Itai Nelken 3 years ago
commit 67a73bae7b

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ function error {
rm -f flameshot_armhf.deb
wget -O flameshot_armhf.deb https://osdn.mirror.constant.com/storage/g/r/ra/raspbian-addons/debian/pool/main/f/flameshot/flameshot_0.9.0-1_armhf.deb || error 'Failed to download flameshot deb file'
wget -O flameshot_armhf.deb https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/releases/download/v0.10.0/flameshot-0.10.0.rc1-1.debian-10.armhf.deb || error 'Failed to download flameshot deb file'
sudo apt install ./flameshot_armhf.deb -yf || error 'Failed to install flameshot'
rm -f flameshot_armhf.deb

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ function error {
rm -f flameshot_arm64.deb
wget -O flameshot_arm64.deb https://osdn.mirror.constant.com/storage/g/r/ra/raspbian-addons/debian/pool/main/f/flameshot/flameshot_0.9.0-1_arm64.deb || error 'Failed to download Flameshot deb file'
wget -O flameshot_arm64.deb https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/releases/download/v0.10.0/flameshot-0.10.0.rc1-1.debian-10.arm64.deb || error 'Failed to download Flameshot deb file'
sudo apt install ./flameshot_arm64.deb -yf || error 'Failed to install flameshot'
rm -f flameshot_arm64.deb

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ cd $HOME
#remove old deb (if exists)
rm -f gh*linux_armv6.deb
wget https://github.com/cli/cli/releases/download/v1.11.0/gh_1.11.0_linux_armv6.deb || error 'Failed to download github-cli!'
wget -O gh.deb https://github.com/cli/cli/releases/download/v1.12.1/gh_1.12.1_linux_armv6.deb || error 'Failed to download github-cli!'
sudo apt -fy install ./gh_1.11.0_linux_armv6.deb || error "Failed to install gh!"
sudo apt -fy install ./gh.deb || error "Failed to install gh!"
#clean up
rm -f gh*linux_armv6.deb
rm -f gh.deb

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ cd $HOME
#remove old deb (if exists)
rm -f gh*linux_arm64.deb
wget https://github.com/cli/cli/releases/download/v1.11.0/gh_1.11.0_linux_arm64.deb || error 'Failed to download github-cli!'
wget -O gh.deb https://github.com/cli/cli/releases/download/v1.12.1/gh_1.12.1_linux_arm64.deb || error 'Failed to download github-cli!'
sudo apt -fy install ./gh_1.11.0_linux_arm64.deb || error "Failed to install gh!"
sudo apt -fy install ./gh.deb || error "Failed to install gh!"
#clean up
rm -f gh*linux_arm64.deb
rm -f gh.deb
