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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Nimble
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public enum CallAmount {
case atLeast(times: Int)
case exactly(times: Int)
case noMoreThan(times: Int)
fileprivate func timeStr(_ value: Int) -> String {
return "\(value) time\(value == 1 ? "" : "s")"
/// Validates whether the function called in `functionBlock` has been called according to the parameter constraints
/// - Parameters:
/// - amount: An enum constraining the number of times the function can be called (Default is `.atLeast(times: 1)`
/// - matchingParameters: A boolean indicating whether the parameters for the function call need to match exactly
/// - exclusive: A boolean indicating whether no other functions should be called
/// - functionBlock: A closure in which the function to be validated should be called
public func call<M, T, R>(
_ amount: CallAmount = .atLeast(times: 1),
matchingParameters: Bool = false,
exclusive: Bool = false,
functionBlock: @escaping (inout T) throws -> R
) -> Predicate<M> where M: Mock<T> {
return Predicate.define { actualExpression in
let callInfo: CallInfo = generateCallInfo(actualExpression, functionBlock)
let matchingParameterRecords: [String] = callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls
.filter { !matchingParameters || callInfo.hasMatchingParameters($0) }
let exclusiveCallsValid: Bool = (!exclusive || callInfo.allFunctionsCalled.count <= 1) // '<=' to support '0' case
let (numParamMatchingCallsValid, timesError): (Bool, String?) = {
switch amount {
case .atLeast(let times):
return (
(matchingParameterRecords.count >= times),
(times <= 1 ? nil : "at least \(timeStr(times))")
case .exactly(let times):
return (
(matchingParameterRecords.count == times),
"exactly \(timeStr(times))"
case .noMoreThan(let times):
return (
(matchingParameterRecords.count <= times),
(times <= 0 ? nil : "no more than \(timeStr(times))")
let result = (
numParamMatchingCallsValid &&
let matchingParametersError: String? = (matchingParameters ?
"matching the parameters\( { ": \($0)" } ?? "")" :
let distinctParameterCombinations: Set<String> = Set(callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls)
let actualMessage: String
if callInfo.caughtException != nil {
actualMessage = "a thrown assertion (might not have been called or has no mocked return value)"
else if callInfo.function == nil {
actualMessage = "no call details"
else if callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls.isEmpty {
actualMessage = "no calls"
else if !exclusiveCallsValid {
let otherFunctionsCalled: [String] = callInfo.allFunctionsCalled.filter { $0 != callInfo.functionName }
actualMessage = "calls to other functions: [\(otherFunctionsCalled.joined(separator: ", "))]"
else {
let onlyMadeMatchingCalls: Bool = (matchingParameterRecords.count == callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls.count)
switch (numParamMatchingCallsValid, onlyMadeMatchingCalls, distinctParameterCombinations.count) {
case (false, false, 1):
// No calls with the matching parameter requirements but only one parameter combination
// so include the param info
actualMessage = "called \(timeStr(callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls.count)) with different parameters: \(callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls[0])"
case (false, true, _):
actualMessage = "called \(timeStr(callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls.count))"
case (false, false, _):
let distinctSetterCombinations: Set<String> = distinctParameterCombinations.filter { $0 != "[]" }
// A getter/setter combo will have function calls split between no params and the set value
// if the setter didn't match then we still want to show the incorrect parameters
if distinctSetterCombinations.count == 1, let paramCombo: String = distinctSetterCombinations.first {
actualMessage = "called with: \(paramCombo)"
else {
actualMessage = "called \(timeStr(matchingParameterRecords.count)) with matching parameters, \(timeStr(callInfo.desiredFunctionCalls.count)) total"
default: actualMessage = "\(exclusive ? " exclusive " : "")call to '\(callInfo.functionName)'"
return PredicateResult(
bool: result,
message: .expectedCustomValueTo(
"call '\(callInfo.functionName)'\(exclusive ? " exclusively" : "")",
.compactMap { $0 }
.joined(separator: " "),
actual: actualMessage
// MARK: - Shared Code
fileprivate struct CallInfo {
let didError: Bool
let caughtException: BadInstructionException?
let function: MockFunction?
let allFunctionsCalled: [String]
let desiredFunctionCalls: [String]
var functionName: String { "\((function?.name).map { "\($0)" } ?? "a function")" }
var desiredParameters: String? { function?.parameterSummary }
static var error: CallInfo {
didError: true,
caughtException: nil,
function: nil,
allFunctionsCalled: [],
desiredFunctionCalls: []
didError: Bool = false,
caughtException: BadInstructionException?,
function: MockFunction?,
allFunctionsCalled: [String],
desiredFunctionCalls: [String]
) {
self.didError = didError
self.caughtException = caughtException
self.function = function
self.allFunctionsCalled = allFunctionsCalled
self.desiredFunctionCalls = desiredFunctionCalls
func hasMatchingParameters(_ parameters: String) -> Bool {
return (parameters == (function?.parameterSummary ?? "FALLBACK_NOT_FOUND"))
fileprivate func generateCallInfo<M, T, R>(_ actualExpression: Expression<M>, _ functionBlock: @escaping (inout T) throws -> R) -> CallInfo where M: Mock<T> {
var maybeFunction: MockFunction?
var allFunctionsCalled: [String] = []
var desiredFunctionCalls: [String] = []
let builderCreator: ((M) -> MockFunctionBuilder<T, R>) = { validInstance in
let builder: MockFunctionBuilder<T, R> = MockFunctionBuilder(functionBlock, mockInit: type(of: validInstance).init)
builder.returnValueGenerator = { name, parameterSummary in
.firstFunction(for: name, matchingParameterSummaryIfPossible: parameterSummary)?
.returnValue as? R
return builder
#if (arch(x86_64) || arch(arm64)) && (canImport(Darwin) || canImport(Glibc))
var didError: Bool = false
let caughtException: BadInstructionException? = catchBadInstruction {
do {
guard let validInstance: M = try actualExpression.evaluate() else {
didError = true
allFunctionsCalled = Array(validInstance.functionConsumer.calls.wrappedValue.keys)
// Only check for the specific function calls if there was at least a single
// call (if there weren't any this will likely throw errors when attempting
// to build)
if !allFunctionsCalled.isEmpty {
let builder: MockFunctionBuilder<T, R> = builderCreator(validInstance)
validInstance.functionConsumer.trackCalls = false
maybeFunction = try?
desiredFunctionCalls = validInstance.functionConsumer.calls
.wrappedValue[maybeFunction?.name ?? ""]
.defaulting(to: [])
validInstance.functionConsumer.trackCalls = true
else {
desiredFunctionCalls = []
catch {
didError = true
// Make sure to switch this back on in case an assertion was thrown (which would meant this
// wouldn't have been reset)
(try? actualExpression.evaluate())?.functionConsumer.trackCalls = true
guard !didError else { return CallInfo.error }
let caughtException: BadInstructionException? = nil
// Just hope for the best and if there is a force-cast there's not much we can do
guard let validInstance: M = try? actualExpression.evaluate() else { return CallInfo.error }
allFunctionsCalled = Array(validInstance.functionConsumer.calls.wrappedValue.keys)
// Only check for the specific function calls if there was at least a single
// call (if there weren't any this will likely throw errors when attempting
// to build)
if !allFunctionsCalled.isEmpty {
let builder: MockExpectationBuilder<T, R> = builderCreator(validInstance)
validInstance.functionConsumer.trackCalls = false
maybeFunction = try?
desiredFunctionCalls = validInstance.functionConsumer.calls
.wrappedValue[maybeFunction?.name ?? ""]
.defaulting(to: [])
validInstance.functionConsumer.trackCalls = true
else {
desiredFunctionCalls = []
return CallInfo(
caughtException: caughtException,
function: maybeFunction,
allFunctionsCalled: allFunctionsCalled,
desiredFunctionCalls: desiredFunctionCalls