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4 years ago
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<title>shadow handle</title>
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4 years ago
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<title>shadow handle</title>
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<title>white cover</title>
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4 years ago
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<title>shadows around handle</title>
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<title>white accents</title>
<path d="M 230.896 270.48 L 421.103 270.48 C 449.331 270.48 472.215 293.363 472.215 321.591 L 472.215 511.798 C 472.215 540.026 449.331 562.91 421.103 562.91 L 230.896 562.91 C 202.668 562.91 179.785 540.026 179.785 511.798 L 179.785 321.591 C 179.785 293.363 202.668 270.48 230.896 270.48 Z M 198.797 313.355 L 198.797 339.668 C 198.797 352.848 209.481 363.532 222.66 363.532 L 248.973 363.532 C 262.152 363.532 272.836 352.848 272.836 339.668 L 272.836 313.355 C 272.836 300.176 262.152 289.492 248.973 289.492 L 222.66 289.492 C 209.481 289.492 198.797 300.176 198.797 313.355 Z M 288.992 313.355 L 288.992 339.668 C 288.992 352.848 299.676 363.532 312.856 363.532 L 339.169 363.532 C 352.348 363.532 363.032 352.848 363.032 339.668 L 363.032 313.355 C 363.032 300.176 352.348 289.492 339.169 289.492 L 312.856 289.492 C 299.676 289.492 288.992 300.176 288.992 313.355 Z M 379.165 313.355 L 379.165 339.668 C 379.165 352.848 389.849 363.532 403.028 363.532 L 429.341 363.532 C 442.521 363.532 453.205 352.848 453.205 339.668 L 453.205 313.355 C 453.205 300.176 442.521 289.492 429.341 289.492 L 403.028 289.492 C 389.849 289.492 379.165 300.176 379.165 313.355 Z M 198.797 402.802 L 198.797 429.115 C 198.797 442.294 209.481 452.978 222.66 452.978 L 248.973 452.978 C 262.152 452.978 272.836 442.294 272.836 429.115 L 272.836 402.802 C 272.836 389.622 262.152 378.938 248.973 378.938 L 222.66 378.938 C 209.481 378.938 198.797 389.622 198.797 402.802 Z M 288.981 403.539 L 288.981 429.852 C 288.981 443.032 299.665 453.716 312.844 453.716 L 339.157 453.716 C 352.336 453.716 363.021 443.032 363.021 429.852 L 363.021 403.539 C 363.021 390.36 352.336 379.676 339.157 379.676 L 312.844 379.676 C 299.665 379.676 288.981 390.36 288.981 403.539 Z M 379.165 402.802 L 379.165 429.115 C 379.165 442.294 389.849 452.978 403.028 452.978 L 429.341 452.978 C 442.521 452.978 453.205 442.294 453.205 429.115 L 453.205 402.802 C 453.205 389.622 442.521 378.938 429.341 378.938 L 403.028 378.938 C 389.849 378.938 379.165 389.622 379.165 402.802 Z M 198.797 493.723 L 198.797 520.036 C 198.797 533.216 209.481 543.9 222.66 543.9 L 248.973 543.9 C 262.152 543.9 272.836 533.216 272.836 520.036 L 272.836 493.723 C 272.836 480.544 262.152 469.86 248.973 469.86 L 222.66 469.86 C 209.481 469.86 198.797 480.544 198.797 493.723 Z M 288.992 493.723 L 288.992 520.036 C 288.992 533.216 299.676 543.9 312.856 543.9 L 339.169 543.9 C 352.348 543.9 363.032 533.216 363.032 520.036 L 363.032 493.723 C 363.032 480.544 352.348 469.86 339.169 469.86 L 312.856 469.86 C 299.676 469.86 288.992 480.544 288.992 493.723 Z M 379.165 493.723 L 379.165 520.036 C 379.165 533.216 389.849 543.9 403.028 543.9 L 429.341 543.9 C 442.521 543.9 453.205 533.216 453.205 520.036 L 453.205 493.723 C 453.205 480.544 442.521 469.86 429.341 469.86 L 403.028 469.86 C 389.849 469.86 379.165 480.544 379.165 493.723 Z" style="filter: url(#filter-2);">
<title>black accents</title>
4 years ago