#!/bin/bash #$1 is an action, like install #$2 is app name, like Arduino DIRECTORY="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")")" function error { echo -e "\e[91m$1\e[39m" exit 1 } if [ -z "$1" ];then error "You need to specify an operation, and in most cases, which app to operate on." fi rm_esc() { #remove ANSI escape sequences from a given file [ -z "$1" ] && error "rm_esc: no filename given!" [ ! -f "$1" ] && error "rm_esc: given filename ($1) does not exist or is not a file!" sed -i 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' "$1" } source "${DIRECTORY}/api" || error "failed to source ${DIRECTORY}/api" mkdir -p "${DIRECTORY}/data/status" "${DIRECTORY}/data/update-status" "${DIRECTORY}/logs" #remove week-old logfiles find "$DIRECTORY/logs" -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} \; &>/dev/null & #determine if host system is 64 bit arm64 or 32 bit armhf if [ ! -z "$(file "$(readlink -f "/sbin/init")" | grep 64)" ];then arch=64 elif [ ! -z "$(file "$(readlink -f "/sbin/init")" | grep 32)" ];then arch=32 else error "Failed to detect OS CPU architecture! Something is very wrong." fi dirhash() { #echo "Hashing this dir: $1" 1>&2 #-------- hash every file in the folder ---------------------------------------------------- list all filenames ------------------- hash all that again hash="$(echo -e "$(find "$1" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sha1sum | awk '{print $1}')$(find "$1" -type f -exec basename {} \;)" | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}')" echo "$hash" } if [ "$1" == 'multi-install' ];then failed=0 PREIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' for app in $2 do "${DIRECTORY}/manage" install "$app" if [ $? != 0 ];then failed=1 fi done IFS="$PREIFS" if [ $failed == 1 ];then exit 1 #disable donate box elif false && [ "$(ls "${DIRECTORY}/data/status" | wc -l)" -ge 5 ] && [ "$(($(date --utc --date '' +%s)/86400-30))" -ge "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/last-donate-ask" 2>/dev/null || echo "0")" ];then donatebox() { TEXT="$(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Botspot/pi-apps-announcements/main/donate_message)" if [ -z "$TEXT" ];then TEXT=" Pi-Apps depends on you! I (Botspot) have spent over 300 hours programming Pi-Apps. Without financial support, I can't continue developing Pi-Apps as much as I have been. :( If every Pi-Apps user pitched in a mere 25 cents, I could work on open-source development full-time. If Pi-Apps has saved you time & effort, please consider donating. Any amount helps. " fi yad --title="Donations, anyone?" --center \ --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" \ --text="$(echo -e "$TEXT")" \ --button='Support Pi-Apps'!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/paypal.png":0 \ --button='No thanks'!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/exit.png"!"I respect your decision. Pi-Apps will always be free, but if everyone clicks this button, it won"\'"t be maintained forever.":1 button=$? if [ $button == 0 ];then #open donation page if button 0 clicked #x-www-browser 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=V6W8WM4GN8AJ2&item_name=Pi-Apps+development¤cy_code=USD' x-www-browser 'https://paypal.me/josephmarchand' fi #don't ask again for 30 days, no matter what button clicked echo "$(($(date --utc --date '' +%s)/86400))" > "${DIRECTORY}/data/last-donate-ask" } export -f donatebox export DIRECTORY setsid bash -c donatebox fi elif [ "$1" == 'multi-uninstall' ];then failed=0 PREIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' for app in $2 do "${DIRECTORY}/manage" uninstall "$app" if [ $? != 0 ];then failed=1 fi done IFS="$PREIFS" if [ $failed == 1 ];then exit 1 fi elif [ "$1" == 'install-if-not-installed' ];then #if not installed if [ "$(app_status "$2")" != installed ];then #install it "${DIRECTORY}/manage" install "$2" || exit 1 fi elif [ "$1" == 'install' ];then #INSTALL #for this operation, a program name must be specified. app="$2" if [ -z "$app" ];then error "For this operation, you must specify which app to operate on." elif [ ! -d "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$app" ];then error "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$app does not exist!" fi #ensure not a disabled app if [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/data/status/${app}" ] && [ "$(app_status "${app}")" == 'disabled' ];then echo -e "\e[93mNot installing the $app app. IT IS DISABLED.\e[39m" sleep 1 echo 'Waiting 5 seconds...' sleep 5 exit 0 fi #if already installed then ask for confirmation if [ "$(app_status "${app}")" == 'installed' ];then yad --text="$app is already installed. Are you sure you want to install it again?" \ --text-align=center --center --title='Quick question' --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" \ --button=No!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/exit.png":1 --button=Yes!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/check.png":0 || exit 0 fi #analytics "${DIRECTORY}/etc/bitlylink" "$app" install & #determine which script to run scriptname="$(script_name_cpu "$app")" #will be install, install-32, or install-64 installscript="${DIRECTORY}/apps/${app}/${scriptname}" [ -z "$scriptname" ] && error "It appears $app does not have an install-${arch} script suitable for your ${arch}-bit OS." #determine path for log file to be created logfile="${DIRECTORY}/logs/install-incomplete-${app}.log" if [ -f "$logfile" ] || [ -f "$(echo "$logfile" | sed 's+/-incomplete-+/-success-+g')" ] || [ -f "$(echo "$logfile" | sed 's+/-incomplete-+/-fail-+g')" ];then #append a number to logfile's file-extension if the original filename already exists i=1 while true;do #if variable $i is 2, then example newlogfile value: /path/to/install-Discord.log2 newlogfile="$logfile$i" if [ ! -f "$newlogfile" ] && [ ! -f "$(echo "$newlogfile" | sed 's+/-incomplete-+/-success-+g')" ] && [ ! -f "$(echo "$newlogfile" | sed 's+/-incomplete-+/-fail-+g')" ];then logfile="${newlogfile}" break fi i=$((i+1)) done fi #for piping to tee, the install script's exit code is preserved by enabling the pipefail bash builtin set -o pipefail echo -e "\e[96mInstalling $app with $scriptname script\e[39m" | tee -a "$logfile" cd $HOME echo 'corrupted' > "${DIRECTORY}/data/status/${app}" if nice "$installscript" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile" ; then echo 'installed' > "${DIRECTORY}/data/status/${app}" echo -e "\n\e[42m\e[30mInstalled ${app} successfully.\e[39m\e[49m" | tee -a "$logfile" rm_esc "$logfile" #remove escape sequences from logfile mv "$logfile" "$(echo "$logfile" | sed 's+-incomplete-+-success-+g')" # exit 0 else echo -e "\n\e[91mFailed to install ${app} with $scriptname script"\!"\e[39 \e[40m\e[93m\e[5m▲\e[25m\e[39m \e[49m\e[93mNeed help? Copy the \e[1mENTIRE\e[0m\e[49m\e[93m terminal output or take a screenshot. Please ask on Github: \e[94m\e[4mhttps://github.com/Botspot/pi-apps/issues/new/choose\e[24m\e[93m Or on Discord: \e[94m\e[4mhttps://discord.gg/RXSTvaUvuu\e[24m\e[39m" | tee -a "$logfile" rm_esc "$logfile" #remove escape sequences from logfile mv "$logfile" "$(echo "$logfile" | sed 's+-incomplete-+-fail-+g')" exit 1 fi elif [ "$1" == 'uninstall' ];then #UNINSTALL #for this operation, a program name must be specified. app="$2" if [ -z "$app" ];then error "For this operation, you must specify which app to operate on." elif [ ! -d "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$app" ];then error "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$app does not exist!" fi #if already uninstalled then ask for confirmation if [ "$(app_status "${app}")" == 'uninstalled' ];then yad --text="$app is already uninstalled. Are you sure you want to uninstall it again?" \ --text-align=center --center --title='Quick question' --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" \ --button=No!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/exit.png":1 --button=Yes!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/check.png":0 || exit 0 fi #analytics "${DIRECTORY}/etc/bitlylink" "$app" uninstall & #determine path for log file to be created logfile="${DIRECTORY}/logs/uninstall-incomplete-${app}.log" if [ -f "$logfile" ] || [ -f "$(echo "$logfile" | sed 's+/-incomplete-+/-success-+g')" ] || [ -f "$(echo "$logfile" | sed 's+/-incomplete-+/-fail-+g')" ];then #append a number to logfile's file-extension if the original filename already exists i=1 while true;do #if variable $i is 2, then example newlogfile value: /path/to/install-Discord.log2 newlogfile="$logfile$i" if [ ! -f "$newlogfile" ] && [ ! -f "$(echo "$newlogfile" | sed 's+/-incomplete-+/-success-+g')" ] && [ ! -f "$(echo "$newlogfile" | sed 's+/-incomplete-+/-fail-+g')" ];then logfile="${newlogfile}" break fi i=$((i+1)) done fi #for piping to tee, the install script's exit code is preserved by enabling the pipefail bash builtin set -o pipefail echo -e "\e[96mUninstalling $app\e[39m" | tee -a "$logfile" cd $HOME echo 'corrupted' > "${DIRECTORY}/data/status/${app}" if nice "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${app}/uninstall" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile"; then echo 'uninstalled' > "${DIRECTORY}/data/status/${app}" echo -e "\n\e[42m\e[30mUninstalled ${app} successfully.\e[39m\e[49m" | tee -a "$logfile" rm_esc "$logfile" #remove escape sequences from logfile mv "$logfile" "$(echo "$logfile" | sed 's+-incomplete-+-success-+g')" exit 0 else echo -e "\n\e[91mFailed to install ${app}"\!"\e[39 \e[40m\e[93m\e[5m▲\e[25m\e[39m \e[49m\e[93mNeed help? Copy the \e[1mENTIRE\e[0m\e[49m\e[93m terminal output or take a screenshot. Please ask on Github: \e[94m\e[4mhttps://github.com/Botspot/pi-apps/issues/new/choose\e[24m\e[93m Or on Discord: \e[94m\e[4mhttps://discord.gg/RXSTvaUvuu\e[24m\e[39m" | tee -a "$logfile" rm_esc "$logfile" #remove escape sequences from logfile mv "$logfile" "$(echo "$logfile" | sed 's+-incomplete-+-fail-+g')" exit 1 fi elif [ "$1" == 'update' ];then #UPDATE #for this operation, a program name must be specified. app="$2" if [ -z "$app" ];then error "For this operation, you must specify which app to operate on." fi #HIDDEN FEATURE - if $3 equals nofetch, then don't download github repo. Useful for updating multiple apps at maximum speed if [ "$3" == 'nofetch' ] && [ -d "${DIRECTORY}/update" ];then true else rm -rf "${DIRECTORY}/update" && mkdir "${DIRECTORY}/update" && cd "${DIRECTORY}/update" || error "failed to enter the update directory!" git clone --depth=1 "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/etc/git_url")" || error "failed to clone repository!" fi newhash="$(dirhash "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/apps/${app}")" oldhash="$(dirhash "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${app}")" #detect which installation script exists and get the hash for that one scriptname="$(script_name_cpu "$app")" [ $? == 1 ] && exit 1 newinstallhash=$(sha1sum "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/apps/${app}/${scriptname}" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}') oldinstallhash=$(sha1sum "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${app}/${scriptname}" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}') #echo -e "newinstallhash: $newinstallhash\noldinstallhash: $oldinstallhash" #echo -e "newhash: $newhash\noldhash: $oldhash" if [ "$newhash" == "$oldhash" ];then echo "$app is identical to the online version. Nothing to do!" exit 0 fi #else echo "$app is not identical to the online version." installback=no #if install script was changed #if installed already if [ "$newinstallhash" != "$oldinstallhash" ] && [ "$(app_status "${app}")" == 'installed' ];then installback=yes echo "$app's install script has been updated. Reinstalling $app..." #uninstall it using a recursive script instance "${DIRECTORY}/manage" uninstall "$app" #fix edge case: if app is installed but uninstall script doesn't exist somehow, then pretend app was uninstalled so that the reinstall later will happen noninteractively if [ "$(app_status "$app")" == installed ];then echo 'uninstalled' > "${DIRECTORY}/data/status/${app}" fi fi #move old program to trash gio trash "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${app}" 2>/dev/null #failsafe [ -d "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${app}" ] && error "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${app} still exists, despite trying to delete it!" #copy new version from update/ to apps/ cp -rf "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/apps/${app}" "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${app}" if [ "$installback" == 'yes' ];then echo "$app was originally installed before updating. Reinstalling the new version now." #install it using a recursive script instance "${DIRECTORY}/manage" install "$app" fi echo -e "\e[92m${app} was updated successfully.\e[39m" elif [ "$1" == 'check-all' ];then #CHECK-ALL #for this operation, a program name cannot be specified. #hidden flags installedonly=0 if [ "$2" == 'installedonly' ];then # If $2 is 'installedonly', then only check for updates for those apps that are installed installedonly=1 elif [ "$2" == 'nogenerate' ];then # If $2 is 'nogenerate', then don't hash anything or git-clone anything. Simply reads out data found in data/update-status folder in the same app-per-newline format. echo -e "\e[97mThese apps can be updated:" 1>&2 echo "${updatable}" IFS=$'\n' for app in $(list_apps all);do updatestatus="$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/update-status/${app}" 2>/dev/null)" if [ "$updatestatus" == 'new' ] || [ "$updatestatus" == 'updatable' ];then #if current app's update-status is 'new' or 'updatable', then echo it. echo "$app" fi done exit 0 #the lines above have displayed a list of apps already. fi #end of checking for hidden flags #if the updater script exists in update folder, then just git pull to save time if [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/updater" ];then cd "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps" git pull 1>&2 || rm -rf "${DIRECTORY}/update" fi #re-check and if updater script does not exist then do a git clone if [ ! -f "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/updater" ];then rm -rf "${DIRECTORY}/update" mkdir -p "${DIRECTORY}/update" && cd "${DIRECTORY}/update" || error "failed to enter the update directory!" git clone --depth=1 "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/etc/git_url")" 1>&2|| error "failed to clone repository to the update directory!" fi if [ $installedonly == 1 ];then #installedonly flag enabled. Remove apps that are uninstalled, disabled, or corrupted applist="$(list_apps installed)" else #installedonly flag disabled, so use entire combined list of apps, both local and online applist="$(list_apps all)" fi #echo "App list: $applist" 1>&2 updatable='' PREIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' for app in $applist do #echo "app: $app" newhash="$(dirhash "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/apps/${app}")" oldhash="$(dirhash "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${app}")" #echo -e "newhash: $newhash\noldhash: $oldhash" 1>&2 if [ "$newhash" == "$oldhash" ];then #echo -e "${app} is identical\e[90m to the online version. Nothing to do!\e[39m" 1>&2 echo 'latest' > "${DIRECTORY}/data/update-status/${app}" else if [ ! -d "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${app}" ];then echo -e "\e[97m${app} does not exist locally.\e[39m Adding to updatable list." 1>&2 echo 'new' > "${DIRECTORY}/data/update-status/${app}" #in this case, add to updatable list updatable="${updatable} ${app}" elif [ ! -d "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/apps/${app}" ];then echo -e "\e[97m${app} only exists locally.\e[39m Will not add to updatable list." 1>&2 echo 'local' > "${DIRECTORY}/data/update-status/${app}" #in this case, do not add to updatable list else echo -e "\e[97m${app} exists in both locations, but online version is newer\e[39m. Adding to updatable list." 1>&2 echo 'updatable' > "${DIRECTORY}/data/update-status/${app}" #in this case, add to updatable list updatable="${updatable} ${app}" fi fi done IFS="$PREIFS" #remove initial newline character updatable="${updatable:1}" if [ -z "$updatable" ];then updatable='.' fi echo -e "\e[97mThese apps can be updated:" 1>&2 echo "${updatable}" elif [ "$1" == 'update-all' ];then #UPDATE-ALL #for this operation, a program name cannot be specified. PREIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' updatable="$("${DIRECTORY}/manage" check-all)" if [ "$updatable" == '.' ];then updatable='' fi echo "Updatable: ${updatable}EOU" for updateapp in $updatable do echo "updating $updateapp" #update it using a recursive script instance echo "${DIRECTORY}/manage update $updateapp" "${DIRECTORY}/manage" update "$updateapp" || exit 1 done IFS="$PREIFS" echo -e '\e[92mOperation completed successfully!\e[39m' else error "Did not understand $1. Allowed values: 'install', 'multi-install', 'install-if-not-installed', 'uninstall', 'multi-uninstall', 'update','update-all', or 'check-all'." fi