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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
/// This migration sets up the standard jobs, since we want these jobs to run before any "once-off" jobs we do this migration
/// before running the `YDBToGRDBMigration`
enum _002_SetupStandardJobs: Migration {
static let target: TargetMigrations.Identifier = .snodeKit
static let identifier: String = "SetupStandardJobs"
static let needsConfigSync: Bool = false
static let minExpectedRunDuration: TimeInterval = 0.1
static func migrate(_ db: Database) throws {
try autoreleasepool {
_ = try Job(
variant: .getSnodePool,
behaviour: .recurringOnLaunch,
shouldBlock: true
// Note: We also want this job to run both onLaunch and onActive as we want it to block
// 'onLaunch' and 'onActive' doesn't support blocking jobs
_ = try Job(
variant: .getSnodePool,
behaviour: .recurringOnActive,
shouldSkipLaunchBecomeActive: true
Storage.update(progress: 1, for: self, in: target) // In case this is the last migration