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// Copyright © 2023 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
// MARK: - Atomic<Value>
/// The `Atomic<Value>` wrapper is a generic wrapper providing a thread-safe way to get and set a value
/// A write-up on the need for this class and it's approaches can be found at these links:
/// there is also another approach which can be taken but it requires separate types for collections and results in
/// a somewhat inconsistent interface between different `Atomic` wrappers
/// We use a Read-write lock approach because the `DispatchQueue` approach means mutating the property
/// occurs on a different thread, and GRDB requires it's changes to be executed on specific threads so using a lock
/// is more compatible (and Read-write locks allow for concurrent reads which shouldn't be a huge issue but could
/// help reduce cases of blocking)
public class Atomic<Value> {
private var value: Value
private let lock: ReadWriteLock = ReadWriteLock()
/// In order to change the value you **must** use the `mutate` function
public var wrappedValue: Value {
let result: Value = value
return result
/// For more information see
public var projectedValue: Atomic<Value> {
return self
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(_ initialValue: Value) {
self.value = initialValue
public init(wrappedValue: Value) {
self.value = wrappedValue
// MARK: - Functions
@discardableResult public func mutate<T>(_ mutation: (inout Value) -> T) -> T {
let result: T = mutation(&value)
return result
@discardableResult public func mutate<T>(_ mutation: (inout Value) throws -> T) throws -> T {
let result: T
do {
result = try mutation(&value)
catch {
throw error
return result
extension Atomic where Value: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
var debugDescription: String {
return value.debugDescription
// MARK: - ReadWriteLock
private class ReadWriteLock {
private var rwlock: pthread_rwlock_t
// Need to do this in a proper init function instead of a lazy variable or it can indefinitely
// hang on XCode 15 when trying to retrieve a lock (potentially due to optimisations?)
init() {
rwlock = pthread_rwlock_t()
pthread_rwlock_init(&rwlock, nil)
func writeLock() {
func readLock() {
func unlock() {