#!/bin/bash DIRECTORY="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")")" function error { echo -e "\e[91m$1\e[39m" exit 1 } #if updates not checked for today, then check for updates now if [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/data/last-update-check" ] && [ "$(date +%j)" == "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/last-update-check")" ];then echo "Already checked for updates today, so no need to check again. To forcibly check for updates now, either delete ${DIRECTORY}/data/last-update-check, or press any key within the next 20 seconds." read -n 1 -t 20 || exit 0 echo '' fi #write today's date to file. Format is "number of days since jan 1" echo "$(date +%j)" > "${DIRECTORY}/data/last-update-check" #generate app update status info updatable="$("${DIRECTORY}/manage" check-all | tail -1)" #if check-all succeeded to download the repo to the update folder if [ -d "${DIRECTORY}/update" ];then PREIFS="$IFS" IFS="|" mainfiles="$(echo -e "$(ls -p "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps")\n$(ls -p "${DIRECTORY}")" | grep -v '/' | sort | uniq | tr '\n' '|')" for file in $mainfiles do newhash=$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/${file}" 2>/dev/null | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}' | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}') oldhash=$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/${file}" 2>/dev/null | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}' | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}') #echo -e "newhash: $newhash\noldhash: $oldhash" if [ "$newhash" == "$oldhash" ];then echo -e "${file} is identical\e[90m to the online version. Nothing to do!\e[39m" else if [ ! -f "${DIRECTORY}/${file}" ];then echo -e "\e[97m${file} does not exist locally.\e[39m Adding to updatable list." #in this case, add to updatable list mainupdate="${mainupdate}|${file}" elif [ ! -f "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/${file}" ];then echo -e "\e[97m${file} only exists locally.\e[39m Will not add to updatable list." #in this case, do not add to updatable list else echo -e "\e[97m${file} exists in both locations, but online version is newer\e[39m. Adding to updatable list." #in this case, add to updatable list mainupdate="${mainupdate}|${file}" fi fi done IFS="$PREIFS" #remove initial '|' character mainupdate="${mainupdate:1}" else error "${DIRECTORY}/update does not exist. Most likely there is no Internet connection." fi LIST='' PREIFS="$IFS" IFS="|" for i in $updatable do LIST="${LIST}${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/apps/${i}/icon-24.png $i "\("$([ $(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/update-status/${i}") == 'new' ]&&echo 'new ')app"\)" " done for i in $mainupdate do LIST="${LIST}$(if [ "$(file -b --mime-type "${DIRECTORY}/${i}")" == 'text/x-shellscript' ];then #if updatable file in question is a shell script, then display shellscript icon. echo "${DIRECTORY}/icons/shellscript.png" else #otherwise display txt icon. echo "${DIRECTORY}/icons/txt.png" fi) $i "\("file"\)" " done IFS="$PREIFS" if [ -z "$LIST" ];then echo -e '\e[92mNothing to update. Nothing to do!\e[39m' exit 0 fi LIST="${LIST::-1}" #echo "List: ${LIST}EOL" echo -e "$LIST" | yad --center --title='Pi-Apps' --width=310 --height=300 --no-headers \ --list --separator='\n' --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" \ --text='Updates available:' \ --column=:IMG --column=Name \ --button='Later'!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/exit.png"!'Remind me tomorrow':1 \ --button='Update now'!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/download.png":0 \ 2>/dev/null button=$? #get exit code to determine which button was pressed echo "Button: ${button}" [ ! "$button" -eq 0 ] && error 'User cancelled' #exit now if anything but Update was clicked PREIFS="$IFS" IFS="|" for i in $updatable do "${DIRECTORY}/manage" update "$i" nofetch echo -e "\e[92m${i} was updated successfully.\e[39m" done for i in $mainupdate do #move old program to trash gio trash "${DIRECTORY}/${i}" 2>/dev/null #failsafe [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/${i}" ] && error "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${2} still exists, despite trying to delete it!" #copy new version to apps/ cp -f "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/${i}" "${DIRECTORY}/${i}" || error "Failed to copy ${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/${i}!" echo -e "\e[92m${i} was updated successfully.\e[39m" done IFS="$PREIFS" #.git folder #move old .git folder to trash gio trash "${DIRECTORY}/.git" 2>/dev/null cp -rf "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/.git" "${DIRECTORY}/.git" || error "Failed to copy new .git!"