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// Copyright © 2024 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SignalCoreKit
// MARK: - Singleton
public extension Singleton {
// FIXME: This will be reworked to be part of dependencies in the Groups Rebuild branch
fileprivate static var _appContext: Atomic<AppContext?> = Atomic(nil)
static var appContext: AppContext { _appContext.wrappedValue! }
static var hasAppContext: Bool { _appContext.wrappedValue != nil }
static func setup(appContext: AppContext) { _appContext.mutate { $0 = appContext } }
// MARK: - AppContext
public protocol AppContext: AnyObject {
var _temporaryDirectory: String? { get set }
var isMainApp: Bool { get }
var isMainAppAndActive: Bool { get }
var isShareExtension: Bool { get }
var reportedApplicationState: UIApplication.State { get }
var mainWindow: UIWindow? { get }
var isRTL: Bool { get }
var frontmostViewController: UIViewController? { get }
func setMainWindow(_ mainWindow: UIWindow)
func ensureSleepBlocking(_ shouldBeBlocking: Bool, blockingObjects: [Any])
func beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler: @escaping () -> ()) -> UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier
func endBackgroundTask(_ backgroundTaskIdentifier: UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier)
/// **Note:** We need to call this method on launch _and_ every time the app becomes active,
/// since file protection may prevent it from succeeding in the background.
func clearOldTemporaryDirectories()
// MARK: - Defaults
public extension AppContext {
var isMainApp: Bool { false }
var isMainAppAndActive: Bool { false }
var isShareExtension: Bool { false }
var mainWindow: UIWindow? { nil }
var frontmostViewController: UIViewController? { nil }
var isInBackground: Bool { reportedApplicationState == .background }
var isAppForegroundAndActive: Bool { reportedApplicationState == .active }
// MARK: - Paths
var appUserDefaults: UserDefaults {
return (UserDefaults.sharedLokiProject ?? UserDefaults.standard)
var temporaryDirectory: String {
if let dir: String = _temporaryDirectory { return dir }
let dirName: String = "ows_temp_\(UUID().uuidString)" // stringlint:disable
let dirPath: String = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory())
_temporaryDirectory = dirPath
OWSFileSystem.ensureDirectoryExists(dirPath, fileProtectionType: .complete)
return dirPath
var temporaryDirectoryAccessibleAfterFirstAuth: String {
let dirPath: String = NSTemporaryDirectory()
OWSFileSystem.ensureDirectoryExists(dirPath, fileProtectionType: .completeUntilFirstUserAuthentication)
return dirPath;
var appDocumentDirectoryPath: String {
let targetPath: String? = FileManager.default
.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)
owsAssertDebug(targetPath != nil)
return (targetPath ?? "")
// MARK: - Functions
func setMainWindow(_ mainWindow: UIWindow) {}
func ensureSleepBlocking(_ shouldBeBlocking: Bool, blockingObjects: [Any]) {}
func beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler: @escaping () -> ()) -> UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier { return .invalid }
func endBackgroundTask(_ backgroundTaskIdentifier: UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier) {}
func clearOldTemporaryDirectories() {}
// MARK: - Objective C Support
// FIXME: Remove this once the OWSFileSystem has been refactored to Swift
@objc public class OWSCurrentAppContext: NSObject {
@objc public static var isRTL: Bool { Singleton.appContext.isRTL }
@objc public static var isMainApp: Bool { Singleton.appContext.isMainApp }
@objc public static var isMainAppAndActive: Bool { Singleton.appContext.isMainAppAndActive }
@objc public static var isAppForegroundAndActive: Bool { Singleton.appContext.isAppForegroundAndActive }
@objc public static var temporaryDirectory: String { Singleton.appContext.temporaryDirectory }
@objc public static var appUserDefaults: UserDefaults { Singleton.appContext.appUserDefaults }
@objc public static var appDocumentDirectoryPath: String { Singleton.appContext.appDocumentDirectoryPath }
// FIXME: This will be reworked to be part of dependencies in the Groups Rebuild branch
@objc static var appSharedDataDirectoryPath: String {
let targetPath: String? = FileManager.default
.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: UserDefaults.applicationGroup)?
owsAssertDebug(targetPath != nil)
return (targetPath ?? "")
@objc static func beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler: @escaping () -> ()) -> UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier {
return Singleton.appContext.beginBackgroundTask { expirationHandler() }
@objc static func endBackgroundTask(_ backgroundTaskIdentifier: UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier) {