You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import PromiseKit
extension Storage {
/// Returns the ID of the thread.
public func getOrCreateThread(for publicKey: String, groupPublicKey: String?, openGroupID: String?, using transaction: Any) -> String? {
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
var threadOrNil: TSThread?
if let openGroupID = openGroupID {
if let threadID = Storage.shared.v2GetThreadID(for: openGroupID),
let thread = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID, transaction: transaction) {
threadOrNil = thread
} else if let groupPublicKey = groupPublicKey {
guard Storage.shared.isClosedGroup(groupPublicKey) else { return nil }
let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey)
threadOrNil = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID), transaction: transaction)
} else {
threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(withContactSessionID: publicKey, transaction: transaction)
return threadOrNil?.uniqueId
/// Returns the ID of the `TSIncomingMessage` that was constructed.
public func persist(_ message: VisibleMessage, quotedMessage: TSQuotedMessage?, linkPreview: OWSLinkPreview?, groupPublicKey: String?, openGroupID: String?, using transaction: Any) -> String? {
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
guard let threadID = getOrCreateThread(for: message.syncTarget ?? message.sender!, groupPublicKey: groupPublicKey, openGroupID: openGroupID, using: transaction),
let thread = TSThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID, transaction: transaction) else { return nil }
let tsMessage: TSMessage
if message.sender == getUserPublicKey() {
if let _ = TSOutgoingMessage.find(withTimestamp: message.sentTimestamp!) { return nil }
let tsOutgoingMessage = TSOutgoingMessage.from(message, associatedWith: thread, using: transaction)
var recipients: [String] = []
if let syncTarget = message.syncTarget {
} else if let thread = thread as? TSGroupThread {
if thread.isClosedGroup { recipients = thread.groupModel.groupMemberIds }
else { recipients.append(LKGroupUtilities.getDecodedGroupID(thread.groupModel.groupId)) }
recipients.forEach { recipient in
tsOutgoingMessage.update(withSentRecipient: recipient, wasSentByUD: true, transaction: transaction)
tsMessage = tsOutgoingMessage
} else {
tsMessage = TSIncomingMessage.from(message, quotedMessage: quotedMessage, linkPreview: linkPreview, associatedWith: thread)
} transaction)
tsMessage.attachments(with: transaction).forEach { attachment in
attachment.albumMessageId = tsMessage.uniqueId! transaction)
return tsMessage.uniqueId!
/// Returns the IDs of the saved attachments.
public func persist(_ attachments: [VisibleMessage.Attachment], using transaction: Any) -> [String] {
return { attachment in
let tsAttachment = TSAttachmentPointer.from(attachment) transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction)
return tsAttachment.uniqueId!
/// Also touches the associated message.
public func setAttachmentState(to state: TSAttachmentPointerState, for pointer: TSAttachmentPointer, associatedWith tsMessageID: String, using transaction: Any) {
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
// Workaround for some YapDatabase funkiness where pointer at this point can actually be a TSAttachmentStream
guard pointer.responds(to: #selector(setter: TSAttachmentPointer.state)) else { return }
pointer.state = state transaction)
guard let tsMessage = TSMessage.fetch(uniqueId: tsMessageID, transaction: transaction) else { return }
MessageInvalidator.invalidate(tsMessage, with: transaction)
/// Also touches the associated message.
public func persist(_ stream: TSAttachmentStream, associatedWith tsMessageID: String, using transaction: Any) {
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction transaction)
guard let tsMessage = TSMessage.fetch(uniqueId: tsMessageID, transaction: transaction) else { return }
MessageInvalidator.invalidate(tsMessage, with: transaction)
private static let receivedMessageTimestampsCollection = "ReceivedMessageTimestampsCollection"
public func getReceivedMessageTimestamps(using transaction: Any) -> [UInt64] {
var result: [UInt64] = []
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: Storage.receivedMessageTimestampsCollection) { _, object, _, _ in
guard let timestamps = object as? [UInt64] else { return }
result = timestamps
return result
public func removeReceivedMessageTimestamps(_ timestamps: Set<UInt64>, using transaction: Any) {
var receivedMessageTimestamps = getReceivedMessageTimestamps(using: transaction)
timestamps.forEach { timestamp in
guard let index = receivedMessageTimestamps.firstIndex(of: timestamp) else { return }
receivedMessageTimestamps.remove(at: index)
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
transaction.setObject(receivedMessageTimestamps, forKey: "receivedMessageTimestamps", inCollection: Storage.receivedMessageTimestampsCollection)
public func addReceivedMessageTimestamp(_ timestamp: UInt64, using transaction: Any) {
var receivedMessageTimestamps = getReceivedMessageTimestamps(using: transaction)
// TODO: Do we need to sort the timestamps here?
if receivedMessageTimestamps.count > 1000 { receivedMessageTimestamps.remove(at: 0) } // Limit the size of the collection to 1000
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
transaction.setObject(receivedMessageTimestamps, forKey: "receivedMessageTimestamps", inCollection: Storage.receivedMessageTimestampsCollection)