You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

619 lines
43 KiB

/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ATTACHMENT" = "Allegato";
/* Title for 'caption' mode of the attachment approval view. */
/* Format string for file extension label in call interstitial view */
/* Format string for file size label in call interstitial view. Embeds: {{file size as 'N mb' or 'N kb'}}. */
/* One-line label indicating the user can add no more text to the media message field. */
/* Label for 'send' button in the 'attachment approval' dialog. */
/* Generic filename for an attachment with no known name */
/* The title of the 'attachment error' alert. */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_ALERT_TITLE" = "Errore invio allegato";
/* Attachment error message for image attachments which could not be converted to JPEG */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_CONVERT_TO_JPEG" = "Impossibile convertire l'immagine.";
/* Attachment error message for video attachments which could not be converted to MP4 */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_CONVERT_TO_MP4" = "Impossibile elaborare il video.";
/* Attachment error message for image attachments which cannot be parsed */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_PARSE_IMAGE" = "Impossibile elaborare immagine.";
/* Attachment error message for image attachments in which metadata could not be removed */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_REMOVE_METADATA" = "Impossibile rimuovere i metadati dall'immagine.";
/* Attachment error message for image attachments which could not be resized */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_RESIZE_IMAGE" = "Impossibile ridimensionare l'immagine.";
/* Attachment error message for attachments whose data exceed file size limits */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_FILE_SIZE_TOO_LARGE" = "Allegato troppo pesante.";
/* Attachment error message for attachments with invalid data */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA" = "Contenuto dell'allegato non valido.";
/* Attachment error message for attachments with an invalid file format */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT" = "Il formato dell'allegato non è valido.";
/* Attachment error message for attachments without any data */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_MISSING_DATA" = "L'allegato è vuoto.";
/* Alert title when picking a document fails for an unknown reason */
"ATTACHMENT_PICKER_DOCUMENTS_FAILED_ALERT_TITLE" = "Selezione del documento fallito.";
/* Alert body when picking a document fails because user picked a directory/bundle */
"ATTACHMENT_PICKER_DOCUMENTS_PICKED_DIRECTORY_FAILED_ALERT_BODY" = "Crea un archivio compresso di questo file o cartella e quindi prova a inviarlo.";
/* Alert title when picking a document fails because user picked a directory/bundle */
/* Short text label for a voice message attachment, used for thread preview and on the lock screen */
/* Button label for the 'block' button */
/* A format for the 'block user' action sheet title. Embeds {{the blocked user's name or phone number}}. */
/* A format for the 'unblock user' action sheet title. Embeds {{the unblocked user's name or phone number}}. */
/* Button label for the 'unblock' button */
/* The message format of the 'conversation blocked' alert. Embeds the {{conversation title}}. */
/* The title of the 'user blocked' alert. */
/* Alert title after unblocking a group or 1:1 chat. Embeds the {{conversation title}}. */
/* An explanation of the consequences of blocking another user. */
"BLOCK_USER_BEHAVIOR_EXPLANATION" = "Gli utenti bloccati non potranno chiamarti o inviarti messaggi.";
/* Label for generic done button. */
"BUTTON_DONE" = "Fatto";
/* Button text to enable batch selection mode */
"BUTTON_SELECT" = "Seleziona";
/* Alert body */
"CONFIRM_LEAVE_GROUP_DESCRIPTION" = "Non sarei più in grado di inviare o ricevere messaggi in questo gruppo.";
/* Alert title */
"CONFIRM_LEAVE_GROUP_TITLE" = "Vuoi davvero lasciare?";
/* Message for the 'conversation delete confirmation' alert. */
/* Title for the 'conversation delete confirmation' alert. */
/* keyboard toolbar label when starting to search with no current results */
/* keyboard toolbar label when no messages match the search string */
/* keyboard toolbar label when exactly 1 message matches the search string */
/* keyboard toolbar label when more than 1 message matches the search string. Embeds {{number/position of the 'currently viewed' result}} and the {{total number of results}} */
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
/* label for 'mute thread' cell in conversation settings */
/* Table cell label in conversation settings which returns the user to the conversation with 'search mode' activated */
"CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_SEARCH" = "Cerca nella conversazione";
/* Title for the 'crop/scale image' dialog. */
"CROP_SCALE_IMAGE_VIEW_TITLE" = "Sposta e ridimensiona";
/* Subtitle shown while the app is updating its database. */
"DATABASE_VIEW_OVERLAY_SUBTITLE" = "Può richiedere alcuni minuti.";
/* Title shown while the app is updating its database. */
"DATABASE_VIEW_OVERLAY_TITLE" = "Ottimizzazione del database";
/* The present; the current time. */
"DATE_NOW" = "Ora";
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
"DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES" = "Messaggi a scomparsa";
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
"EDIT_GROUP_ACTION" = "Modifica gruppo";
/* Label indicating media gallery is empty */
"GALLERY_TILES_EMPTY_GALLERY" = "Non hai alcun contenuto multimediale in questa conversazione.";
/* Label indicating loading is in progress */
"GALLERY_TILES_LOADING_MORE_RECENT_LABEL" = "Caricamento media più recenti...";
/* Label indicating loading is in progress */
"GALLERY_TILES_LOADING_OLDER_LABEL" = "Caricamento media più vecchi...";
/* Error displayed when there is a failure fetching a GIF from the remote service. */
"GIF_PICKER_ERROR_FETCH_FAILURE" = "Errore nel recuperare la GIF richiesta. Si prega di verificare la connessione.";
/* Generic error displayed when picking a GIF */
"GIF_PICKER_ERROR_GENERIC" = "Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto.";
/* Shown when selected GIF couldn't be fetched */
"GIF_PICKER_FAILURE_ALERT_TITLE" = "Impossibile recuperare la GIF selezionata";
/* Alert message shown when user tries to search for GIFs without entering any search terms. */
"GIF_PICKER_VIEW_MISSING_QUERY" = "Inserisci la tua ricerca.";
/* Indicates that an error occurred while searching. */
"GIF_VIEW_SEARCH_ERROR" = "Errore. Tocca per riprovare.";
/* Indicates that the user's search had no results. */
"GIF_VIEW_SEARCH_NO_RESULTS" = "Nessun risultato.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_CREATED" = "Gruppo creato.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_MEMBER_JOINED" = "%@ è entrato nel gruppo.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_MEMBER_LEFT" = "%@ ha lasciato il gruppo.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_MEMBER_REMOVED" = "%@ è stato rimosso dal gruppo. ";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_MEMBERS_REMOVED" = "%@ sono stati rimossi dal gruppo. ";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_TITLE_CHANGED" = "Il nuovo titolo è '%@'";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_UPDATED" = "Gruppo aggiornato.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_YOU_LEFT" = "Hai lasciato il gruppo.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"YOU_WERE_REMOVED" = " Sei stato rimosso da questo gruppo. ";
/* Momentarily shown to the user when attempting to select more images than is allowed. Embeds {{max number of items}} that can be shared. */
"IMAGE_PICKER_CAN_SELECT_NO_MORE_TOAST_FORMAT" = "Non puoi condividere più di %@ elementi.";
/* alert title */
"IMAGE_PICKER_FAILED_TO_PROCESS_ATTACHMENTS" = "Selezione allegato fallita";
/* Message for the alert indicating that an audio file is invalid. */
"INVALID_AUDIO_FILE_ALERT_ERROR_MESSAGE" = "Audio file non valido.";
/* Confirmation button within contextual alert */
"LEAVE_BUTTON_TITLE" = "Abbandona";
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
"LEAVE_GROUP_ACTION" = "Abbandona il gruppo";
/* nav bar button item */
/* media picker option to choose from library */
"MEDIA_FROM_LIBRARY_BUTTON" = "Libreria foto e video";
/* Confirmation button text to delete selected media from the gallery, embeds {{number of messages}} */
/* Confirmation button text to delete selected media message from the gallery */
/* embeds {{sender name}} and {{sent datetime}}, e.g. 'Sarah on 10/30/18, 3:29' */
/* Format for the 'more items' indicator for media galleries. Embeds {{the number of additional items}}. */
/* Short sender label for media sent by you */
/* Section header in media gallery collection view */
/* status message for failed messages */
"MESSAGE_STATUS_FAILED" = "Invio fallito.";
/* status message for read messages */
/* message status while message is sending. */
"MESSAGE_STATUS_SENDING" = "Invio in corso...";
/* status message for sent messages */
/* status message while attachment is uploading */
"MESSAGE_STATUS_UPLOADING" = "Aggiornamento...";
/* notification title. Embeds {{author name}} and {{group name}} */
/* Label for 1:1 conversation with yourself. */
"NOTE_TO_SELF" = "Note personali";
/* Lock screen notification text presented after user powers on their device without unlocking. Embeds {{device model}} (either 'iPad' or 'iPhone') */
"NOTIFICATION_BODY_PHONE_LOCKED_FORMAT" = "Puoi aver ricevuto messaggi mentre il tuo %@ si riavviava.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"BUTTON_OK" = "OK,";
/* Info Message when {{other user}} disables or doesn't support disappearing messages */
"OTHER_DISABLED_DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_CONFIGURATION" = "%@ ha disabilitato la scomparsa dei messaggi.";
/* Info Message when {{other user}} updates message expiration to {{time amount}}, see the *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for context. */
"OTHER_UPDATED_DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_CONFIGURATION" = "%@ ha impostato il tempo di scomparsa dei messaggi a %@.";
/* alert title, generic error preventing user from capturing a photo */
"PHOTO_CAPTURE_GENERIC_ERROR" = "Impossibile scattare foto.";
/* alert title */
"PHOTO_CAPTURE_UNABLE_TO_CAPTURE_IMAGE" = "Impossibile scattare foto.";
/* alert title */
"PHOTO_CAPTURE_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE_CAMERA" = "Configurazione fotocamera non riuscita.";
/* label for system photo collections which have no name. */
/* Notification action button title */
"PUSH_MANAGER_MARKREAD" = "Segna come letto";
/* Notification action button title */
"PUSH_MANAGER_REPLY" = "Rispondi";
/* Description of how and why Session iOS uses Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode to unlock 'screen lock'. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_REASON_UNLOCK_SCREEN_LOCK" = "Autenticarsi per aprire Session.";
/* Title for alert indicating that screen lock could not be unlocked. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED" = "Autenticazione fallita";
/* alert title when user attempts to leave the send media flow when they have an in-progress album */
"SEND_MEDIA_ABANDON_TITLE" = "Scartare il media?";
/* alert action, confirming the user wants to exit the media flow and abandon any photos they've taken */
/* Format string for the default 'Note' sound. Embeds the system {{sound name}}. */
/* Label for settings view that allows user to change the notification sound. */
/* Label for the 'no sound' option that allows users to disable sounds for notifications, etc. */
"SOUNDS_NONE" = "Nessuno";
/* {{number of days}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 days}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_DAYS" = "%@ giorni";
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of days}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5d' not '5 d'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{number of hours}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 hours}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_HOURS" = "%@ ore";
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of hours}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5h' not '5 h'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{number of minutes}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 minutes}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_MINUTES" = "%@ minuti";
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of minutes}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5m' not '5 m'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{number of seconds}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 seconds}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_SECONDS" = "%@ secondi";
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of seconds}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5s' not '5 s'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 day}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 day}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_SINGLE_DAY" = "%@ giorno";
/* {{1 hour}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 hour}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 minute}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 minute}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 week}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 week}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_SINGLE_WEEK" = "%@ settimana";
/* {{number of weeks}}, embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 weeks}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_WEEKS" = "%@ settimane";
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of weeks}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5w' not '5 w'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label for the cancel button in an alert or action sheet. */
"TXT_CANCEL_TITLE" = "Annulla";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"TXT_DELETE_TITLE" = "Elimina";
/* Filename for voice messages. */
"VOICE_MESSAGE_FILE_NAME" = "Messaggio vocale";
/* Message for the alert indicating the 'voice message' needs to be held to be held down to record. */
"VOICE_MESSAGE_TOO_SHORT_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Tieni premuto per registrare un messaggio vocale.";
/* Title for the alert indicating the 'voice message' needs to be held to be held down to record. */
/* Info Message when you disable disappearing messages */
"YOU_DISABLED_DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_CONFIGURATION" = "Hai disabilitato la scomparsa dei messaggi.";
/* Info message embedding a {{time amount}}, see the *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for context. */
"YOU_UPDATED_DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_CONFIGURATION" = "Hai impostato la scomparsa dei messaggi a %@.";
// MARK: - Session
"continue_2" = "Continua";
"copy" = "Copia";
"invalid_url" = "URL non valido";
"next" = "Successivo";
"share" = "Condividi";
"invalid_session_id" = "Sessione ID non valido";
"cancel" = "Annulla";
"your_session_id" = "La tua Sessione ID";
"vc_landing_title_2" = "La tua Sessione inizia qui...";
"vc_landing_register_button_title" = "Crea Sessione ID";
"vc_landing_restore_button_title" = "Continua la Sessione";
"vc_landing_link_button_title" = "Collegamento a un account esistente";
"view_fake_chat_bubble_1" = "Che cos'è una Sessione?";
"view_fake_chat_bubble_2" = "È un'app di messaggistica decentralizzato e crittografato";
"view_fake_chat_bubble_3" = "Quindi non raccoglie informazioni personali o metadati di conversazione? Come funziona?";
"view_fake_chat_bubble_4" = "Utilizza una combinazione di routing anonimo avanzato e tecnologie di crittografia end-to-end.";
"view_fake_chat_bubble_5" = "Gli amici non lasciano i suoi amici di utilizzare messaggistica compromessa. Prego.";
"vc_register_title" = "Ecco la tua Sessione ID";
"vc_register_explanation" = "La Sessione ID è l'indirizzo univoco che le persone possono utilizzare per contattarti su una Sessione. Senza alcuna connessione con la tua vera identità, la Sessione ID è totalmente anonimo e privato fin dal incezione.";
"vc_restore_title" = "Ripristina il tuo account";
"vc_restore_explanation" = "Inserisci la frase di recupero che ti è stata data quando ti sei registrato per ripristinare il tuo account.";
"vc_restore_seed_text_field_hint" = "Inserisci la frase di recupero";
"vc_link_device_title" = "Collega dispositivo";
"vc_link_device_scan_qr_code_tab_title" = "Scansiona il codice QR";
"vc_display_name_title_2" = "Scegli il nome da visualizzare";
"vc_display_name_explanation" = "Questo sarà il tuo nome quando usi una Sessione. Può essere il tuo vero nome, un soprannome o qualsiasi altra cosa.";
"vc_display_name_text_field_hint" = "Inserisci il nome da visualizzare";
"vc_display_name_display_name_missing_error" = "Scegli il nome da visualizzare";
"vc_display_name_display_name_too_long_error" = "Scegli un nome più breve";
"vc_pn_mode_recommended_option_tag" = "Consigliato";
"vc_pn_mode_no_option_picked_modal_title" = "Scegli un'opzione";
"vc_home_empty_state_message" = "Non hai ancora nessun contatto";
"vc_home_empty_state_button_title" = "Inizia una sessione";
"vc_seed_title" = "Frase di recupero";
"vc_seed_title_2" = "La frase di recupero";
"vc_seed_explanation" = "La frase di recupero è la chiave principale per la Sessione ID: puoi usarla per ripristinare la Sessione ID se perdi l'accesso al dispositivo. Conserva la frase di recupero in un luogo sicuro e non rivelarla a nessuno.";
"vc_seed_reveal_button_title" = "Tieni premuto per rivelare";
"view_seed_reminder_subtitle_1" = "Proteggi il tuo account salvando la frase di recupero";
"view_seed_reminder_subtitle_2" = "Tocca e tieni premute le parole redatte per rivelare la frase di recupero, salva in modo sicuro per proteggere la tua Sessione ID.";
"view_seed_reminder_subtitle_3" = "Assicurati di salvare la frase di recupero in un luogo sicuro";
"vc_path_title" = "Percorso";
"vc_path_explanation" = "La Sessione nasconde il tuo IP facendo rimbalzare i messaggi attraverso diversi nodi di servizio nella sua rete decentralizzata. Questi sono i paesi in cui la connessione viene rimbalzata attualmente:";
"vc_path_device_row_title" = "Tu";
"vc_path_guard_node_row_title" = "Nodo di entrata";
"vc_path_service_node_row_title" = "Nodo di servizio";
"vc_path_destination_row_title" = "Destinazione";
"vc_path_learn_more_button_title" = "Per saperne di più";
"vc_create_private_chat_title" = "Nuova sessione";
"vc_create_private_chat_enter_session_id_tab_title" = "Inserisci la Sessione ID";
"vc_create_private_chat_scan_qr_code_tab_title" = "Scansiona il codice QR";
"vc_enter_public_key_explanation" = "Start a new conversation by entering someone's Session ID or share your Session ID with them.";
"vc_scan_qr_code_camera_access_explanation" = "La Sessione richiede l'accesso alla fotocamera per scansionare i codici QR";
"vc_scan_qr_code_grant_camera_access_button_title" = "Concedi l'accesso alla fotocamera";
"vc_create_closed_group_title" = "Nuovo gruppo chiuso";
"vc_create_closed_group_text_field_hint" = "Inserisci un nome per il gruppo";
"vc_create_closed_group_empty_state_message" = "Non hai ancora nessun contatto";
"vc_create_closed_group_empty_state_button_title" = "Inizia una sessione";
"vc_create_closed_group_group_name_missing_error" = "Inserisci un nome per il gruppo";
"vc_create_closed_group_group_name_too_long_error" = "Inserisci un nome gruppo più breve";
"vc_create_closed_group_too_many_group_members_error" = "Un gruppo chiuso non può avere più di 100 membri";
"vc_join_public_chat_title" = "Unisciti a un gruppo aperto";
"vc_join_public_chat_enter_group_url_tab_title" = "Apri l'URL del gruppo";
"vc_join_public_chat_scan_qr_code_tab_title" = "Scansiona il codice QR";
"vc_enter_chat_url_text_field_hint" = "Inserisci l'URL di un gruppo aperto";
"vc_settings_title" = "Impostazioni";
"vc_group_settings_title" = "Group Settings";
"vc_settings_display_name_missing_error" = "Scegli il nome da visualizzare";
"vc_settings_display_name_too_long_error" = "Scegli un nome più breve";
"vc_settings_privacy_button_title" = "Privacy";
"vc_settings_notifications_button_title" = "Notifiche";
"vc_settings_recovery_phrase_button_title" = "Frase di recupero";
"vc_settings_clear_all_data_button_title" = "Elimina dati";
"vc_qr_code_title" = "Codice QR";
"vc_qr_code_view_my_qr_code_tab_title" = "Visualizza il mio codice QR";
"vc_qr_code_view_scan_qr_code_tab_title" = "Scansiona il codice QR";
"vc_qr_code_view_scan_qr_code_explanation" = "Scansiona il codice QR di un utente per iniziare una conversazione con questa persona";
"vc_view_my_qr_code_explanation" = "Questo è il tuo codice QR. Altri utenti possono scansionarlo per iniziare una sessione con te.";
// MARK: - Not Yet Translated
"fast_mode_explanation" = "Riceverai notifiche di nuovi messaggi in modo affidabile e immediato utilizzando i server di notifica di Apple.";
"fast_mode" = "Modalità Veloce";
"slow_mode_explanation" = "Session controllerà di tanto in tanto la presenza di nuovi messaggi in background.";
"slow_mode" = "Modalità Lenta";
"vc_pn_mode_title" = "Notifiche Messaggi";
"vc_link_device_recovery_phrase_tab_title" = "Frase di recupero";
"vc_link_device_scan_qr_code_explanation" = "Vai su Impostazioni → Frase di recupero sul tuo altro dispositivo per mostrare il tuo codice QR.";
"vc_enter_recovery_phrase_title" = "Frase di recupero";
"vc_enter_recovery_phrase_explanation" = "Per collegare il tuo dispositivo, inserisci la frase di recupero che ti è stata data quando ti sei registrato.";
"vc_enter_public_key_text_field_hint" = "Inserisci Session ID o nome ONS";
"admin_group_leave_warning" = "Perché sei il creatore di questo gruppo sarà eliminato per tutti. Questo non può essere annullato.";
"vc_join_open_group_suggestions_title" = "Oppure unisciti a uno di questi...";
"vc_settings_invite_a_friend_button_title" = "Invita un Amico";
"copied" = "Copiato";
"vc_conversation_settings_copy_session_id_button_title" = "Copia Session ID";
"vc_conversation_input_prompt" = "Messaggio";
"vc_conversation_voice_message_cancel_message" = "Scorri per cancellare";
"modal_download_attachment_title" = "Ti fidi di %@?";
"modal_download_attachment_explanation" = "Sei sicuro di voler scaricare i media inviati da %@?";
"modal_download_button_title" = "Scarica";
"modal_open_url_title" = "Aprire URL?";
"modal_open_url_explanation" = "Sei sicuro di voler aprire %@?";
"modal_open_url_button_title" = "Apri";
"modal_copy_url_button_title" = "Copia link";
"modal_blocked_title" = "Sbloccare %@?";
"modal_blocked_explanation" = "Sei sicuro di voler sbloccare %@?";
"modal_blocked_button_title" = "Sblocca";
"modal_link_previews_title" = "Abilitare Anteprima Link?";
"modal_link_previews_explanation" = "Abilitando le anteprime dei collegamenti Session mostrerà le anteprime degli URL che invii e ricevi. Questo può essere utile, ma Session dovrà contattare i siti web collegati per generare le anteprime. Puoi sempre disabilitare le anteprime dei link nelle impostazioni di Session.";
"modal_link_previews_button_title" = "Abilita";
"vc_share_title" = "Condividi con Session";
"vc_share_loading_message" = "Preparazione allegati...";
"vc_share_sending_message" = "Invio...";
"vc_share_link_previews_unsecure" = "Anteprima non caricata: il link non è sicuro";
"vc_share_link_previews_error" = "Impossibile caricare l'anteprima";
"vc_share_link_previews_disabled_title" = "Anteprima dei link disabilitata";
"vc_share_link_previews_disabled_explanation" = "Abilitando le anteprime dei collegamenti verranno mostrate le anteprime degli URL che condividi. Questo può essere utile, ma Session dovrà contattare i siti web collegati per generare le anteprime.\n\nPuoi sempre abilitare le anteprime dei link nelle impostazioni di Session.";
"view_open_group_invitation_description" = "Apri invito di gruppo";
"vc_conversation_settings_invite_button_title" = "Aggiungi membri";
"modal_send_seed_title" = "Attenzione";
"modal_send_seed_explanation" = "Questa è la tua frase di recupero. Qualora dovessi inviarla a qualcuno questi avranno accesso totale al tuo account.";
"modal_send_seed_send_button_title" = "Invia";
"vc_conversation_settings_notify_for_mentions_only_title" = "Notifica solo per le menzioni";
"vc_conversation_settings_notify_for_mentions_only_explanation" = "Se abilitato, verrai avvisato solo per i messaggi che ti menzionano.";
"view_conversation_title_notify_for_mentions_only" = "Invio notifiche solo per le menzioni";
"message_deleted" = "Questo messaggio è stato eliminato";
"delete_message_for_me" = "Elimina solo per me";
"delete_message_for_everyone" = "Elimina per tutti";
"delete_message_for_me_and_recipient" = "Elimina per me e %@";
"context_menu_reply" = "Rispondi";
"context_menu_save" = "Salva";
"context_menu_ban_user" = "Banna utente";
"context_menu_ban_and_delete_all" = "Banna ed elimina tutto";
"context_menu_ban_user_error_alert_message" = "Unable to ban user";
"accessibility_expanding_attachments_button" = "Aggiungi allegati";
"accessibility_gif_button" = "Gif";
"accessibility_document_button" = "Documento";
"accessibility_library_button" = "Galleria foto";
"accessibility_camera_button" = "Fotocamera";
"accessibility_main_button_collapse" = "Comprimi opzioni allegato";
"invalid_recovery_phrase" = "Frase Di Recupero non valida";
/* Button text which opens the settings app */
"OPEN_SETTINGS_BUTTON" = "Impostazioni";
"call_outgoing" = "Hai chiamato %@";
"call_incoming" = "%@ ti ha chiamato";
"call_missed" = "Chiamata persa da %@";
"APN_Message" = "Hai ricevuto un nuovo messaggio";
"APN_Collapsed_Messages" = "Hai ricevuto %@ nuovi messaggi.";
"PIN_BUTTON_TEXT" = "Fissa";
"UNPIN_BUTTON_TEXT" = "Non fissare in alto";
"modal_call_missed_tips_title" = "Chiamata persa";
"modal_call_missed_tips_explanation" = "Chiamata persa da '%@' perché era necessario abilitare l'autorizzazione 'Voce e video chiamate' nelle Impostazioni Privacy.";
"media_saved" = "Media salvato da %@.";
"screenshot_taken" = "%@ ha acquisito uno screenshot.";
"SEARCH_SECTION_CONTACTS" = "Contatti e Gruppi";
"MESSAGE_REQUESTS_TITLE" = "Richieste Di Messaggio";
"MESSAGE_REQUESTS_EMPTY_TEXT" = "Nessuna richiesta aperta";
"MESSAGE_REQUESTS_CLEAR_ALL" = "Cancella tutto";
"MESSAGE_REQUESTS_CLEAR_ALL_CONFIRMATION_TITLE" = "Eliminare veramente tutte le richieste di messaggio?";
"MESSAGE_REQUESTS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION_ACTON" = "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa richiesta di messaggio?";
"MESSAGE_REQUESTS_BLOCK_CONFIRMATION_ACTON" = "Are you sure you want to block this contact?";
"MESSAGE_REQUESTS_INFO" = "L'invio di un messaggio a questo utente accetterà automaticamente la richiesta di messaggio.";
"MESSAGE_REQUESTS_ACCEPTED" = "La tua richiesta di messaggio è stata accettata.";
"MESSAGE_REQUESTS_NOTIFICATION" = "Hai una nuova richiesta di messaggio";
"TXT_HIDE_TITLE" = "Nascondi";
"TXT_DELETE_ACCEPT" = "Accetta";
"TXT_DECLINE_TITLE" = "Decline";
"TXT_BLOCK_USER_TITLE" = "Block User";
"modal_call_permission_request_title" = "Permessi Di Chiamata Richiesti";
"modal_call_permission_request_explanation" = "È possibile abilitare l'autorizzazione 'Voce e video chiamate' nelle Impostazioni Privacy.";
"DEFAULT_OPEN_GROUP_LOAD_ERROR_TITLE" = "Oops, an error occurred";
"DEFAULT_OPEN_GROUP_LOAD_ERROR_SUBTITLE" = "Please try again later";
"LOADING_CONVERSATIONS" = "Loading Conversations...";
"DATABASE_MIGRATION_FAILED" = "An error occurred when optimising the database\n\nYou can export your application logs to be able to share for troubleshooting or you can restore your device\n\nWarning: Restoring your device will result in loss of any data older than two weeks";
"RECOVERY_PHASE_ERROR_GENERIC" = "Something went wrong. Please check your recovery phrase and try again.";
"RECOVERY_PHASE_ERROR_LENGTH" = "Looks like you didn't enter enough words. Please check your recovery phrase and try again.";
"RECOVERY_PHASE_ERROR_LAST_WORD" = "You seem to be missing the last word of your recovery phrase. Please check what you entered and try again.";
"RECOVERY_PHASE_ERROR_INVALID_WORD" = "There appears to be an invalid word in your recovery phrase. Please check what you entered and try again.";
"RECOVERY_PHASE_ERROR_FAILED" = "Your recovery phrase couldn't be verified. Please check what you entered and try again.";
/* Indicates that an unknown error occurred while using Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ENABLE_UNKNOWN_ERROR" = "Authentication could not be accessed.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode authentication failed. */
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode is 'locked out' on this device due to authentication failures. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_LOCKOUT" = "Troppi tentativi di autenticazione non riusciti. Riprova più tardi.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode are not available on this device. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_AVAILABLE" = "Devi abilitare una password nelle impostazioni di iOS per poter usare il blocco schermo.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode is not configured on this device. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_ENROLLED" = "Devi abilitare una password nelle impostazioni di iOS per poter usare il blocco schermo.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode passcode is not set. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_PASSCODE_NOT_SET" = "Devi abilitare una password nelle impostazioni di iOS per poter usare il blocco schermo.";
/* Label for the button to send a message */
/* Generic text for button that retries whatever the last action was. */
/* notification action */
/* notification body */
"SEND_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_BODY" = "Your message failed to send.";
"INVALID_SESSION_ID_MESSAGE" = "Please check the Session ID and try again.";
"INVALID_RECOVERY_PHRASE_MESSAGE" = "Please check the Recovery Phrase and try again.";
"QUOTED_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND" = "Original message not found.";
"MEDIA_TAB_TITLE" = "Media";
"DOCUMENT_TAB_TITLE" = "Documents";
"DOCUMENT_TILES_EMPTY_DOCUMENT" = "You don't have any document in this conversation.";
/* The name for the emoji category 'Activities' */
/* The name for the emoji category 'Animals & Nature' */
/* The name for the emoji category 'Flags' */
/* The name for the emoji category 'Food & Drink' */
/* The name for the emoji category 'Objects' */
/* The name for the emoji category 'Recents' */
/* The name for the emoji category 'Smileys & People' */
/* The name for the emoji category 'Symbols' */
/* The name for the emoji category 'Travel & Places' */
"EMOJI_REACTS_NOTIFICATION" = "%@ reacts to a message with %@.";
"EMOJI_REACTS_MORE_REACTORS_ONE" = "And 1 other has reacted %@ to this message.";
"EMOJI_REACTS_MORE_REACTORS_MUTIPLE" = "And %@ others have reacted %@ to this message.";
"EMOJI_REACTS_RATE_LIMIT_TOAST" = "Slow down! You've sent too many emoji reacts. Try again soon.";
/* New conversation screen*/
"vc_new_conversation_title" = "New Conversation";
"PRIVACY_TITLE" = "Privacy";
"PRIVACY_SCREEN_SECURITY_LOCK_SESSION_DESCRIPTION" = "Require Touch ID, Face ID or your passcode to unlock Session.";
"PRIVACY_SECTION_READ_RECEIPTS" = "Ricevute di lettura";
"PRIVACY_READ_RECEIPTS_TITLE" = "Ricevute di lettura";
"PRIVACY_READ_RECEIPTS_DESCRIPTION" = "Send read receipts in one-to-one chats.";
"PRIVACY_SECTION_TYPING_INDICATORS" = "Indicatori di scrittura";
"PRIVACY_TYPING_INDICATORS_TITLE" = "Indicatori di scrittura";
"PRIVACY_TYPING_INDICATORS_DESCRIPTION" = "See and share typing indicators in one-to-one conversations.";
"PRIVACY_LINK_PREVIEWS_TITLE" = "Invia anteprime link";
"PRIVACY_LINK_PREVIEWS_DESCRIPTION" = "Generate link previews for supported URLs.";
"PRIVACY_CALLS_TITLE" = "Chiamate vocali e video";
"PRIVACY_CALLS_DESCRIPTION" = "Enables voice and video calls to and from other users.";
"PRIVACY_CALLS_WARNING_TITLE" = "Voice and Video Calls (Beta)";
"PRIVACY_CALLS_WARNING_DESCRIPTION" = "Your IP address is visible to your call partner and an Oxen Foundation server while using beta calls. Are you sure you want to enable Voice and Video Calls?";
"NOTIFICATIONS_SECTION_STRATEGY" = "Strategia di notifica";
"NOTIFICATIONS_STRATEGY_FAST_MODE_DESCRIPTION" = "You'll be notified of new message reliably and immediately using Apple's notification servers.";
"NOTIFICATIONS_STRATEGY_FAST_MODE_ACTION" = "Go to device notification settings";
"NOTIFICATIONS_STYLE_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION" = "The information shown in notifications.";
"CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_MESSAGE_TRIMMING_DESCRIPTION" = "Delete messages older than 6 months from Communities that have over 2,000 messages.";
"APPEARANCE_TITLE" = "Appearance";
"APPEARANCE_NIGHT_MODE_TITLE" = "Auto night-mode";
"APPEARANCE_NIGHT_MODE_TOGGLE" = "Match system settings";
"HELP_TITLE" = "Help";
"HELP_REPORT_BUG_TITLE" = "Report a Bug";
"HELP_REPORT_BUG_DESCRIPTION" = "Export your logs, then upload the file though Session's Help Desk.";
"HELP_TRANSLATE_TITLE" = "Translate Session";
"HELP_FEEDBACK_TITLE" = "We'd love your Feedback";
"modal_clear_all_data_title" = "Elimina tutti i dati";
"modal_clear_all_data_explanation" = "This will permanently delete your messages and contacts. Would you like to clear this device only, or delete your data from the network as well?";
"modal_clear_all_data_explanation_2" = "Are you sure you want to delete your data from the network? If you continue, you will not be able to restore your messages or contacts.";
"modal_clear_all_data_device_only_button_title" = "Clear Device Only";
"modal_clear_all_data_entire_account_button_title" = "Clear Device and Network";
"dialog_clear_all_data_deletion_failed_1" = "Dati non eliminati da 1 nodi di servizio. ID Nodo di servizio: %@.";
"dialog_clear_all_data_deletion_failed_2" = "Dati non eliminati da %@ nodi di servizio. ID Nodo di servizio: %@.";
"modal_clear_all_data_confirm" = "Clear";
"modal_seed_title" = "Frase di recupero";
"modal_seed_explanation" = "You can use your recovery phrase to restore your account or link a device.";
"modal_permission_explanation" = "Session needs %@ access to continue. You can enable access in the iOS settings.";
"modal_permission_settings_title" = "Settings";
"modal_permission_camera" = "camera";
"modal_permission_microphone" = "microphone";
"modal_permission_library" = "library";
"COPY_GROUP_URL" = "Copy Group URL";
"GROUP_ERROR_NO_MEMBER_SELECTION" = "Please pick at least 1 group member";
"GROUP_CREATION_PLEASE_WAIT" = "Please wait while the group is created...";
"GROUP_CREATION_ERROR_TITLE" = "Couldn't Create Group";
"GROUP_CREATION_ERROR_MESSAGE" = "Please check your internet connection and try again.";
"GROUP_UPDATE_ERROR_TITLE" = "Couldn't Update Group";
"GROUP_UPDATE_ERROR_MESSAGE" = "Can't leave while adding or removing other members.";
"DM_ERROR_DIRECT_BLINDED_ID" = "You can only send messages to Blinded IDs from within a Community";
"DM_ERROR_INVALID" = "Please check the Session ID or ONS name and try again";
"COMMUNITY_ERROR_INVALID_URL" = "Please check the URL you entered and try again.";
"DISAPPERING_MESSAGES_TITLE" = "Disappearing Messages";
"DISAPPERING_MESSAGES_TYPE_AFTER_READ_DESCRIPTION" = "Messages delete after they have been read.";
"DISAPPERING_MESSAGES_TYPE_AFTER_SEND_DESCRIPTION" = "Messages delete after they have been sent.";
"DISAPPERING_MESSAGES_GROUP_WARNING" = "This setting applies to everyone in this conversation.";
"DISAPPERING_MESSAGES_GROUP_WARNING_ADMIN_ONLY" = "This setting applies to everyone in this conversation. Only group admins can change this setting.";
"DISAPPERING_MESSAGES_SUMMARY" = "Disappear After %@ - %@";
"DISAPPERING_MESSAGES_INFO_ENABLE" = "%@ has set messages to disappear %@ after they have been %@";
"DISAPPERING_MESSAGES_INFO_UPDATE" = "%@ has changed messages to disappear %@ after they have been %@";
"DISAPPERING_MESSAGES_INFO_DISABLE" = "%@ has turned off disappearing messages";
"MESSAGE_REQUEST_PENDING_APPROVAL_INFO" = "You will be able to send voice messages and attachments once the recipient has approved this message request";
"MESSAGE_DELIVERY_FAILED_TITLE" = "Failed to send message";
"MESSAGE_DELIVERY_FAILED_SYNC_TITLE" = "Failed to sync message to your other devices";
"delete_message_for_me_and_my_devices" = "Delete from all of my devices";
"context_menu_resend" = "Resend";
"context_menu_resync" = "Resync";
"GIPHY_PERMISSION_MESSAGE" = "Session will connect to Giphy to provide search results. You will not have full metadata protection when sending GIFs.";
"mute_button_text" = "Mute";
"unmute_button_text" = "Unmute";
"mark_read_button_text" = "Mark read";
"mark_unread_button_text" = "Mark unread";
"leave_group_confirmation_alert_title" = "Leave Group";
"leave_community_confirmation_alert_title" = "Leave Community";
"leave_community_confirmation_alert_message" = "Are you sure you want to leave %@?";