#!/bin/bash DIRECTORY="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$(dirname "$0")")")" function error { echo -e "\e[91m$1\e[39m" exit 1 } #remove week-old logfiles find "$DIRECTORY/logs" -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} \; #list of all files within "$DIRECTORY/logs", newest first logfiles="$(ls "$DIRECTORY/logs"/* -t)" if [ ! -z "$(date +%p)" ];then #system locale uses AM and PM in time/dates ampm=1 else #date command didn't output anything - system locale uses 24-hour clock ampm=0 fi IFS=$'\n' for file in $logfiles;do #Parse various tidbits based on the filename #$app: the name of the app for this logfile app="$(echo "$(basename "$file")" | sed 's/^install-//g' | sed 's/^uninstall-//g' | sed 's/^incomplete-//g' | sed 's/^fail-//g' | sed 's/^success-//g' | sed 's/.log.*$//g')" #$action: will be 'install' or 'uninstall' action="$(echo "$(basename "$file")" | sed 's/-fail-//g' | sed 's/-success-//g' | sed 's/-incomplete-//g' | sed 's/'"$app"'.*$//g')" #$result: will be 'success' or 'fail' result="$(echo "$(basename "$file")" | sed 's/^install-//g' | sed 's/^uninstall-//g' | sed 's/-'"$app"'.*$//g')" #$date: human-readable timestamp. if [ $ampm == 1 ];then #AM/PM timestamp: 'Friday 6:21 PM' date="$(date -r "$file" '+%A %l:%M %p' | sed 's/ / /g' | sed "s/$(date +%A)/Today/g" | sed "s/$(date +%A --date=' 1 days ago')/Yesterday/g")" else #24h timestamp: 'Friday 18:21' date="$(date -r "$file" '+%A %k:%M' | sed 's/ / /g' | sed "s/$(date +%A)/Today/g" | sed "s/$(date +%A --date=' 1 days ago')/Yesterday/g")" fi #echo "$app\n $action\n $result\n" #add lines to the yad list LIST="$LIST $date ${DIRECTORY}/apps/${app}/icon-24.png $(echo $action | sed "s+^uninstall$+${DIRECTORY}/icons/uninstall-short.png+g" | sed "s+^install$+${DIRECTORY}/icons/install-short.png+g") $(echo $result | sed "s+^success$+${DIRECTORY}/icons/${action}ed.png+g" | sed "s+^fail$+${DIRECTORY}/icons/corrupted.png+g" | sed "s+^incomplete$+${DIRECTORY}/icons/corrupted.png+g") $(echo $action | sed 's/^uninstall$/Uninstalling/g' | sed 's/^install$/Installing/g') $app $(echo $result | sed 's/success/succeeded./g' | sed 's/fail/failed./g' | sed 's/incomplete/was interrupted./g') $file" done LIST="$(echo "$LIST" | grep .)" #echo "$LIST" output="$(echo -e "$LIST" | yad --center --title='Log file viewer' --width=500 --height=400 --on-top \ --text="Review the errors from installing or uninstalling apps."$'\n'"Week-old log files will be deleted." \ --list --separator='\n' --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" \ --column=Day --column=I:IMG --column=A:IMG --column=R:IMG --column=Description --column=tooltip:HD \ --print-column=6 --tooltip-column=6 --select-action="$(dirname "$0")/viewlog" \ --button='Delete all'!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/trash.png"!"Delete all log files from $DIRECTORY/logs":0 \ --button=Close!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/exit.png":1 )" button=$? if [ $button == 0 ];then rm -rf "$DIRECTORY/logs" mkdir "$DIRECTORY/logs" echo "Deleted everything inside of $DIRECTORY/logs" fi