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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import ImageIO
public extension Data {
var isValidImage: Bool {
let imageFormat: ImageFormat = self.guessedImageFormat
let isAnimated: Bool = (imageFormat == .gif)
let maxFileSize: UInt = (isAnimated ?
OWSMediaUtils.kMaxFileSizeAnimatedImage :
return (
count < maxFileSize &&
isValidImage(mimeType: nil, format: imageFormat) &&
hasValidImageDimensions(isAnimated: isAnimated)
var guessedImageFormat: ImageFormat {
let twoBytesLength: Int = 2
guard count > twoBytesLength else { return .unknown }
var bytes: [UInt8] = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: twoBytesLength)
self.copyBytes(to: &bytes, from: (self.startIndex..<self.startIndex.advanced(by: twoBytesLength)))
switch (bytes[0], bytes[1]) {
case (0x47, 0x49): return .gif
case (0x89, 0x50): return .png
case (0xff, 0xd8): return .jpeg
case (0x42, 0x4d): return .bmp
case (0x4D, 0x4D): return .tiff // Motorola byte order TIFF
case (0x49, 0x49): return .tiff // Intel byte order TIFF
case (0x52, 0x49): return .webp // First two letters of WebP
default: return .unknown
// Parse the GIF header to prevent the "GIF of death" issue.
// See:
// See:
var hasValidGifSize: Bool {
let signatureLength: Int = 3
let versionLength: Int = 3
let widthLength: Int = 2
let heightLength: Int = 2
let prefixLength: Int = (signatureLength + versionLength)
let bufferLength: Int = (signatureLength + versionLength + widthLength + heightLength)
guard count > bufferLength else { return false }
var bytes: [UInt8] = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: bufferLength)
self.copyBytes(to: &bytes, from: (self.startIndex..<self.startIndex.advanced(by: bufferLength)))
let gif87APrefix: [UInt8] = [0x47, 0x49, 0x46, 0x38, 0x37, 0x61]
let gif89APrefix: [UInt8] = [0x47, 0x49, 0x46, 0x38, 0x39, 0x61]
guard bytes.starts(with: gif87APrefix) || bytes.starts(with: gif89APrefix) else {
return false
let width: UInt = (UInt(bytes[prefixLength]) | (UInt(bytes[prefixLength + 1]) << 8))
let height: UInt = (UInt(bytes[prefixLength + 2]) | (UInt(bytes[prefixLength + 3]) << 8))
// We need to ensure that the image size is "reasonable"
// We impose an arbitrary "very large" limit on image size
// to eliminate harmful values
let maxValidSize: UInt = (1 << 18)
return (width > 0 && width < maxValidSize && height > 0 && height < maxValidSize)
func hasValidImageDimensions(isAnimated: Bool) -> Bool {
let dataPtr: CFData = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, self.bytes, self.count),
let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithData(dataPtr, nil)
else { return false }
return Data.hasValidImageDimension(source: imageSource, isAnimated: isAnimated)
func isValidImage(mimeType: String?, format: ImageFormat) -> Bool {
// Don't trust the file extension; iOS (e.g. UIKit, Core Graphics) will happily
// load a .gif with a .png file extension
// Instead, use the "magic numbers" in the file data to determine the image format
// If the image has a declared MIME type, ensure that agrees with the
// deduced image format
switch format {
case .unknown: return false
case .png: return (mimeType == nil || mimeType == OWSMimeTypeImagePng)
case .jpeg: return (mimeType == nil || mimeType == OWSMimeTypeImageJpeg)
case .gif:
guard hasValidGifSize else { return false }
return (mimeType == nil || mimeType == OWSMimeTypeImageGif)
case .tiff:
return (
mimeType == nil ||
mimeType == OWSMimeTypeImageTiff1 ||
mimeType == OWSMimeTypeImageTiff2
case .bmp:
return (
mimeType == nil ||
mimeType == OWSMimeTypeImageBmp1 ||
mimeType == OWSMimeTypeImageBmp2
case .webp:
return (mimeType == nil || mimeType == OWSMimeTypeImageWebp)
static func hasValidImageDimension(source: CGImageSource, isAnimated: Bool) -> Bool {
guard let properties = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(source, 0, nil) as? [CFString: Any] else { return false }
guard let width = properties[kCGImagePropertyPixelWidth] as? Double else { return false }
guard let height = properties[kCGImagePropertyPixelHeight] as? Double else { return false }
// The number of bits in each color sample of each pixel. The value of this key is a CFNumberRef
guard let depthBits = properties[kCGImagePropertyDepth] as? UInt else { return false }
// This should usually be 1.
let depthBytes: CGFloat = ceil(CGFloat(depthBits) / 8.0)
// The color model of the image such as "RGB", "CMYK", "Gray", or "Lab"
// The value of this key is CFStringRef
let colorModel = properties[kCGImagePropertyColorModel] as? String,
colorModel != (kCGImagePropertyColorModelRGB as String) ||
colorModel != (kCGImagePropertyColorModelGray as String)
else { return false }
// We only support (A)RGB and (A)Grayscale, so worst case is 4.
let worseCastComponentsPerPixel: CGFloat = 4
let bytesPerPixel: CGFloat = (worseCastComponentsPerPixel * depthBytes)
let expectedBytePerPixel: CGFloat = 4
let maxValidImageDimension: CGFloat = CGFloat(isAnimated ?
OWSMediaUtils.kMaxAnimatedImageDimensions :
let maxBytes: CGFloat = (maxValidImageDimension * maxValidImageDimension * expectedBytePerPixel)
let actualBytes: CGFloat = (width * height * bytesPerPixel)
return (actualBytes <= maxBytes)