gd, phpX.Y-gd) for downsizing images

Official repositories


fetch-servers.php queries available servers, and generate-html.php generates static HTML. Static HTML is generated from the sites directory to the output directory, which additionally contains static assets. All contents of sites are invoked to produce a HTML page unless they are prefixed with a + sign.


Run at least once: make fetch to query servers. This takes around 15 seconds thanks to the coroutine implementation.

Run when developing: make dev to watch for changes & serve HTML locally in browser.

See Makefile for more details.


  • Add the default include paths (., php) to your PHP intellisense.

  • Get EditorConfig for your IDE if not pre-installed.

  • Symlink the commit hooks provided in etc/hooks to .git/hooks/<hook> to run a full test cycle when committing to main.

Running your own copy

  • point your webserver at the output folder
  • install and enable systemd services from the etc/systemd folder or an equivalent timer for periodic updates

Code style guidelines


Indentation: Tabs (4-wide)

Filename seperator: Hyphen (-)


Identifier casing: snake_case and CONSTANT_CASE

Comments and documentation: PHPDoc


  • The following exceptions apply to PHP expressions embedded within HTML:
    • Flow control statements within HTML (<?php if ($condition): >) shall have zero indentation, akin to C macros or sh heredocs.
    • Self-contained PHP include and variable shorthand statements in multi-line HTML child node position shall be followed by an extra line:
<?php if ($bowl->has_food()): >
        <?= $bowl->describe_food() ?>

<?php else: >
        <?php include 'bowl-empty.php'; >

<?php endif; >


  • Strings shall be surrounded by single quotes '' where no variable expansion is taking place


Identifier casing: kebab-case, legacy snake_case

Comments and documentation: PHP no-ops instead of HTML comments, if possible


Identifier casing: camelCase and CONSTANT_CASE, occasional snake_case for references to DOM

Comments and documentation: JSDoc