You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
// stringlint:disable
import Foundation
public extension Dictionary {
var prettifiedDescription: String {
return "[ " + map { key, value in
let keyDescription = String(describing: key)
let valueDescription = String(describing: value)
let maxLength = 50
let truncatedValueDescription = valueDescription.count > maxLength ? valueDescription.prefix(maxLength) + "..." : valueDescription
return keyDescription + " : " + truncatedValueDescription
}.joined(separator: ", ") + " ]"
func asArray() -> [(key: Key, value: Value)] {
return Array(self)
public extension Dictionary.Values {
func asArray() -> [Value] {
return Array(self)
// MARK: - Functional Convenience
public extension Dictionary {
subscript(_ key: Key?) -> Value? {
guard let key: Key = key else { return nil }
return self[key]
func getting(_ key: Key?) -> Value? {
guard let key: Key = key else { return nil }
return self[key]
func setting(_ key: Key?, _ value: Value?) -> [Key: Value] {
guard let key: Key = key else { return self }
var updatedDictionary: [Key: Value] = self
updatedDictionary[key] = value
return updatedDictionary
func updated(with other: [Key: Value]) -> [Key: Value] {
var updatedDictionary: [Key: Value] = self
other.forEach { key, value in
updatedDictionary[key] = value
return updatedDictionary
func removingValue(forKey key: Key?) -> [Key: Value] {
guard let key: Key = key else { return self }
var updatedDictionary: [Key: Value] = self
updatedDictionary.removeValue(forKey: key)
return updatedDictionary
func nullIfEmpty() -> [Key: Value]? {
guard !isEmpty else { return nil }
return self
mutating func append<T>(_ value: T?, toArrayOn key: Key?) where Value == [T] {
guard let key: Key = key, let value: T = value else { return }
self[key] = (self[key] ?? []).appending(value)
public extension Dictionary where Value: Hashable {
func groupedByValue() -> [Value: [Key]] {
return self.reduce(into: [:]) { result, next in
result[next.value, default: []].append(next.key)
extension Dictionary where Value == Array<() -> Void> {
mutating func appendTo(_ key: Key?, _ value: @escaping () -> Void) {
guard let key: Key = key else { return }
self[key] = (self[key] ?? []).appending(value)