import { HtmlHead, PageHead } from '../components/layout' import Accordion from '../components/accordion' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' const accordionData = [ { key: "substitute", title: "Is OnLoki a substitute to ONS (Oxen Name Service)?", content: `Absolutely not! This is a much inferior product.
OnLoki is centralized, while ONS is decentralized.
OnLoki runs on a single server with no uptime guarantee, and ONS runs on more than 1700 servers all around the world.
OnLoki blocks content as described in the TOS, ONS does not.
You need to renew your OnLoki address every week, ONS names can be renewed once every 10 years.
Sounds cool? You can get an ONS name from the Desktop wallet. (CLEARNET, UNDER CLOUDFLARE)`, }, { key: "for", title: "Who is OnLoki for?", content: `OnLoki is for everyone who wants to have a simple, rememberable name for their Lokinet SNApps that respect our TOS, but don't have OXEN to buy a real ONS name.
If you have enough OXEN, please consider buying an ONS name to support the network.
If you don't have any OXEN, you can get yourself some on CoinGecko (CLEARNET, UNDER CLOUDFLARE).` }, { key: "how", title: "How does OnLoki work?", content: `OnLoki works by reverse-proxying all incoming requests from yoursubdomain.on.loki to yourserver.loki.
Proxying is achieved using the http-proxy library for NodeJS.
Yes. You read that right. NodeJS. Because I could.` }, { key: "redirect", title: "What is the \"Redirect Mode\"?", content: `With OnLoki domains, all requests that reach our server are passed to yours via reverse proxy by default.
While this looks good (the end user never sees the long \".loki\" address of your server), it is terrible for performance.
\"Redirect Mode\" instead redirect the user to your SNapp's address, preserving the query URL for GET requests, which avoids having to route all calls through OnLoki's reverse proxy.
It's arguably uglier, and it doesn't work for anything but HTTP GET, but it's way faster, and recommended for heavy SNApps.` }, { key: "renew", title: "Are OnLoki subdomains free? How do I renew my OnLoki subdomain?", content: `Yes, OnLoki is free for everyone, and there are no advantages for users who donate.
However, to prevent spam, you must renew your subdomain at least once a week. If you don't renew your subdomain for more than a week, it will get suspended: users won't be able to access your subdomain, but no one will be able to claim it as theirs. After two weeks, the subdomain will be deregistred, and anyone will be able to claim it.
When you register an OnLoki subdomain, you will be given an URL for renewal. There is no captcha required or anything, so you can simply use a cronjob to curl the URL every 7 days.` }, { key: "support", title: "How can I support OnLoki?", content: `That's very kind of you! I try to keep costs low, but at the bare minimum I need 7 OXEN a year for the on.loki domain.
If you have some OXEN and you're willing to help me pay the fees, feel free to donate any amount of Oxen at this address:
You can also help by contributing to our development.` }, ]; const Faq = () => { const router = useRouter(); return (


Here are some FAQs for OnLoki. If you can't find the answer to your question, contact massivebox (ONS name on Session).

{process.browser &&{ key, title, content }) => ( ))}
); } export default Faq;