Code clean up.

necro-nemesis 5 years ago
parent 55a1f668a4
commit d6881fea7a

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#create hostname account
#create hostname account with root privelages.
function create_user () {
install_log "Create a SNApp host user account"
@ -59,7 +58,6 @@ function display_welcome() {
### NOTE: all the below functions are overloadable for system-specific installs
### NOTE: some of the below functions MUST be overloaded due to system-specific installs
# Runs a system software update to make sure we're using all fresh packages
function update_system_packages() {
@ -73,8 +71,7 @@ function install_dependencies() {
install_error "No function definition for install_dependencies"
# Verifies existence and permissions of RaspAP directory
# Verifies existence and permissions of snapp directory
function create_webpage_directory() {
install_log "Creating webpage directory"
@ -87,7 +84,6 @@ function create_webpage_directory() {
# Fetches latest files from github for basic SNapp
function download_latest_files() {
if [ -d "$snapp_dir" ]; then
sudo mv $snapp_dir "$snapp_dir.`date +%F-%R`" || install_error "Unable to remove old snap directory"
@ -107,40 +103,30 @@ function change_file_ownership() {
sudo chown -R $username:$username "$snapp_dir" || install_error "Unable to change file ownership for 'snapp_dir'"
function display_lokiaddress (){
snapp_address=$(nslookup $IP | sed -n 's/.*arpa.*name = \(.*\)/\1/p')
echo -e "Your Lokinet Address is:\nhttp://${snapp_address}"
function install_complete() {
#append /var/lib/lokinet/lokinet.ini
#append /var/lib/lokinet/lokinet.ini
sudo systemctl stop lokinet
sed -i '$ i\ keyfile=/var/lib/lokinet/snappkey.private' /var/lib/lokinet/lokinet.ini
#restart Lokinet
sudo systemctl start lokinet
#clean out installer files
sudo rm -r $snapp_dir/installers || install_error "Unable to remove installers"
sudo rm -r /tmp/snapp || install_error "Unable to remove /tmp/snapp folder"
#provide option to launch and display lokinet address
install_log "Installation completed!"
snapp_address=$(nslookup $IP | sed -n 's/.*arpa.*name = \(.*\)/\1/p')
echo -e "Your Lokinet Address is:\nhttp://${snapp_address}"
echo -n "Installation complete. Do you wish to launch your SNApp? [y/N]: "
echo -n "Prepared to go live. Do you wish to launch your server? [y/N]: "
read answer
if [[ $answer != "y" ]]; then
echo "SNApp not launched. Exiting installation"
echo "Server not launched. Exiting installation"
exit 0
install_log "SNApp Launching"
echo -n "SNApp Launching"
install_log "Server Launching"
sed -i "s|/home/pi/snapp|/home/$username/snapp|g" /home/$username/snapp/
sudo screen -S snapp -d -m python3 -m http.server --bind localhost.loki 80 --directory $snapp_dir
exit 0 || install_error "Unable to exit"
@ -154,6 +140,5 @@ function install_pihost() {
