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353 lines
15 KiB

set -o pipefail #if any command within a pipe fails, make the whole pipe fail. Necessary for error-catching with reduceapt
DIRECTORY="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")")"
trap "exit 1" TERM
export TOP_PID=$$
error() {
echo -e "\e[91m$1\e[39m" 1>&2
kill -w -s TERM $TOP_PID
exit 1
#$1 is a quotation-marked, space-seperated list of package names.
#$2 is the path to the program folder being installed.
#Example usage: ~/pi-apps/pkg-install "gparted buffer expect" Arduino
PKG_LIST="$1" #quotation-marked, space-seperated list of package names to install
app="$(basename "$2")" #remove any slashes to just get program name
reduceapt() { #remove unwanted lines from apt output
grep -v "apt does not have a stable CLI interface.\|Reading package lists...\|Building dependency tree\|Reading state information...\|Need to get\|After this operation,\|Get:\|Fetched\|Selecting previously unselected package\|Preparing to unpack\|Unpacking \|Setting up \|Processing triggers for "
message_to_user() { #bright, attention-getting message to display to user
echo -e "\e[93m
apt_diagnose() { #Explain stdin-inputted apt errors to user and list ways to fix them
errors="$(cat /dev/stdin)"
#check for 'E: The repository'
if echo "$errors" | grep -q 'E: The repository' || echo "$errors" | grep -q 'sources.list entry misspelt' ;then
message_to_user "APT reported a faulty repository, and you must fix it before Pi-Apps will work.
To delete the repository:
Remove the relevant line from /etc/apt/sources.list file or delete one file in
the /etc/apt/sources.list.d folder.
sources.list requires root permissions to edit: sudo mousepad /path/to/file"
#check for 'NO_PUBKEY'
if echo "$errors" | grep -q 'NO_PUBKEY';then
echo -en "\e[93m
APT reported an unsigned repository. This script will try to repair it.
Waiting 10 seconds... Press Ctrl+C to cancel.\e[39m"
sleep 10
echo -e '\n\e[93mAttempting to sign unsigned repositories...\e[39m'
sudo -E apt update 2>&1 1>/dev/null | sed -ne 's/.*NO_PUBKEY //p' | while read key; do if ! [[ ${keys[*]} =~ "$key" ]]; then sudo -E apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys "$key"; keys+=("$key"); fi; done
if [ $? == 0 ];then
echo -e '\e[93mDone. Please try installing the same app again.\e[39m'
echo -e '\e[93mAutomatic repository signing failed. You must repair the faulty repository yourself.\e[39m'
echo -e "\e[93m▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲\n\e[39m"
# check for 'Could not resolve' or 'Failed to fetch'
if echo "$errors" | grep -q 'Could not resolve' || echo "$errors" | grep -q 'Failed to fetch' || echo "$errors" | grep -q 'Temporary failure resolving' || echo "$errors" | grep -q 'Network is unreachable';then
message_to_user "APT reported an unresolvable repository.
Please check your Internet connection and try again."
#check for 'is configured multiple times in'
if echo "$errors" | grep -q 'is configured multiple times in';then
message_to_user "APT reported a double-configured repository, and you must fix it to fix Pi-Apps.
To delete the repository:
Remove the relevant line from /etc/apt/sources.list file or delete the file in
the /etc/apt/sources.list.d folder.
sources.list requires root permissions to edit: sudo mousepad /path/to/file"
#check for "--fix-broken"
if echo "$errors" | grep -q "\-\-fix\-broken" || echo "$errors" | grep -q "needs to be reinstalled" ;then
message_to_user "APT reported a broken package, and you must fix it before Pi-Apps will work.
Please run this command: sudo apt --fix-broken install"
#check for dpkg --configure -a
if echo "$errors" | grep -q "dpkg \-\-configure \-a" ;then
message_to_user "Before dpkg, apt, or Pi-Apps will work, dpkg needs to repair your system.
Please run this command: sudo dpkg --configure -a"
#check for faulty dphys-swapfile package
if echo "$errors" | grep -q "error processing package dphys-swapfile" ;then
message_to_user "Before dpkg, apt, or Pi-Apps will work, dphys-swapfile must be fixed.
Try Googling the above errors, or ask the Pi-Apps developers for help."
#check for insufficient space errors
if echo "$errors" | grep -q "You don't have enough free space in" ;then
message_to_user "Package(s) failed to install because your system has insufficient disk space.
Please free up some space, then try again."
#check for unconfigured boot-firmware package
if echo "$errors" | grep -q "missing /boot/firmware, did you forget to mount it" || echo "$errors" | grep -q "u-boot-rpi" ;then
message_to_user "Package(s) failed to install because your boot drive is not working.
You must fix the u-boot-rpi package before dpkg, apt, or Pi-Apps will work."
#check for "Release file for is not valid yet"
if echo "$errors" | grep -q "Release file for .* is not valid yet" ;then
message_to_user "One or more repositories has a release file that becomes valid in the future.
Please look at the above errors to see how long you have to wait."
#check for typo in sources.list and list.d
if echo "$errors" | grep -q "The list of sources could not be read." ;then
message_to_user "One or more sources contain a typo. Before APT or Pi-Apps will work, you must look around in /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d and fix the typo."
#check for "files list file for package 'package-name' is missing final newline"
if echo "$errors" | grep -q "files list file for package .* is missing final newline" ;then
message_to_user "Before dpkg, apt, or Pi-Apps will work, your system must be repaired.
Try Googling the above errors, or ask the Pi-Apps developers for help.
Perhaps this link will help:"
#check for "Command line option --allow-releaseinfo-change is not understood"
if echo "$errors" | grep -q "Command line option --allow-releaseinfo-change is not understood" ;then
message_to_user "The Debian Project recently upgraded from Buster to version Bullseye. As a result, all Raspberry Pi OS Buster users will receive APT errors saying the repositories changed from 'stable' to 'oldstable'.
This error broke pi-apps. To fix it, the Pi-Apps developers added something to the 'sudo apt update' command: --allow-releaseinfo-change.
This flag allows the repository migration to succeed, therefore allowing Pi-Apps to work again.
Unfortunately for you, your operating system is too old for apt to understand this flag we added. Please upgrade your operating system for a better experience. Raspbian Stretch is unsupported and many apps will not install.
Please flash your SD card with the latest release of Raspberry Pi OS:"
#check for "installed package-name package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 10"
if echo "$errors" | grep -q "installed .* post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 10" ;then
message_to_user "Some other package on your system is causing problems. As a result, dpkg and APT won't work properly.
Perhaps reinstalling the package would help?"
#check for "installed raspberrypi-kernel package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1"
if echo "$errors" | grep -q "installed raspberrypi-kernel package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" ;then
message_to_user "The raspberrypi-kernel package on your system is causing problems.
Pi-Apps, dpkg and APT won't work properly until the problem is fixed.
Google the errors above this message, or ask in the Raspberry Pi Forums."
#check for "dpkg: error processing package nginx-full (--configure):"
if echo "$errors" | grep -qF "error processing package nginx-full" ;then
message_to_user "This error was not caused by Pi-Apps, it is caused by your nginx-full package.
Maybe reinstalling it would help?
sudo apt install --reinstall nginx-full"
#check for "W: Did not understand pin type releace"
if echo "$errors" | grep -qF "Did not understand pin type" ;then
message_to_user "This error was not caused by Pi-Apps. Looks like there is a typo in your /etc/apt/sources.list"
#no need for this function to exit with return code 1 just because the last if statement evaluated to 1
exit 0
echo "Running pkg-install..."
if [ -z "$PKG_LIST" ];then
error "No package names specified to pkg-install!"
elif [ -z "$app" ];then
error "No app name specified to pkg-install!"
IFS=$' \n'
source "${DIRECTORY}/api"
#sudo apt update
echo -e "Running \e[4msudo a\e[0mp\e[4mt u\e[0mp\e[4mdate\e[0m..."
output="$(sudo -E apt update --allow-releaseinfo-change 2>&1 | tee /dev/stderr | reduceapt)"
#inform user about autoremovable packages
if [ ! -z "$(echo "$output" | grep 'autoremove to remove them' )" ];then
echo -e "\e[33mSome packages are unnecessary.\e[39m Please consider running \e[4msudo apt autoremove\e[0m."
#inform user packages are upgradeable
if [ ! -z "$(echo "$output" | grep 'packages can be upgraded' )" ];then
echo -e "\e[33mSome packages can be upgraded.\e[39m Please consider running \e[4msudo apt full-upgrade\e[0m."
elif [ ! -z "$(echo "$output" | grep 'package can be upgraded' )" ];then
echo -e "\e[33mOne package can be upgraded.\e[39m Please consider running \e[4msudo apt full-upgrade\e[0m."
#exit on apt error
errors="$(echo "$output" | grep '^[(W)|(E)|(Err]:')"
if [ $exitcode != 0 ] || [ ! -z "$errors" ];then
echo -e "\e[91mpkg-install failed to run \e[4msudo apt update\e[0m\e[39m!"
echo -e "APT reported these errors:\n\e[91m$errors\e[39m"
#run some apt error diagnosis
echo "$output" | apt_diagnose
exit 1
#workarounds for local debs
for package in $PKG_LIST ;do
#if package begins with / (absolute path)
if [[ "$package" == /* ]];then
#determine the package name from the package filepath
packagename="$(dpkg-deb -I "$package" | grep "^ Package:" | awk '{print $2}')"
[ -z "$packagename" ] && error "pkg-install: failed to determine the package name of $package"
#change PKG_LIST to contain package name instead of package's absolute path
PKG_LIST="$(echo "$PKG_LIST" | sed "s|$package|$packagename|")"
echo -e "\e[97m\nInstalling local $packagename package...\e[39m"
#install it and reduce apt's output
output="$(sudo -E apt install -fy --no-install-recommends --allow-downgrades "$package" 2>&1 | reduceapt | tee /dev/stderr)"
if [ $? != 0 ];then
echo "$output" | apt_diagnose
error "pkg_install: While installing local packages, $package failed to install."
sudo -E apt-mark auto "$packagename" || error "pkg-install: failed to mark the $packagename package as autoremovable.\nlocal package path: $package"
#now PKG_LIST shouldn't contain any absolute file paths
if [[ "$PKG_LIST" == /* ]];then
error "pkg_install: failed to remove all absolute paths from the package list!\nContents of PKG_LIST:\n$PKG_LIST"
#workarounds for regex (using '*')
for package in $PKG_LIST ;do
#if package contains *
if echo "$package" | grep -q '*' ;then
echo -e "\e[97m\n$package contains regex. Expanding it...\e[39m"
list="$(apt-cache search "$package" | awk '{print $1}' | grep "$(echo "$package" | tr -d '*')" | tr '\n' ' ')"
#change PKG_LIST to contain package name instead of package's absolute path
PKG_LIST="$(echo "$PKG_LIST" | sed "s|$(echo "$package" | sed 's/*/\\*/g')|$list|g")"
echo -e "\e[97m\npackage list is now: $PKG_LIST\e[39m"
#now PKG_LIST shouldn't contain any * characters
if echo "$PKG_LIST" | grep -q '*';then
error "pkg_install: failed to remove all regex from the package list!\nContents of PKG_LIST:\n$PKG_LIST"
#format PKG_LIST - remove double spaces, preceding spaces, and trailing spaces.
PKG_LIST="$(echo "$PKG_LIST" | sed 's/ / /g' | sed 's/^ //g' | sed 's/ $//g')"
#create dummy deb
#create dummy apt package that depends on the packages this app requires
echo -e "\e[97m\nCreating dummy deb...\e[39m"
#to avoid issues with symbols and spaces in app names, we shasum the app name for use in apt
appnamehash="$(echo "$app" | md5sum | cut -c1-8 | awk '{print $1}')"
rm -rf ~/pi-apps-$appnamehash ~/pi-apps-$appnamehash.deb
trap "rm -rf $HOME/pi-apps-$appnamehash $HOME/pi-apps-$appnamehash.deb" EXIT
mkdir -p ~/pi-apps-$appnamehash/DEBIAN
echo "Maintainer: Pi-Apps team
Name: $app
Description: Dummy package created by pi-apps to install dependencies for the '$app' app
Version: 1.0
Architecture: all
Priority: optional
Section: custom
Depends: $(echo "$PKG_LIST" | tr -d ',' | sed 's/ /, /g')
Package: pi-apps-$appnamehash" > ~/pi-apps-$appnamehash/DEBIAN/control
#fix error report "dpkg-deb: error: control directory has bad permissions 700 (must be >=0755 and <=0775)"
sudo chmod -R '0755' ~/pi-apps-$appnamehash
output="$(dpkg-deb --build ~/pi-apps-$appnamehash 2>&1)"
if [ $? != 0 ];then
echo "$output"
echo "$output" | apt_diagnose
error "pkg-install: failed to create dummy deb pi-apps-$appnamehash"
#install dummy deb
#ensure dummy deb isn't already installed
if dpkg -l pi-apps-$appnamehash &>/dev/null ;then
echo -e "\e[97m\nDummy deb is already installed. Uninstalling it first...\e[39m"
output="$(sudo -E apt purge -y pi-apps-$appnamehash 2>&1 | reduceapt | tee /dev/stderr )"
if [ $? != 0 ];then
echo "$output" | apt_diagnose
error "Failed to purge dummy deb (pi-apps-$appnamehash)"
#sudo -E apt update &>/dev/null
echo -e "\e[97m\nInstalling dummy deb...\e[39m"
output="$(sudo -E apt install -fy --no-install-recommends --allow-downgrades ~/pi-apps-$appnamehash.deb 2>&1 | reduceapt | tee /dev/stderr )"
rm -f ~/pi-apps-$appnamehash.deb
rm -rf ~/pi-apps-$appnamehash
echo -e "\e[97m\nApt finished.\e[39m"
errors="$(echo "$output" | grep '^[(W)|(E)|(Err]:')"
if [ ! -z "$errors" ];then
echo -e "\e[91mFailed to install the packages!\e[39m"
echo -e "APT reported these errors:\n\e[91m$errors\e[39m"
#run some apt error diagnosis
echo "$output" | apt_diagnose
exit 1
exit 0