#!/bin/bash DIRECTORY="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")")" function error { echo -e "\e[91m$1\e[39m" exit 1 } #you can specify a preexisting app with variable 1 if [ ! -z "$1" ];then name="$1" step=2 editing=yes else name='' step=1 fi #Sets the height of all dialog windows windowheight=400 #start on this step: #step=3 #start with this app name: #name='Email Checker' while true;do case $step in 1) echo "Welcome to the Create App wizard! With a few simple steps, your project can take advantage of Pi-Apps"\'" features and be displayed in the application list." | yad --text-info --fontname=12 --wrap --show-uri \ --image="${DIRECTORY}/icons/in-progress.png" --image-on-top \ --title="Create App Wizard" --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" --center --width=310 --height=$windowheight \ --button=Cancel!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/exit.png":1 \ --button=Next!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/forward.png":0 || exit 0 step=$((step+1)) ;; 2) if [ ! -z "$name" ];then namelocked='yes' echo 'name field is already filled. Making it read-only.' fi if [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/icon-64.png" ];then iconfield="--field=Icon::RO" iconpath="apps/${name}/icon-64.png" else iconfield="--field=Icon::FL" iconpath="${HOME}/bla" fi #if install script already exists, grey out compatibility line compatibilityentry="--field=Compatibility::CB" compatibilitypreset="64bit and 32bit!32bit only!64bit only" if [ ! -z $name ];then compatibilityentry="--field=Compatibility::RO" if [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install" ];then compatibilitypreset="64bit and 32bit" elif [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-64" ] && [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-32" ];then compatibilitypreset="64bit and 32bit" elif [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-64" ];then compatibilitypreset="64bit only" elif [ -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-32" ];then compatibilitypreset="32bit only" else compatibilityentry="--field=Compatibility::CB" fi fi output="$(yad --form \ --title="Create App: Step $step" --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" --center --width=310 --height=$windowheight \ --text="Step ${step}: enter some information. The name field is mandatory." \ --field="Name of app:$([ ! -z "$namelocked" ]&&echo ':RO')" "$name" \ "$iconfield" "$iconpath" \ --field="Website:" "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/website" 2>/dev/null || echo '')" \ "$compatibilityentry" "$compatibilitypreset" \ --field="Description:":TXT "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/description" || cat "${DIRECTORY}/apps/template/description")" \ $([ ! -z $editing ]&&echo "--button=Save!${DIRECTORY}/icons/save.png:4") \ --button=Previous!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/back.png":2 \ --button=Next!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/forward.png":0 \ 2>/dev/null)" button=$? #get exit code to determine which button was pressed echo "$button" echo "Output: ${output}EOO" output="$(echo "$output" | tr '|' '\n' )" # if ------ next -- or -------- save ----- was clicked if [ $button == 0 ] || [ $button == 4 ];then name="$(echo "$output" | sed -n '1p')" icon="$(echo "$output" | sed -n '2p')" website="$(echo "$output" | sed -n '3p')" compatibility="$(echo "$output" | sed -n '4p')" description="$(echo -e "$(echo "$output" | sed -n '5p')")" #convert compatibility var into machine-readable if [ "$compatibility" == "64bit and 32bit" ];then compatibility='64 32' elif [ "$compatibility" == "32bit only" ];then compatibility='32' elif [ "$compatibility" == "64bit only" ];then compatibility='64' fi #name field must be populated if [ ! -z "$name" ];then #check if name is a duplicate if [ -z "$(ls "${DIRECTORY}/apps" | grep -x "$name")" ] || [ ! -z $namelocked ];then #create app folder mkdir -p "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}" || error "failed to create ${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}!" namelocked='yes' #if website field is populated if [ ! -z "$website" ];then echo "$website" > "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/website" echo "Created ${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/website" fi #if icon field is populated and if file exists if [ ! -z "$icon" ] && [ -f "$icon" ];then #scale it to 24x24 convert "$(echo "$output" | sed -n '3p')" -resize 24x24 "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/icon-24.png" echo "Created ${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/icon-24.png" #scale it to 64x64 convert "$(echo "$output" | sed -n '3p')" -resize x64 "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/icon-64.png" echo "Created ${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/icon-64.png" fi #if description field is populated if [ ! -z "$description" ];then echo "$description" > "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/description" echo "Created ${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/description" fi step=$((step+1)) else echo 'That app name already exists!' yad --title="Error" --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" --center \ --text="That app name already exists! Do you want to edit ${name}?" --timeout=10 \ --button="Edit ${name}!${DIRECTORY}/icons/edit.png":0 --button="Oops, go back!${DIRECTORY}/icons/back.png":1 || name='' fi else echo 'Name of app may not be left blank!' yad --title="Error" --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" --center \ --text="Name of app may not be left blank!" --timeout=10 \ --button=OK:0 fi #if Save was clicked then exit now if [ $button == 4 ];then exit 0 fi elif [ $button == 2 ];then #previous - don't save changes step=$((step-1)) else #like clicking the X or something exit 0 fi ;; 3) #create install script if [ "$compatibility" == "64 32" ] && [ ! -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-64" ] && [ ! -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-32" ] && [ ! -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install" ];then #ask if two install scripts are necessary, of if both architectures can share 1 script echo "In the previous page, you said this app is compatible with 64bit and 32bit. Do you want two install scripts, one for 32bit and the other for 64bit? Or do you want one combined install script?" | yad --text-info --fontname=12 --wrap --show-uri \ --title="Create App: Step $step" --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" --center --width=310 --height=$windowheight \ --button="Previous!${DIRECTORY}/icons/back.png":1 \ --button='2 scripts':2 \ --button='1 script':0 button=$? #get exit code to determine which button was pressed if [ $button == 1 ];then step=$((step-1)) continue fi if [ ! $button == 0 ] && [ ! $button == 2 ];then exit 0 fi cp -rn "${DIRECTORY}/apps/template/." "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}" if [ $button == 0 ];then #button clicked: '1 script' true #do nothing as template has install script by default compatibility=6432 #change compatibility var to show that only an install script will be created elif [ $button == 2 ];then cp "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install" "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-64" mv "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install" "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-32" fi elif [ "$compatibility" == "32" ];then cp -rn "${DIRECTORY}/apps/template/." "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}" mv "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install" "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-32" elif [ "$compatibility" == "64" ];then cp -rn "${DIRECTORY}/apps/template/." "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}" mv "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install" "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-64" fi if [ ! -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-64" ] && [ ! -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-32" ] && [ ! -f "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install" ];then cp -rn "${DIRECTORY}/apps/template/." "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}" fi #find the best text editor preferrededitor="$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/settings/Preferred text editor")" if [ -z "$preferrededitor" ];then preferrededitor=geany fi #open the correct file if [ "$compatibility" == "32" ];then scriptname='install-32' "$preferrededitor" "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/${scriptname}" & elif [ "$compatibility" == "64" ];then scriptname='install-64' "$preferrededitor" "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/${scriptname}" & elif [ "$compatibility" == "64 32" ];then scriptname='' #this symbolizes that 2 scripts will be made "$preferrededitor" "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-64" & "$preferrededitor" "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-32" & elif [ "$compatibility" == "6432" ];then scriptname='install' "$preferrededitor" "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/${scriptname}" & fi #install shellcheck if not installed [ ! -f /usr/bin/shellcheck ]&&sudo apt install -y shellcheck #if creating 2 scripts if [ -z "$scriptname" ];then #if creating 2 scripts output="$(yad --form --on-top \ --title="Create App: Step $step" --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" --center --width=310 --height=$windowheight \ --text="Now it"\'"s time to make your install-32 and install-64 scripts. One of these scripts will be executed when somebody clicks you app"\'"s Install button. Two text editors should have openened and you can create your scripts." \ --field="Run install-32 script":FBTN "lxterminal --title="\""Running install-32 script of $name"\"" -e "\""cd $HOME;$'${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-32';echo 'Closing in 10 seconds.';sleep 10"\" \ --field="Shellcheck install-32"!!'Having problems? This utility helps you locate syntax errors.':FBTN "lxterminal --title="\""Shellcheck"\"" -e "\""shellcheck $'${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-32';echo 'Press Enter to exit.';read enter"\" \ --field="Run install-64 script":FBTN "lxterminal --title="\""Running install-64 script of $name"\"" -e "\""cd $HOME;$'${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-64';echo 'Closing in 10 seconds.';sleep 10"\" \ --field="Shellcheck install-64"!!'Having problems? This utility helps you locate syntax errors.':FBTN "lxterminal --title="\""Shellcheck"\"" -e "\""shellcheck $'${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/install-64';echo 'Press Enter to exit.';read enter"\" \ --button=Previous!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/back.png":2 \ --button=Next!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/forward.png":0 \ 2>/dev/null)" button=$? #get exit code to determine which button was pressed else #if creating 1 script output="$(yad --form --on-top \ --title="Create App: Step $step" --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" --center --width=310 --height=$windowheight \ --text="Now it"\'"s time to make your ${scriptname} script. This will be executed anytime somebody clicks the Install button. A text editor should have openened and you can create your install script." \ --field="Run script":FBTN "lxterminal --title="\""Running ${scriptname} script of $name"\"" -e "\""cd $HOME;$'${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/${scriptname}';echo 'Closing in 10 seconds.';sleep 10"\" \ --field="Shellcheck"!!'Having problems? This utility helps you locate syntax errors.':FBTN "lxterminal --title="\""Shellcheck"\"" -e "\""shellcheck $'${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/${scriptname}';echo 'Press Enter to exit.';read enter"\" \ --button=Previous!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/back.png":2 \ --button=Next!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/forward.png":0 \ 2>/dev/null)" button=$? #get exit code to determine which button was pressed fi if [ $button == 0 ];then #next - save changes step=$((step+1)) elif [ $button == 2 ];then #previous - save changes step=$((step-1)) else #like clicking the X or something exit 0 fi ;; 4) cp -rn "${DIRECTORY}/apps/template/." "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}" #find the best text editor preferrededitor="$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/data/settings/Preferred text editor")" if [ -z "$preferrededitor" ];then preferrededitor=geany fi "$preferrededitor" "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/uninstall" & #install shellcheck if not installed [ ! -f /usr/bin/shellcheck ]&&sudo apt install -y shellcheck output="$(yad --form --on-top \ --title="Create App: Step $step" --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" --center --width=310 --height=$windowheight \ --text='Now it'\''s time to make your uninstall script. This will be executed anytime somebody clicks the Uninstall button. A text editor should have openened... Never mind, you know what to do.' \ --field="Run script":FBTN "lxterminal --title="\""Running uninstall script of $name"\"" -e "\""cd $HOME;$'${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/uninstall';echo 'Closing in 10 seconds.';sleep 10"\" \ --field="Shellcheck"!!'Having problems? This utility helps you locate syntax errors.':FBTN "lxterminal --title="\""Shellcheck"\"" -e "\""shellcheck $'${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/uninstall';echo 'Press Enter to exit.';read enter"\" \ --button=Previous!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/back.png":2 \ --button=Next!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/forward.png":0 \ 2>/dev/null)" button=$? #get exit code to determine which button was pressed if [ $button == 0 ];then step=$((step+1)) elif [ $button == 2 ];then step=$((step-1)) else #like clicking the X or something exit 0 fi ;; 5) LIST="${DIRECTORY}/icons/uninstalled.png ${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/icon-24.png $name "\("uninstalled"\)" $(echo "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/description" || echo "Description unavailable")" | head -n1)" echo -e "$LIST" | yad --list \ --title="Create App: Step $step" --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" --center --width=310 --height=$windowheight \ --text='Make sure everything looks right. Here'\''s what it will look like in the app list:' \ --column=:IMG --column=:IMG --column=Name --column=tip:HD --tooltip-column=4 --no-headers \ --button=Previous!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/back.png":2 \ --button=Next!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/forward.png":0 \ 2>/dev/null button=$? #get exit code to determine which button was pressed if [ $button == 0 ];then step=$((step+1)) elif [ $button == 2 ];then step=$((step-1)) else #like clicking the X or something exit 0 fi ;; 6) text="$(echo "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/description" || echo "Description unavailable")" | head -n1) Current status: uninstalled Website: $(cat "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/website" || echo "unavailable") $(echo "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/description" || echo "Description unavailable")" | grep -v "$(echo "$(cat "${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/description" || echo "Description unavailable")" | head -n1)")" echo "$text" | yad --text-info --fontname=12 --wrap --show-uri \ --title="Create App: Step $step" --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" --center --width=700 --height=400 \ --text='Make sure everything looks right. Here'\''s a preview of the Details window:' \ --image="${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name}/icon-64.png" --image-on-top \ --button=Previous!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/back.png":2 \ --button=Next!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/forward.png":0 \ 2>/dev/null button=$? #get exit code to determine which button was pressed if [ $button == 0 ];then step=$((step+1)) elif [ $button == 2 ];then step=$((step-1)) else #like clicking the X or something exit 0 fi ;; 7) echo "Done! You app is located at ${DIRECTORY}/apps/${name} To add your app to the Pi-Apps official repository, put that folder in a .ZIP file and open an issue for Botspot (the developer of Pi-Apps): https://github.com/Botspot/pi-apps/issues/new" | yad --text-info --fontname=12 --wrap --show-uri \ --image="${DIRECTORY}/icons/in-progress.png" --image-on-top \ --title="Create App Wizard" --window-icon="${DIRECTORY}/icons/logo.png" --center --width=310 --height=$windowheight \ --button=Previous!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/back.png":0 \ --button=Close!"${DIRECTORY}/icons/exit.png":1 || exit 0 step=$((step-1)) ;; *) error "Unknown step ${step}!" ;; esac done