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session-ios/SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageSender+Encryption.swift

29 lines
2.1 KiB

import SessionProtocolKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
internal extension MessageSender {
static func encryptWithSignalProtocol(_ plaintext: Data, associatedWith message: Message, for publicKey: String, using transaction: Any) throws -> Data {
let storage = Configuration.shared.signalStorage
let cipher = try SMKSecretSessionCipher(sessionResetImplementation: Configuration.shared.sessionRestorationImplementation,
sessionStore: storage, preKeyStore: storage, signedPreKeyStore: storage, identityStore: Configuration.shared.identityKeyStore)
let certificate = SMKSenderCertificate(senderDeviceId: 1, senderRecipientId:!)
return try cipher.throwswrapped_encryptMessage(recipientPublicKey: publicKey, deviceID: 1, paddedPlaintext: (plaintext as NSData).paddedMessageBody(),
senderCertificate: certificate, protocolContext: transaction, useFallbackSessionCipher: true)
static func encryptWithSharedSenderKeys(_ plaintext: Data, for groupPublicKey: String, using transaction: Any) throws -> Data {
// 1. ) Encrypt the data with the user's sender key
guard let userPublicKey = else {
SNLog("Couldn't find user key pair.")
throw Error.noUserPublicKey
let (ivAndCiphertext, keyIndex) = try SharedSenderKeys.encrypt(plaintext, for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: userPublicKey, using: transaction)
let encryptedMessage = ClosedGroupCiphertextMessage(_throws_withIVAndCiphertext: ivAndCiphertext, senderPublicKey: Data(hex: userPublicKey), keyIndex: UInt32(keyIndex))
// 2. ) Encrypt the result for the group's public key to hide the sender public key and key index
let intermediate = try AESGCM.encrypt(encryptedMessage.serialized, for: groupPublicKey.removing05PrefixIfNeeded())
// 3. ) Wrap the result
return try SNProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessageWrapper.builder(ciphertext: intermediate.ciphertext, ephemeralPublicKey: intermediate.ephemeralPublicKey).build().serializedData()