#!/bin/bash DIRECTORY="$(dirname "$(dirname "$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )")")" function error { echo -e "\\e[91m$1\\e[39m" exit 1 } #get java if [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/pkg-install" ];then "${DIRECTORY}/pkg-install" "openjdk-11-jdk" "$(dirname "$0")" || exit 1 else apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk || sudo apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk || error "Failed to install openjdk-11-jdk." fi rm -rf ~/jgrasp.zip ~/jgrasp wget 'https://www.jgrasp.org/dl4g/jgrasp/jgrasp206_07.zip' -O ~/jgrasp.zip || error "Failed to download jgrasp.zip!" unzip ~/jgrasp.zip || error "Failed to extract jgrasp.zip!" echo "Running jgrasp's configure script..." ~/jgrasp/src/configure || error "jgrasp's configure script failed!" echo "[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=1.0 Name=jGRASP GenericName=IDE Exec=$HOME/jgrasp/bin/jgrasp %F Terminal=false Icon=$([ -f "$(dirname "$0")/icon-64.png" ] && echo "$(dirname "$0")/icon-64.png" || echo "$HOME/jgrasp/data/gric48.png") Type=Application Categories=Application;Development;IDE; Comment=jGRASP IDE StartupNotify=true Keywords=Text;Editor;" > "$([ -e "$HOME/.local/share/applications" ] && echo "$HOME/.local/share/applications" || echo /usr/share/applications)/jgrasp.desktop"