#!/bin/bash error() { echo -e "\e[91m$1\e[39m" 1>&2 exit 1 } #if this script is being run standalone, not sourced if [[ "$0" == */api ]];then DIRECTORY="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")")" fi if [ -z "$DIRECTORY" ] || [ "$DIRECTORY" == "$HOME" ];then echo "api: DIRECTORY variable must be set to valid pi-apps folder. Default folder: $HOME/pi-apps" return 1 fi repo_url="$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/etc/git_url" || echo 'https://github.com/Botspot/pi-apps')" #determine if host system is 64 bit arm64 or 32 bit armhf if [ "$(od -An -t x1 -j 4 -N 1 "$(readlink -f /sbin/init)")" = ' 02' ];then arch=64 elif [ "$(od -An -t x1 -j 4 -N 1 "$(readlink -f /sbin/init)")" = ' 01' ];then arch=32 else error "Failed to detect OS CPU architecture! Something is very wrong." fi list_intersect() { #Outputs only the apps that appear in both stdin and in $1 # change \n to \| | remove last "\|" grep -x "$(echo "$1" | sed -z 's/\n/\\|/g' | sed -z 's/\\|$/\n/g')" } list_subtract() { #Outputs a list of apps from stdin, minus the ones that appear in $1 # change \n to \| | remove last "\|" grep -vx "$(echo "$1" | sed -z 's/\n/\\|/g' | sed -z 's/\\|$/\n/g')" } list_apps() { # $1 can be: installed, uninstalled, corrupted, cpu_installable, hidden, visible, online, online_only, local, local_only if [ -z "$1" ] || [ "$1" == local ];then #list all apps ls "${DIRECTORY}/apps" elif [ "$1" == all ];then #combined list of apps, both online and local. Removes duplicate apps from the list. echo -e "$(list_apps local)\n$(list_apps online)" | sort | uniq elif [ "$1" == installed ];then #list installed apps #list apps| only show ( list of installed apps | remove match string | basename ) list_apps local | list_intersect "$(grep -rx 'installed' "${DIRECTORY}/data/status" | awk -F: '{print $1}' | sed 's!.*/!!')" elif [ "$1" == corrupted ];then #list corrupted apps #list apps|only show ( list of corrupted apps | remove match string | basename ) list_apps local | list_intersect "$(grep -rx 'corrupted' "${DIRECTORY}/data/status" | awk -F: '{print $1}' | sed 's!.*/!!')" elif [ "$1" == disabled ];then #list corrupted apps #list apps|only show ( list of disabled apps | remove match string | basename ) list_apps local | list_intersect "$(grep -rx 'disabled' "${DIRECTORY}/data/status" | awk -F: '{print $1}' | sed 's!.*/!!')" elif [ "$1" == uninstalled ];then #list uninstalled apps #list apps that have a status file containing "uninstalled" list_apps local | list_intersect "$(grep -rx 'uninstalled' "${DIRECTORY}/data/status" | awk -F: '{print $1}' | sed 's!.*/!!')" #also list apps that don't have a status file list_apps local | list_subtract "$(ls "${DIRECTORY}/data/status")" elif [ "$1" == cpu_installable ];then #list apps that can be installed on the device's OS architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) #find all apps that have install-XX script or an install script find "${DIRECTORY}/apps" -type f \( -name "install-$arch" -o -name "install" \) | sed "s+/install-$arch++g" | sed "s+/install++g" | sed "s+${DIRECTORY}/apps/++g" | sort | uniq elif [ "$1" == hidden ];then #list apps that are hidden cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/categories/structure" | grep '|hidden' | awk -F'|' '{print $1}' elif [ "$1" == visible ];then #list apps that are in any other category but 'hidden', and aren't disabled cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/categories/structure" | grep -v '|hidden' | awk -F'|' '{print $1}' # | list_subtract "$(list_apps disabled)" elif [ "$1" == online ];then #list apps that exist on the online git repo if [ -d "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/apps" ];then #if update folder exists, just use that ls "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/apps" | grep . else #if update folder doesn't exist, then parse github HTML to get a list of online apps. Horrible idea, but it works! wget -qO- "${repo_url}/tree/master/apps" | grep 'title=".*" data-pjax=' -o | sed 's/title="//g' | sed 's/" data-pjax=//g' fi elif [ "$1" == online_only ];then #list apps that exist only on the git repo, and not locally list_apps online | list_subtract "$(list_apps local)" elif [ "$1" == local_only ];then #list apps that exist only locally, and not on the git repo list_apps local | list_subtract "$(list_apps online)" fi } app_categories() { #lists all apps in a virtual filesystem based on categories file #cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/categories/structure" | awk -F'|' '{print $2"/"$1}' #find apps not in categories file { missingapps="$(list_apps | list_subtract "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/categories/structure" | awk -F'|' '{print $1}')")" if [ ! -z "$missingapps" ];then PREIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' for app in $missingapps ;do echo "WARNING: $app not found in categories file." 1>&2 if list_apps online | grep -qx "$app" ;then #if app found online, then use online category line if [ -z "$onlinestructurefile" ];then onlinestructurefile="$(wget -qO- 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Botspot/pi-apps/master/data/categories/structure')" fi if echo "$onlinestructurefile" | grep -q '^'"$app|" ;then #if line found in online structure file echo "Putting $app in the $(echo "$onlinestructurefile" | grep '^'"$app|" | awk -F'|' '{print $2}') category." 1>&2 echo "$(echo "$onlinestructurefile" | grep '^'"$app|")" >> "${DIRECTORY}/data/categories/structure" else #app exists online, but no structure line found echo -e "\e[33mHUGE WARNING: the $app exists on github, but no category was found for it on github!\nPlease report this to Botspot.\e[39m" 1>&2 echo "Putting $app in the / category." 1>&2 #put the app in root directory - no category echo "$app|" >> "${DIRECTORY}/data/categories/structure" fi else #app not found online echo "Putting $app in the / category." 1>&2 #put the app in root directory - no category echo "$app|" >> "${DIRECTORY}/data/categories/structure" fi done IFS="$PREIFS" fi } #find apps in categories file that don't exist { ghostapps="$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/categories/structure" | awk -F'|' '{print $1}' | list_subtract "$(list_apps)")" if [ ! -z "$ghostapps" ];then PREIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' for app in $ghostapps ;do echo "WARNING: $app does not exist but it was found in categories file." 1>&2 echo "Removing $app from the categories file..." 1>&2 #put the app in root directory - no category sed -i "/$app/d" "${DIRECTORY}/data/categories/structure" done IFS="$PREIFS" fi } #category file cleaned up past this point #show normal categories cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/categories/structure" | grep . | awk -F'|' '{print $2"/"$1}' | sed 's+^/++g' #show special Installed category list_apps installed | sed 's+^+Installed/+g' #show special All Apps category list_apps cpu_installable | list_intersect "$(list_apps visible)" | sed 's+^+All Apps/+g' } usercount() { #Return number of users for specified app. $1 is app name. if empty, all are shown. clicklist="$(wget -qO- 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Botspot/pi-apps-analytics/main/clicklist')" [ -z "$clicklist" ] && error "usercount(): clicklist empty. Likely no internet connection" if [ -z "$1" ];then echo "$clicklist" else # $1 is app echo "$clicklist" | grep " $1"'$' | awk '{print $1}' | head -n1 fi } text_editor() { #Open user-preferred text editor. $1 is file to open [ -z "$1" ] && error "text_editor(): no file specified" #find the best text editor preferrededitor="$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/settings/Preferred text editor")" #change preferred editor if user-default doesn't exist if ! command -v "$preferrededitor" >/dev/null;then preferrededitor=geany fi if ! command -v "$preferrededitor" >/dev/null;then preferrededitor=mousepad fi if ! command -v "$preferrededitor" >/dev/null;then preferrededitor=leafpad fi if ! command -v "$preferrededitor" >/dev/null;then preferrededitor=nano fi if [ "$preferrededitor" == nano ];then #terminal-based text editor "${DIRECTORY}/etc/terminal-run" "nano "\""$1"\""" "Editing $(basename "$1")" else #non-terminal text editor "$preferrededitor" "$1" fi } script_name() { #returns name of install script(s) for the $1 app. outputs: '', 'install-32', 'install-64', 'install', 'install-32 install-64' [ -z "$1" ] && error 'script_name(): requires an argument' #ensure $1 is valid app name [ ! -d "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$1" ] && error "script_name: '$1' is an invalid app name.\n${DIRECTORY}/apps/$1 does not exist." if [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$1/install-32" ] && [ ! -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$1/install-64" ];then echo 'install-32' elif [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$1/install-64" ] && [ ! -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$1/install-32" ];then echo 'install-64' elif [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$1/install-64" ] && [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$1/install-32" ];then echo 'install-32 install-64' elif [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$1/install" ];then echo 'install' else true #error "No install script found for the $app app! Please report this to Botspot." fi } script_name_cpu() { #get script name to run based on detected CPU arch [ -z "$1" ] && error 'script_name_cpu(): requires an argument.' #ensure $1 is valid app name if ! list_apps all | grep -q "$1" ;then error "script_name_cpu: '$1' is an invalid app name." fi #this is used by the updater so we need to check the update folder too if [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$1/install-32" ] && [ $arch == 32 ];then echo 'install-32' elif [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$1/install-64" ] && [ $arch == 64 ];then echo 'install-64' elif [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/$1/install" ];then echo 'install' elif [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/apps/$1/install-32" ] && [ $arch == 32 ];then echo 'install-32' elif [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/apps/$1/install-64" ] && [ $arch == 64 ];then echo 'install-64' elif [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/apps/$1/install" ];then echo 'install' else true #app not compatible with current arch fi } app_status() { #Gets the $1 app's current status. installed, uninstalled, corrupted, disabled [ -z "$1" ] && error 'app_status(): requires an argument.' #don't check if app exists, it may be a new app in an update if [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/data/status/${1}" ];then cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/status/${1}" else echo 'uninstalled' #if app status file doesn't exist, assume uninstalled fi } will_reinstall() { #return 0 if $1 app will be reinstalled during an update, otherwise return 1. [ -z "$1" ] && error 'will_reinstall(): requires an argument' #detect which installation script exists and get the hash for that one scriptname="$(script_name_cpu "$1")" oldinstallhash="$(sha1sum "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${1}/${scriptname}" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}')" newinstallhash="$(sha1sum "${DIRECTORY}/update/pi-apps/apps/${1}/${scriptname}" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}')" #if install script was changed #if installed already if [ "$newinstallhash" != "$oldinstallhash" ] && [ "$(app_status "${1}")" == 'installed' ];then return 0 else return 1 fi } app_search() { #search all apps for $1 [ -z "$1" ] && error "app_search(): requires a search query." #search description and website results="$(find "${DIRECTORY}/apps" \( -name description -o -name website -o -name credits \) -exec grep -Fi "$1" {} + | awk -F: '{print $1}' | sed "s+${DIRECTORY}/apps/++g" | sed "s+/description++g" | sed "s+/website++g")" #hide incompatible and hidden/disabled apps results="$(echo "$results" | list_intersect "$(list_apps visible)" | list_intersect "$(list_apps cpu_installable)" | sort)" #search app names results="$(list_apps cpu_installable | list_intersect "$(list_apps visible)" | grep -i "$1" | sort) $results" #remove duplicate entries echo "$results" | awk '!seen[$0]++' } app_search_gui() { output="$(yad --title=Search --center --width=310 --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" \ --text="Searches app names, descriptions, websites, and credits."$'\n'"Case-insensitive." \ --form --entry='')" || exit 0 results="$(app_search "$output")" if [ ! -z "$results" ];then IFS=$'\n' LIST='' for app in $results ;do LIST="$LIST ${DIRECTORY}/apps/${app}/icon-24.png $app $(echo "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${app}/description" || echo "Description unavailable")" | head -n1)" done LIST="${LIST:1}" #remove first empty newline output="$(echo "$LIST" | yad --title=Results --center --width=310 --height=250 --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" \ --list --no-headers --column=:IMG --column=name --column=tooltip:HD \ --print-column=2 --tooltip-column=3 --separator='\n')" || exit 0 echo "$output" else yad --title=Results --center --width=310 --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" \ --text="No results found for "\""$output"\""." \ --button=OK:0 exit 0 fi } #non-app functions below runonce() { #run command only if it's never been run before. Useful for one-time migration or setting changes. #Runs a script in the form of stdin script="$(cat /dev/stdin)" runonce_hash="$(echo "$script" | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}')" if grep -qx '^'"$runonce_hash"'$' "${DIRECTORY}/data/runonce_hashes" ;then #hash found #echo "runonce: '$script' already run before. Skipping." true else #run the script. bash <(echo "$script") #if it succeeds, add the hash to the list to never run it again if [ $? == 0 ];then echo "$runonce_hash" >> "${DIRECTORY}/data/runonce_hashes" echo "'$script' succeeded. Added to list." else echo "'$script' failed. Not adding hash to list." fi fi } apt_lock_wait() { #Wait until other apt processes are finished before proceeding echo -n "Waiting until APT locks are released... " #while sudo fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock &>/dev/null ; do # sleep 0.5 #done #while sudo fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend &>/dev/null ; do # sleep 0.5 #done #while sudo fuser /var/lib/apt/lists/lock &>/dev/null ; do # sleep 0.5 #done #if [ -f /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades.log ]; then # while sudo fuser /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades.log &>/dev/null ; do # sleep 0.5 # done #fi while [ ! -z "$(sudo fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades.log /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend 2>/dev/null)" ];do sleep 1 done sleep 0.5 echo "Done" } is_supported_system() { if uname -m | grep -q 'x86' || uname -m | grep -q 'i686' || uname -m | grep -q 'i386';then echo "Pi-Apps is not supported on x86 processors. Expect almost all apps to fail. Consider switching to this x86 port of Pi-Apps: https://github.com/MCRaspRBX/pi-apps-x86" return 1 elif cat /etc/os-release | grep PRETTY_NAME | tr -d '"' | awk -F= '{print $2}' | grep -qi 'stretch\|wheezy\|jessie';then echo "Pi-Apps is not supported on your outdated operating system. Expect many apps to fail. Consider upgrading your operating system." return 1 elif [[ "$(uname -m)" == armv6* ]];then echo "Pi-Apps has not been tested on armv6 Raspberry Pi boards. Expect many apps to fail." return 1 elif [ "$(id -u)" == 0 ]; then echo "Pi-Apps is not designed to be run as root user." return 1 elif [ "$(df -a / -B 1 --output=avail | tail -1 | tr -d ' ')" -lt $((1*1024*1024*1024)) ];then echo "Your system drive has less than 1GB of free space. Watch out for "\""disk full"\"" errors." return 1 else return 0 fi } format_log_file() { #remove ANSI escape sequences from a given file, and add OS information to beginning of file [ -z "$1" ] && error "format_log_file: no filename given!" [ ! -f "$1" ] && error "format_log_file: given filename ($1) does not exist or is not a file!" echo -e "$(get_device_info)\n\nBEGINNING OF LOG FILE:\n-----------------------\n\n$(cat "$1" | tr '\r' '\n' | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*//g' | sed "s,\x1B\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z],,g" | grep -vF '.......... .......... .......... .......... ..........')" > "$1" } get_device_info() { #returns information about current install and hardware echo "OS: $(cat /etc/os-release | grep PRETTY_NAME | tr -d '"' | awk -F= '{print $2}')" echo "OS architecture: ${arch}-bit" [ ! -z "$DIRECTORY" ] && echo "Pi-Apps local commit ID: $(cd "$DIRECTORY"; git rev-parse HEAD)" echo "Kernel: $(uname -m) $(uname -r)" echo "Device model: $(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Model | sed 's/Model.*: //g')" if [ -f /etc/rpi-issue ];then echo "Raspberry Pi OS image version: $(cat /etc/rpi-issue | grep 'Raspberry Pi reference' | sed 's/Raspberry Pi reference //g')" fi if [ ! -z "$LANG" ];then echo "Language: $LANG" elif [ ! -z "$LC_ALL" ];then echo "Language: $LC_ALL" fi } send_error_report() { #non-interactively send a Pi-Apps error log file to the Botspot discord server [ -z "$1" ] && error "send_error_report(): requires an argument" [ ! -f "$1" ] && error "send_error_report(): '$1' is not a valid file." command -v curl >/dev/null || error "send_error_report(): Cannot send report: curl command not found!" errors="$(bash <(base64 -d <<<"Y3VybCAtRiAiZmlsZT1AXCIK$(base64 <<<"$1")XCI7ZmlsZW5hbWU9XCIK$(base64 <<<"$(basename "$1" | sed 's/\.log.*/.txt/g')")XCIiICIkKHdnZXQgLXFPLSAiJChiYXNlNjQgLWQgPDw8ImFIUjBjSE02THk5eVlYY3VaMmwwYUhWaWRYTmxjbU52Ym5SbGJuUXVZMjl0TDBKdmRITndiM1F2Y0drdFlYQndjeTFoYm1Gc2VYUnBZM012YldGcGJpOWxjbkp2Y2kxc2IyY3RkMlZpYUc5dmF3bz0iKSIgfCAkKGJhc2U2NCAtZCA8PDwiWW1GelpUWTBJQzFrQ2c9PSIpKSIK" | tr -d '\n') 2>&1)" [ $? != 0 ] && error "curl failed to upload log file!\nErrors:\n$errors" } send_error_report_gui() { #Ask user for permission to send error report [ -z "$1" ] && error "send_error_report_gui(): requires an argument for error report file!" [ ! -f "$1" ] && error "send_error_report_gui(): Given error report file ($1) does not exist!" [ -z "$2" ] && error "send_error_report_gui(): requires an argument for window text!" command -v curl >/dev/null || error "send_error_report_gui(): curl is not installed!" export -f text_editor export DIRECTORY yad --center --title="Send error report?" --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" \ --text="$2"$'\n'"Send anonymous error report to Pi-Apps developers?"$'\n'"Support is available on Discord and Github." --on-top \ --button='Send report'!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/upload.png":0 \ --button='View report'!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/log-file.png"!"View the log file to be sent."$'\n'"Feel free to edit the file with more debug information to help us.":"bash -c 'text_editor "\""$1"\""'" \ --button="Don't send"!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/exit.png":1 button=$? #echo "Button: $button" if [ "$button" == 0 ];then send_error_report "$1" fi } generate_logo() { #display colorized Pi-Apps logo in terminal #generate pi-apps logo #https://misc.flogisoft.com/bash/tip_colors_and_formatting blue='\e[38;5;21m' #blue='\e[38;5;27m' #lighter green='\e[38;5;46m' red='\e[38;5;197m' echo -e " ${green}┏━━━┓ ${blue}┏━━${green}┻${blue}━━━${green}┻${blue}━━┓ ${blue}┃ ${red}⬛⬛⬛ ${blue}┃\e[97m ▕ᑐ • ▁ ʌ ${blue}┃ ${red}⬛⬛⬛ ${blue}┃\e[97m ▕ │ ╱‾╲▕ᑐ ▕ᑐ S ${blue}┃ ${red}⬛⬛⬛ ${blue}┃\e[97m ▕ ▕ \e[38;5;27m╰${blue}━━━━━━━━━\e[38;5;27m╯\e[49m \e[0m\e[0m" } wget() { #this function intercepts all wget commands being used in app scripts. It uses aria2c if possible. local file='' local url='' local use=aria2c if command -v aria2c >/dev/null; then #convert wget arguments to newline-separated list local IFS=$'\n' local opts="$(IFS=$'\n'; echo "$*")" for opt in $opts ;do if [[ "$opt" == '-'* ]] || [ "$opt" == '-' ];then #this opt is the beginning of a flag if [ "$opt" == '-qO' ] || [ "$opt" == '-O' ] || [ "$opt" == '-q' ]; then true else #any other wget command-flags other than '-qO', '-O', '-q' use=wget break fi elif [[ "$opt" == *'://'* ]]; then #this opt is web address url="$opt" elif [[ "$opt" == '/'* ]]; then #this opt is file output if [ -z "$file" ];then file="$opt" else #file var already populated use=wget break fi else #this opt does not begin with '-', contain '://', or begin with '/'. Assume output file specified shorthand if [ -z "$file" ];then file="$(pwd)/${opt}" else #file var already populated use=wget break fi fi done else #aria2c command not found use=wget fi if [ "$use" == wget ];then #run the true wget binary with all this function's args command wget "$@" elif [ "$use" == aria2c ];then #make default filename if $file empty if [ -z "$file" ];then file="$(pwd)/$(basename "$url")" fi #suppress output if -q flag passed if echo "$@" | grep -q '\-q' ;then aria2c -c -x 16 -s 16 -m 10 --retry-wait 30 "$url" --dir '/' -o "${file:1}" --allow-overwrite --summary-interval=1 >/dev/null else aria2c -c -x 16 -s 16 -m 10 --retry-wait 30 "$url" --dir '/' -o "${file:1}" --allow-overwrite --summary-interval=1 fi fi } #if this script is being run standalone, not sourced if [[ "$0" == */api ]];then if [ ! -z "$1" ];then #if user input a function command, then run it with arguments. #Keep in mind this could run any command the user wanted, not necessarily exclusively function commands. "$@" fi fi