You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright © 2023 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
// stringlint:disable
import Foundation
public struct BencodeResponse<T: Codable> {
public let info: T
public let data: Data?
extension BencodeResponse: Equatable where T: Equatable {}
public enum Bencode {
private enum Element: Character {
case number0 = "0"
case number1 = "1"
case number2 = "2"
case number3 = "3"
case number4 = "4"
case number5 = "5"
case number6 = "6"
case number7 = "7"
case number8 = "8"
case number9 = "9"
case intIndicator = "i"
case listIndicator = "l"
case dictIndicator = "d"
case endIndicator = "e"
case separator = ":"
init?(_ byte: UInt8?) {
let byte: UInt8 = byte,
let byteString: String = String(data: Data([byte]), encoding: .utf8),
let character: Character = byteString.first,
let result: Element = Element(rawValue: character)
else { return nil }
self = result
private struct BencodeString {
let value: String?
let rawValue: Data
// MARK: - Functions
public static func decodeResponse<T>(
from data: Data,
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()
) throws -> BencodeResponse<T> where T: Decodable {
let decodedData: (value: Any, remainingData: Data) = decodeData(data),
decodedData.remainingData.isEmpty == true, // Ensure there is no left over data
let resultArray: [Any] = decodedData.value as? [Any],
resultArray.count > 0
else { throw NetworkError.parsingFailed }
return BencodeResponse(
info: try Bencode.decode(T.self, decodedValue: resultArray[0], using: dependencies),
data: {
guard resultArray.count > 1 else { return nil }
switch resultArray.last {
case let bencodeString as BencodeString: return bencodeString.rawValue
default: return resultArray.last as? Data
public static func decode<T: Decodable>(
_ type: T.Type,
from data: Data,
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()
) throws -> T {
let decodedData: (value: Any, remainingData: Data) = decodeData(data),
decodedData.remainingData.isEmpty == true // Ensure there is no left over data
else { throw NetworkError.parsingFailed }
return try Bencode.decode(T.self, decodedValue: decodedData.value, using: dependencies)
private static func decode<T: Decodable>(
_ type: T.Type,
decodedValue: Any,
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()
) throws -> T {
switch (decodedValue, T.self) {
case (let directResult as T, _): return directResult
(let bencodeString as BencodeString, is String.Type),
(let bencodeString as BencodeString, is Optional<String>.Type):
return try (bencodeString.value as? T ?? { throw NetworkError.parsingFailed }())
case (let bencodeString as BencodeString, _):
return try bencodeString.rawValue.decoded(as: T.self, using: dependencies)
let jsonifiedInfo: Any = try? jsonify(decodedValue),
let infoData: Data = try? jsonifiedInfo)
else { throw NetworkError.parsingFailed }
return try infoData.decoded(as: T.self, using: dependencies)
// MARK: - Logic
private static func decodeData(_ data: Data) -> (value: Any, remainingData: Data)? {
switch Element(data.first) {
case .number0, .number1, .number2, .number3, .number4,
.number5, .number6, .number7, .number8, .number9:
return decodeString(data)
case .intIndicator: return decodeInt(data)
case .listIndicator: return decodeList(data)
case .dictIndicator: return decodeDict(data)
default: return nil
/// Decode a string element from iterator assumed to have structure `{length}:{data}`
private static func decodeString(_ data: Data) -> (value: BencodeString, remainingData: Data)? {
var mutableData: Data = data
var lengthData: [UInt8] = []
// Remove bytes until we hit the separator
while let next: UInt8 = mutableData.popFirst(), Element(next) != .separator {
// Need to reset the index of the data (it maintains the index after popping/slicing)
// See for more info
mutableData = Data(mutableData)
let lengthString: String = String(data: Data(lengthData), encoding: .ascii),
let length: Int = Int(lengthString, radix: 10),
mutableData.count >= length
else { return nil }
// Need to reset the index of the data (it maintains the index after popping/slicing)
// See for more info
return (
value: String(data: mutableData[0..<length], encoding: .ascii),
rawValue: mutableData[0..<length]
/// Decode an int element from iterator assumed to have structure `i{int}e`
private static func decodeInt(_ data: Data) -> (value: Int, remainingData: Data)? {
var mutableData: Data = data
var intData: [UInt8] = []
_ = mutableData.popFirst() // drop `i`
// Pop until after `e`
while let next: UInt8 = mutableData.popFirst(), Element(next) != .endIndicator {
let intString: String = String(data: Data(intData), encoding: .ascii),
let result: Int = Int(intString, radix: 10)
else { return nil }
// Need to reset the index of the data (it maintains the index after popping/slicing)
// See for more info
return (result, Data(mutableData))
/// Decode a list element from iterator assumed to have structure `l{data}e`
private static func decodeList(_ data: Data) -> ([Any], Data)? {
var mutableData: Data = data
var listElements: [Any] = []
_ = mutableData.popFirst() // drop `l`
while !mutableData.isEmpty, let next: UInt8 = mutableData.first, Element(next) != .endIndicator {
guard let result = decodeData(mutableData) else { break }
mutableData = result.remainingData
_ = mutableData.popFirst() // drop `e`
// Need to reset the index of the data (it maintains the index after popping/slicing)
// See for more info
return (listElements, Data(mutableData))
/// Decode a dict element from iterator assumed to have structure `d{data}e`
private static func decodeDict(_ data: Data) -> ([String: Any], Data)? {
var mutableData: Data = data
var dictElements: [String: Any] = [:]
_ = mutableData.popFirst() // drop `d`
while !mutableData.isEmpty, let next: UInt8 = mutableData.first, Element(next) != .endIndicator {
let keyResult = decodeString(mutableData),
let key: String = keyResult.value.value,
let valueResult = decodeData(keyResult.remainingData)
else { return nil }
dictElements[key] = valueResult.value
mutableData = valueResult.remainingData
_ = mutableData.popFirst() // drop `e`
// Need to reset the index of the data (it maintains the index after popping/slicing)
// See for more info
return (dictElements, Data(mutableData))
// MARK: - Internal Functions
private static func jsonify(_ value: Any) throws -> Any {
switch value {
case let arrayValue as [Any]: return try { try jsonify($0) } as Any
case let dictValue as [String: Any]: return try dictValue.mapValues { try jsonify($0) } as Any
case let bencodeString as BencodeString: return bencodeString.value as Any
default: return value