Add Stunt Rally app

Botspot 3 years ago
parent eb65c5528f
commit 2a4c828ca0

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
compiled and packaged into a deb by Itai-Nelken.
added to pi-apps by Itai-Nelken.

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Racing game with rally style driving, mostly on gravel.
WARNING: at least 2GB of free disk space is needed!
Pi-Apps automatically sets the game's settings for best performance. Feel free to experiment and find the best settings for you.
Stunt Rally features a rich variety of 172 tracks in 34 sceneries also on other planets.
Track difficulty ranges from short and easy, to very difficult stunt tracks including jumps, skewed loops, pipes winding in 3D, obstacles, or all of the above.
Vehicle options: 20 cars, 1 motorbike, 3 hovering spaceships and 1 bouncing sphere.
The latter provide a fast and easier gameplay on flat tracks.
Game modes include:
Single Race, Tutorials, Championships, Challenges, Multiplayer and Split Screen.
Also Replays and Ghost drive are present.
The Track Editor allows creating and modifying tracks. It uses a 3D spline generated road.
To run: Menu -> Games -> Stunt Rally
To run in terminal: stuntrally
To run track editor: Menu -> Games -> Stunt Rally Track Editor
To run in terminal: sr-editor

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.7 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 6.0 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
DIRECTORY="$(dirname "$(dirname "$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )")")"
function error {
echo -e "\\e[91m$1\\e[39m"
exit 1
#install dependencies
if ! command -v aria2c >/dev/null ; then
sudo apt install aria2 -y || error "Failed to install aria2"
"${DIRECTORY}/pkg-install" "libboost-wave-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-thread-dev libogre-1.9-dev libmygui-dev libsdl2-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libenet-dev libopenal-dev libopenal-dev libbullet-dev libbullet-extras-dev" "$(dirname "$0")" || exit 1
#download the deb
cd $HOME
aria2c -x 16
#install the deb and delete it
sudo apt -f -y install ./stunt-rally_20210305-1_armhf.deb
rm -f stunt-rally_20210305-1_armhf.deb
#fix menu shortcut icons
sudo rm /usr/share/applications/stuntrally.desktop &>/dev/null
sudo rm /usr/share/applications/sr-editor.desktop &>/dev/null
echo "[Desktop Entry]
Name=Stunt Rally
GenericName=Racing game
GenericName[fr]=Jeu de course
Comment=3D racing game with stunt and rally elements
Comment[de]=3D-Rennspiel mit Stunt-Elementen
Comment[fi]=3D Rallipeli stunttielementein
Comment[fr]=Jeu de course en 3D avec des éléments acrobatiques
" | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/stuntrally.desktop >/dev/null
echo "[Desktop Entry]
Name=Stunt Rally Track Editor
Name[fr]=Éditeur de circuits Stunt Rally
Name[de]=Stunt Rally Streckeneditor
GenericName=Track editor
GenericName[fr]=Éditeur de circuits
Comment=Track editor for Stunt Rally
Comment[de]=Stunt Rally Streckeneditor
Comment[fi]=Stunt Rally rataeditori
Comment[fr]=Éditez des circuits pour Stunt Rally
" | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/sr-editor.desktop >/dev/null
mkdir -p ~/.config/stuntrally
echo '
[ car1 ]
abs = off
absA = off
autorear = on
autorear_inv = on
autotrans = on
camera = 9
car = SZ
clr_gloss = 1.000000
clr_hue = 0.440000
clr_refl = 1.100000
clr_sat = 0.900000
clr_val = 0.710000
sss_effect = 0.574000
sss_effectA = 0.650000
sss_velfactor = 0.626000
sss_velfactorA = 0.734000
steer_range = 1.000000
steer_rangeA = 0.760000
steer_sim_easy = 0.650000
steer_sim_normal = 0.900000
tcs = off
tcsA = off
[ car2 ]
camera = 9
car = ES
clr_gloss = 0.500000
clr_hue = 0.910000
clr_refl = 1.000000
clr_sat = 1.000000
clr_val = 1.000000
[ car3 ]
camera = 9
car = ES
clr_gloss = 1.000000
clr_hue = 0.750000
clr_refl = 0.400000
clr_sat = 0.950000
clr_val = 0.900000
[ car4 ]
camera = 9
car = ES
clr_gloss = 0.500000
clr_hue = 0.000000
clr_refl = 1.000000
clr_sat = 1.000000
clr_val = 0.900000
[ car5 ]
clr_gloss = 0.500000
clr_hue = 0.910000
clr_refl = 1.000000
clr_sat = 1.000000
clr_val = 1.000000
[ car6 ]
clr_gloss = 0.030000
clr_hue = 0.700000
clr_refl = 1.300000
clr_sat = 1.000000
clr_val = 0.700000
[ game ]
boost_add_sec = 0.100000
boost_max = 11.000000
boost_min = 2.000000
boost_per_km = 1.000000
boost_power = 0.800000
boost_type = 2
chall_num = -1
champ_num = -1
champ_rev = off
collis_cars = on
collis_roadw = off
collis_veget = on
damage_dec = 40.000000
damage_type = 1
dyn_objects = on
flip_type = 1
in_main = off
in_menu = 0
local_players = 1
num_laps = 2
pre_time = 2.000000
rewind_type = 1
sim_mode = easy
split_vertically = on
start_in_main = on
start_order = 0
track = Jng7-Hilly
track_user = off
trk_reverse = off
[ graph_detail ]
anisotropy = 0
preset = 0
road_dist = 1.000000
ter_detail = 1.704071
ter_dist = 0.000000
ter_mtr = 0
ter_tripl = 0
tex_filter = 2
tex_size = 0
view_dist = 1000.000000
[ graph_par ]
particles = off
particles_len = 1.000000
trail_len = 1.000000
trails = off
[ graph_reflect ]
dist = 20.000000
faces_once = 1
map_size = 0
mode = 0
skip_frames = 150
water_reflect = off
water_refract = off
water_rttsize = 0
[ graph_shadow ]
count = 1
dist = 100.000000
lightmap_size = 0
shader_mode =
size = 0
type = 0
[ graph_veget ]
grass = 0.000000
grass_dist = 0.640571
imposters_only = on
trees = 0.000000
trees_dist = 0.601562
use_imposters = off
[ graphs ]
tc_r = 1.026358
tc_xr = 1.017167
te_common = on
te_reference = off
te_xf_pow = 1.000000
te_xfx = 4.000000
te_xfy = 160.000000
te_yf = 9013.303711
[ gui ]
car_ed_tab = 0
cars_sort = 1
cars_view = 0
chall_tab = 0
champ_info = on
champ_tab = 0
tut_tab = 0
tweak_tab = 0
[ gui_tracks ]
columns0 = 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
columns1 = 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
filter = off
filters0 = 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
filters1 = 26 6 5 4 3 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 9
sort = 2
sortup = on
view = 0
[ hud_show ]
cam_tilt = on
caminfo = on
car_dbgsurf = off
car_dbgtxt = off
car_dbgtxtclr = 0
car_dbgtxtcnt = 5
car_tirevis = off
check_arrow = on
check_beam = off
fps = off
gauges = on
graphs = off
graphs_type = 1
mph = off
opplist_sort = on
opponents = off
show_cardbg = off
show_digits = on
times = on
trackmap = on
[ hud_size ]
arrow = 0.260000
cam_bnc_mul = 1.000000
cam_bounce = on
cam_in_loop = 1
cam_loop_chng = on
fov = 90.000000
fov_max = 120.000000
fov_smooth = 5.000000
gauges = 0.190000
gauges_type = 3
mini_border = on
mini_rotated = on
mini_terrain = on
mini_zoom = 2.400000
mini_zoomed = on
minimap = 0.165000
minipos = 0.100000
[ misc ]
autostart = off
boostFromExhaust = off
bulletDebug = off
bulletLines = off
bulletProfilerTxt = off
dev_keys = off
dev_no_prvs = off
escquit = off
language = en
loadingback = on
mouse_capture = on
ogredialog = off
profilerTxt = off
screenshot_png = off
show_welcome = on
version = 2600
[ network ]
game_name = Default Game
local_port = 4243
master_server_address =
master_server_port = 4243
nickname = Player
[ pacenotes ]
alpha = 0.900000
dist = 300.000000
near = 0.570000
next = 4
show = on
size = 0.930000
[ replay ]
bestonly = on
ghoHideDist = 5.000000
ghoHideDistTrk = 5.000000
ghost = off
ghostother = on
ghostpar = off
ghostrewind = on
listghosts = off
listview = 0
num_views = 1
rec = off
trackghost = on
[ sim ]
bullet_freq = 160.000000
bullet_iter = 24
dynamics_iter = 60
game_freq = 82.000000
gui_sleep = 1
multi_thr = 1
perf_speed = 100000.000000
thread_sleep = 5
[ sound ]
device =
hud_chk = off
hud_chk_wrong = on
hud_vol = 0.750000
reverb = on
vol_car_crash = 0.608426
vol_car_scrap = 0.915743
vol_engine = 0.580488
vol_env = 0.748115
vol_fl_cont = 0.878492
vol_fl_splash = 0.636364
vol_susp = 0.474945
vol_tires = 0.856763
volume = 1.550000
[ video ]
buffer = FBO
fsaa = 0
fullscreen = off
limit_fps = off
limit_fps_val = 60.000000
limit_sleep = -1
rendersystem = OpenGL Rendering Subsystem
vsync = on
windowx = 800
windowy = 600
[ video_eff ]
all_effects = off
bloom = off
bloomintensity = 0.130000
bloomorig = 0.910000
boost_fov = off
dof = off
dof_far = 1000.000000
dof_focus = 100.000000
godrays = off
hdr = off
hdr_adaptationScale = 0.510000
hdr_bloomint = 0.810000
hdr_bloomorig = 0.340000
hdr_p1 = 0.620000
hdr_p2 = 0.100000
hdr_p3 = 0.790000
hdr_vignettingDarkness = 0.340000
hdr_vignettingRadius = 2.850000
motionblur = off
motionblurintensity = 0.400000
softparticles = off
ssao = off
' > ~/.config/stuntrally/game.cfg
#clean up
if [[ "$ARIA2" == 1 ]]; then
sudo apt purge -y aria2

@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
DIRECTORY="$(dirname "$(dirname "$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )")")"
function error {
echo -e "\\e[91m$1\\e[39m"
exit 1
#get dependencies
DEPENDS="cmake git build-essential libboost-wave-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-thread-dev libogre-1.9-dev libmygui-dev libsdl2-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libenet-dev libopenal-dev libopenal-dev libbullet-dev libbullet-extras-dev"
TOINSTALL="$(dpkg -l $DEPENDS 2>&1 | awk '{if (/^D|^\||^\+/) {next} else if(/^dpkg-query:/) { print $6} else if(!/^[hi]i/) {print $2}}' | tr '\n' ' ')"
sudo apt -f -y install "$TOINSTALL"
if ! command -v checkinstall >/dev/null ; then
wget || error "Failed to download checkinstall!"
sudo apt install ./checkinstall_20210126-1_arm64.deb -y || error "Failed to install checkinstall!"
#compile stunt rally
cd $HOME
git clone --depth=1 git:// stuntrally || error "Failed to clone stuntrally repo!"
cd stuntrally/data || error "Failed to change directory to '$DIRECTORY/stuntrally/data'!"
git clone --depth=1 git:// tracks || error "Failed to clone tracks repo!"
cd .. || error "Failed to go one directory up!"
mkdir build || error "Failed to create '$DIRECTORY/stuntrally/build' directory!"
cd build || error "Failed to change directory to '$DIRECTORY/stuntrally/build'!"
cmake .. || error "Failed to run 'cmake ..'!"
make -j$(nproc) || make || error "Failed to run 'make'!"
#sudo make install
#make a deb with checkinstall
echo "Stunt Rally $(uname -m).">description-pak || error "Failed to create 'description-pak'!"
sudo checkinstall -y -D --provides="stunt-rally" --pkgname="stunt-rally" --install="no" make install || error "Failed to run checkinstall!"
#unpack the deb, remove the home directory from it (if present), and repack it
DEBNAME="$(basename stunt-rally*.deb)" || error "Failed to get deb name!"
DEBDIR="$(echo ${DEBNAME/.deb/})" || error "Failed to generate deb directory name from deb name!"
dpkg-deb -R $DEBNAME $DEBDIR || error "Failed to unpack deb!"
rm -rf $DEBDIR/home || sudo rm -rf $DEBDIR/home
rm -f $DEBNAME || error "Failed to delete old deb!"
dpkg-deb -b $DEBDIR || sudo dpkg-deb -b $DEBDIR || error "Failed to repack deb!"
#install the deb
sudo dpkg -i $DEBNAME; sudo apt install -f -y || error "Failed to install the deb!"
#fix the menu shortcut icons
sudo rm /usr/share/applications/stuntrally.desktop &>/dev/null
sudo rm /usr/share/applications/sr-editor.desktop &>/dev/null
echo "[Desktop Entry]
Name=Stunt Rally
GenericName=Racing game
GenericName[fr]=Jeu de course
Comment=3D racing game with stunt and rally elements
Comment[de]=3D-Rennspiel mit Stunt-Elementen
Comment[fi]=3D Rallipeli stunttielementein
Comment[fr]=Jeu de course en 3D avec des éléments acrobatiques
" | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/stuntrally.desktop >/dev/null
echo "[Desktop Entry]
Name=Stunt Rally Track Editor
Name[fr]=Éditeur de circuits Stunt Rally
Name[de]=Stunt Rally Streckeneditor
GenericName=Track editor
GenericName[fr]=Éditeur de circuits
Comment=Track editor for Stunt Rally
Comment[de]=Stunt Rally Streckeneditor
Comment[fi]=Stunt Rally rataeditori
Comment[fr]=Éditez des circuits pour Stunt Rally
" | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/sr-editor.desktop >/dev/null
mkdir -p ~/.config/stuntrally
echo '
[ car1 ]
abs = off
absA = off
autorear = on
autorear_inv = on
autotrans = on
camera = 9
car = SZ
clr_gloss = 1.000000
clr_hue = 0.440000
clr_refl = 1.100000
clr_sat = 0.900000
clr_val = 0.710000
sss_effect = 0.574000
sss_effectA = 0.650000
sss_velfactor = 0.626000
sss_velfactorA = 0.734000
steer_range = 1.000000
steer_rangeA = 0.760000
steer_sim_easy = 0.650000
steer_sim_normal = 0.900000
tcs = off
tcsA = off
[ car2 ]
camera = 9
car = ES
clr_gloss = 0.500000
clr_hue = 0.910000
clr_refl = 1.000000
clr_sat = 1.000000
clr_val = 1.000000
[ car3 ]
camera = 9
car = ES
clr_gloss = 1.000000
clr_hue = 0.750000
clr_refl = 0.400000
clr_sat = 0.950000
clr_val = 0.900000
[ car4 ]
camera = 9
car = ES
clr_gloss = 0.500000
clr_hue = 0.000000
clr_refl = 1.000000
clr_sat = 1.000000
clr_val = 0.900000
[ car5 ]
clr_gloss = 0.500000
clr_hue = 0.910000
clr_refl = 1.000000
clr_sat = 1.000000
clr_val = 1.000000
[ car6 ]
clr_gloss = 0.030000
clr_hue = 0.700000
clr_refl = 1.300000
clr_sat = 1.000000
clr_val = 0.700000
[ game ]
boost_add_sec = 0.100000
boost_max = 11.000000
boost_min = 2.000000
boost_per_km = 1.000000
boost_power = 0.800000
boost_type = 2
chall_num = -1
champ_num = -1
champ_rev = off
collis_cars = on
collis_roadw = off
collis_veget = on
damage_dec = 40.000000
damage_type = 1
dyn_objects = on
flip_type = 1
in_main = off
in_menu = 0
local_players = 1
num_laps = 2
pre_time = 2.000000
rewind_type = 1
sim_mode = easy
split_vertically = on
start_in_main = on
start_order = 0
track = Jng7-Hilly
track_user = off
trk_reverse = off
[ graph_detail ]
anisotropy = 0
preset = 0
road_dist = 1.000000
ter_detail = 1.704071
ter_dist = 0.000000
ter_mtr = 0
ter_tripl = 0
tex_filter = 2
tex_size = 0
view_dist = 1000.000000
[ graph_par ]
particles = off
particles_len = 1.000000
trail_len = 1.000000
trails = off
[ graph_reflect ]
dist = 20.000000
faces_once = 1
map_size = 0
mode = 0
skip_frames = 150
water_reflect = off
water_refract = off
water_rttsize = 0
[ graph_shadow ]
count = 1
dist = 100.000000
lightmap_size = 0
shader_mode =
size = 0
type = 0
[ graph_veget ]
grass = 0.000000
grass_dist = 0.640571
imposters_only = on
trees = 0.000000
trees_dist = 0.601562
use_imposters = off
[ graphs ]
tc_r = 1.026358
tc_xr = 1.017167
te_common = on
te_reference = off
te_xf_pow = 1.000000
te_xfx = 4.000000
te_xfy = 160.000000
te_yf = 9013.303711
[ gui ]
car_ed_tab = 0
cars_sort = 1
cars_view = 0
chall_tab = 0
champ_info = on
champ_tab = 0
tut_tab = 0
tweak_tab = 0
[ gui_tracks ]
columns0 = 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
columns1 = 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
filter = off
filters0 = 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
filters1 = 26 6 5 4 3 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 9
sort = 2
sortup = on
view = 0
[ hud_show ]
cam_tilt = on
caminfo = on
car_dbgsurf = off
car_dbgtxt = off
car_dbgtxtclr = 0
car_dbgtxtcnt = 5
car_tirevis = off
check_arrow = on
check_beam = off
fps = off
gauges = on
graphs = off
graphs_type = 1
mph = off
opplist_sort = on
opponents = off
show_cardbg = off
show_digits = on
times = on
trackmap = on
[ hud_size ]
arrow = 0.260000
cam_bnc_mul = 1.000000
cam_bounce = on
cam_in_loop = 1
cam_loop_chng = on
fov = 90.000000
fov_max = 120.000000
fov_smooth = 5.000000
gauges = 0.190000
gauges_type = 3
mini_border = on
mini_rotated = on
mini_terrain = on
mini_zoom = 2.400000
mini_zoomed = on
minimap = 0.165000
minipos = 0.100000
[ misc ]
autostart = off
boostFromExhaust = off
bulletDebug = off
bulletLines = off
bulletProfilerTxt = off
dev_keys = off
dev_no_prvs = off
escquit = off
language = en
loadingback = on
mouse_capture = on
ogredialog = off
profilerTxt = off
screenshot_png = off
show_welcome = on
version = 2600
[ network ]
game_name = Default Game
local_port = 4243
master_server_address =
master_server_port = 4243
nickname = Player
[ pacenotes ]
alpha = 0.900000
dist = 300.000000
near = 0.570000
next = 4
show = on
size = 0.930000
[ replay ]
bestonly = on
ghoHideDist = 5.000000
ghoHideDistTrk = 5.000000
ghost = off
ghostother = on
ghostpar = off
ghostrewind = on
listghosts = off
listview = 0
num_views = 1
rec = off
trackghost = on
[ sim ]
bullet_freq = 160.000000
bullet_iter = 24
dynamics_iter = 60
game_freq = 82.000000
gui_sleep = 1
multi_thr = 1
perf_speed = 100000.000000
thread_sleep = 5
[ sound ]
device =
hud_chk = off
hud_chk_wrong = on
hud_vol = 0.750000
reverb = on
vol_car_crash = 0.608426
vol_car_scrap = 0.915743
vol_engine = 0.580488
vol_env = 0.748115
vol_fl_cont = 0.878492
vol_fl_splash = 0.636364
vol_susp = 0.474945
vol_tires = 0.856763
volume = 1.550000
[ video ]
buffer = FBO
fsaa = 0
fullscreen = off
limit_fps = off
limit_fps_val = 60.000000
limit_sleep = -1
rendersystem = OpenGL Rendering Subsystem
vsync = on
windowx = 800
windowy = 600
[ video_eff ]
all_effects = off
bloom = off
bloomintensity = 0.130000
bloomorig = 0.910000
boost_fov = off
dof = off
dof_far = 1000.000000
dof_focus = 100.000000
godrays = off
hdr = off
hdr_adaptationScale = 0.510000
hdr_bloomint = 0.810000
hdr_bloomorig = 0.340000
hdr_p1 = 0.620000
hdr_p2 = 0.100000
hdr_p3 = 0.790000
hdr_vignettingDarkness = 0.340000
hdr_vignettingRadius = 2.850000
motionblur = off
motionblurintensity = 0.400000
softparticles = off
ssao = off
' > ~/.config/stuntrally/game.cfg
#clean up
sudo apt purge -y "$TOINSTALL"
if [[ "$CHECKINSTALL" == 1 ]]; then
sudo apt purge -y checkinstall
sudo rm -rf ~/stuntrally
echo "Installing dependencies..."
"${DIRECTORY}/pkg-install" "libboost-wave-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-thread-dev libogre-1.9-dev libmygui-dev libsdl2-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libenet-dev libopenal-dev libopenal-dev libbullet-dev libbullet-extras-dev" "$(dirname "$0")" || exit 1

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
DIRECTORY="$(dirname "$(dirname "$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )")")"
function error {
echo -e "\\e[91m$1\\e[39m"
exit 1
sudo rm -f /usr/share/applications/stuntrally.desktop
sudo rm -f /usr/share/applications/sr-editor.desktop
sudo apt purge stunt-rally -y || error "Failed to uninstall stunt rally!"
rm -r $HOME/.config/stuntrally/

@ -0,0 +1 @@