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// Copyright © 2023 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
// MARK: - CacheType
public protocol MutableCacheType {}
public protocol ImmutableCacheType {}
// MARK: - Cache
public class Cache {}
// MARK: - CacheInfo
public enum CacheInfo {
public class Config<M, I>: Cache {
public let key: Int
public let createInstance: () -> M
public let mutableInstance: (M) -> MutableCacheType
public let immutableInstance: (M) -> I
fileprivate init(
createInstance: @escaping () -> M,
mutableInstance: @escaping (M) -> MutableCacheType,
immutableInstance: @escaping (M) -> I
) {
self.key = ObjectIdentifier(M.self).hashValue
self.createInstance = createInstance
self.mutableInstance = mutableInstance
self.immutableInstance = immutableInstance
public extension CacheInfo {
static func create<M, I>(
createInstance: @escaping () -> M,
mutableInstance: @escaping (M) -> MutableCacheType,
immutableInstance: @escaping (M) -> I
) -> CacheInfo.Config<M, I> {
return CacheInfo.Config(
createInstance: createInstance,
mutableInstance: mutableInstance,
immutableInstance: immutableInstance
public protocol CacheType: MutableCacheType {
associatedtype ImmutableCache = ImmutableCacheType
associatedtype MutableCache: MutableCacheType
func mutableInstance() -> MutableCache
func immutableInstance() -> ImmutableCache
public extension CacheType where MutableCache == Self {
func mutableInstance() -> Self { return self }
public protocol CachesType {
subscript<M, I>(cache: CacheInfo.Config<M, I>) -> I { get }
@discardableResult func mutate<M, I, R>(
cache: CacheInfo.Config<M, I>,
_ mutation: (inout M) -> R
) -> R
@discardableResult func mutate<M, I, R>(
cache: CacheInfo.Config<M, I>,
_ mutation: (inout M) throws -> R
) throws -> R
// MARK: - Caches Logic
public extension Dependencies {
class Caches: CachesType {
/// The caches need to be accessed as singleton instances so we store them in a static variable in the `Caches` type
private static var cacheInstances: Atomic<[Int: MutableCacheType]> = Atomic([:])
// MARK: - Initialization
public init() {}
// MARK: - Immutable Access
public subscript<M, I>(cache: CacheInfo.Config<M, I>) -> I {
get { Caches.getValueSettingIfNull(cache: cache, &Caches.cacheInstances) }
// MARK: - Mutable Access
@discardableResult public func mutate<M, I, R>(cache: CacheInfo.Config<M, I>, _ mutation: (inout M) -> R) -> R {
return Caches.cacheInstances.mutate { caches in
var value: M = ((caches[cache.key] as? M) ?? cache.createInstance())
return mutation(&value)
@discardableResult public func mutate<M, I, R>(cache: CacheInfo.Config<M, I>, _ mutation: (inout M) throws -> R) throws -> R {
return try Caches.cacheInstances.mutate { caches in
var value: M = ((caches[cache.key] as? M) ?? cache.createInstance())
return try mutation(&value)
// MARK: - Convenience
@discardableResult private static func getValueSettingIfNull<M, I>(
cache: CacheInfo.Config<M, I>,
_ store: inout Atomic<[Int: MutableCacheType]>
) -> I {
guard let value: M = (store.wrappedValue[cache.key] as? M) else {
let value: M = cache.createInstance()
let mutableInstance: MutableCacheType = cache.mutableInstance(value)
store.mutate { $0[cache.key] = mutableInstance }
return cache.immutableInstance(value)
return cache.immutableInstance(value)