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// Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/UIColor+OWS.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/UIFont+OWS.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/MIMETypeUtil.h>
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/UIImage+OWS.h>
#define ACCESSIBILITY_IDENTIFIER_WITH_NAME(_root_view, _variable_name) \
([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.%@", _root_view.class, _variable_name])
#define SET_SUBVIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_IDENTIFIER(_root_view, _variable_name) \
_variable_name.accessibilityIdentifier = ACCESSIBILITY_IDENTIFIER_WITH_NAME(_root_view, (@ #_variable_name))
typedef void (^completionBlock)(void);
* UIUtil contains various class methods that centralize common app UI functionality that would otherwise be hardcoded.
@interface UIUtil : NSObject
+ (void)applyRoundedBorderToImageView:(UIImageView *)imageView;
+ (void)removeRoundedBorderToImageView:(UIImageView *__strong *)imageView;
+ (void)setupSignalAppearence;