Update install

mobilegmYT 4 years ago
parent c8d8c9a735
commit a6b18be4f6

@ -12,25 +12,21 @@ function error {
# || error 'reason'
#example below:
#Download java and launcher
rm -rf ~/Minecraft
echo 'WARNING: This install script is only compatiable with 32-bit OSes for the time being. Please press [Enter] to continue.'
read -p
mkdir ~/Minecraft || error "Failed to create the directory!"
cd ~/Minecraft || error "Failed to enter the directory!"
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/2602i5d0h4kteex/setupMC.sh || error 'Failed to download launcher!'
chmod +x setupMC.sh || error "failed to mark as executable!"
#Download java and launcher
mkdir ~/Minecraft && cd ~/Minecraft && wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/2602i5d0h4kteex/setupMC.sh && chmod +x setupMC.sh && ./setupMC.sh || error 'Failed to install the launcher!'
#Move launcher to /usr/share/
sudo mkdir /usr/share/minecraftjava && sudo mv launcher.jar /usr/share/minecraftjava/launcher.jar
sudo mkdir /usr/share/minecraftjava && sudo mv launcher.jar /usr/share/minecraftjava/launcher.jar
#Create desktop shortcut
cd ~/.local/share/applications/
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mobilegmYT/pi-apps-resources/main/Minecraft/minecraft.desktop
chmod +x minecraft.desktop
sudo chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/minecraft.desktop
mkdir -p ~/.minecraft
echo '{
"profiles": {
@ -49,6 +45,5 @@ echo '{
}' > /home/pi/.minecraft/launcher_profiles.json
#sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-1.11.0-openjdk-armhf
java -jar /usr/share/minecraftjava/launcher.jar
echo 'Installation is now done! You can open the launcher by going to Menu > Games > Minecraft Launcher'
echo 'NOTE: You can only play versions 1.13 and higher with your current config. To use lower versions, please follow the instructions at https://www.noxxtech.tk/minecraft-install#h.fpnon3xvmuoz'
