#!/bin/bash DIRECTORY="$(dirname "$(dirname "$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )")")" function error { echo -e "\\e[91m$1\\e[39m" exit 1 } # Get dependencies "${DIRECTORY}/pkg-install" "openjdk-11-jdk" "$(dirname "$0")" || exit 1 rm -f ideaIC-2020.3.2.tar.gz 2>/dev/null rm -rf ~/idea_ic 2>/dev/null mkdir ~/idea_ic || error "Failed to make idea_ic folder!" cd ~/idea_ic wget https://download.jetbrains.com/idea/ideaIC-2020.3.2.tar.gz || error "Failed to download!" tar xf ideaIC-2020.3.2.tar.gz --strip-components=1 || error "Failed to extract!" rm -f ideaIC-2020.3.2.tar.gz 2>/dev/null echo "[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Version=1.0 Name=IntelliJ IDEA Path=$HOME/idea_ic/bin Exec=$HOME/idea_ic/bin/idea.sh Comment=A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK+ Icon=$HOME/idea_ic/bin/idea.png Categories=Development;IDE; StartupNotify=true" > ~/.local/share/applications/intellijidea.desktop