#!/bin/bash #this generates a yad-friendly app list. This is run every time the gui script is executed. #if this script detects nothing has changed since last run, then it will echo back the app list that was generated last time. DIRECTORY="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")")" function error { echo -e "\e[91m$1\e[39m" 1>&2 exit 1 } #determine if host system is 64 bit arm64 or 32 bit armhf if [ ! -z "$(file "$(readlink -f "/sbin/init")" | grep 64)" ];then arch=64 elif [ ! -z "$(file "$(readlink -f "/sbin/init")" | grep 32)" ];then arch=32 else error "Failed to detect OS CPU architecture! Something is very wrong." fi mkdir -p "${DIRECTORY}/data/preload" mktimestamps() { #these directories are checked for changes checkdirs="${DIRECTORY}/apps ${DIRECTORY}/data/settings ${DIRECTORY}/data/status" timestamps='' PREIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' for dir in $checkdirs do timestamps="$timestamps ${dir}/$(ls -t "$dir" | head -n1) $(stat -c %Y "${dir}/$(ls -t "$dir" | head -n1)")" done IFS="$PREIFS" #remove first empty newline timestamps="${timestamps:1}" } reloadlist=0 if [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/data/preload/timestamps" ];then #get modified timestamps for directories mktimestamps if [ "$timestamps" == "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/preload/timestamps")" ];then #if current timestamps and saved timestamps match, then don't reload the list reloadlist=0 echo "Timestamps match." 1>&2 else #timestamps don't match, so reload the list reloadlist=1 echo "Timestamps don"\'"t match" 1>&2 fi else #timestamp file not found reloadlist=1 fi if [ ! -f "${DIRECTORY}/data/preload/LIST" ];then echo "list file does not exist." 1>&2 reloadlist=1 fi if [ $reloadlist == 1 ];then echo "Generating list..." 1>&2 #get list of apps ----------------------------------- and exclude apps mentioned in hidelist file APPS="$(echo "$(ls "${DIRECTORY}/apps")" | grep -vxE "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/hidelist" | tr '\n' '|')")" #APPS="$(echo "$(ls "${DIRECTORY}/apps")")" #remove apps that are not compatible with OS architecture PREIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' for i in $APPS do #if install script doesn't exist -------------------- and if os-specific install script doesn't exist, then... if [ ! -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${i}/install" ] && [ ! -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${i}/install-${arch}" ];then #...remove the app from the list echo "Removing $i from the list because it is not compatible with your ${arch}-bit OS." 1>&2 APPS="$(echo "$APPS" | grep -vx "$i")" fi done IFS="$PREIFS" #shuffle the list if enabled if [ "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/settings/Shuffle App list")" == 'Yes' ];then APPS="$(echo "$APPS" | shuf)" fi PREIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' LIST='' for i in $APPS do LIST="$LIST$(echo "${DIRECTORY}/icons/$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/status/${i}" 2>/dev/null || echo "none").png") ${DIRECTORY}/apps/${i}/icon-24.png $i "\("$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/status/${i}" 2>/dev/null || echo "uninstalled")"\)" $(echo "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${i}/description" || echo "Description unavailable")" | head -n1) " done IFS="$PREIFS" LIST="$(echo -e "$LIST")" #save entire list string to file for future use echo "$LIST" > "${DIRECTORY}/data/preload/LIST" export CACHED_LIST="$LIST" #save timestamps to file too mktimestamps echo "$timestamps" > "${DIRECTORY}/data/preload/timestamps" else if [ -z "$CACHED_LIST" ];then echo "Reading list file..." 1>&2 LIST="$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/preload/LIST")" export CACHED_LIST="$LIST" else echo "Reading list variable..." 1>&2 LIST="$CACHED_LIST" fi fi (#put icons in cache PREIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' for icon in $(echo "$LIST" | grep icon-24) do cat "$icon" 1>/dev/null #echo "Putting $icon in cache..." 1>&2 done IFS="$PREIFS" ) & echo "$LIST"