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public extension Storage {
internal enum ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType {
case old, current
// MARK: Ratchets
internal static func getClosedGroupRatchetCollection(_ collection: ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType, for groupPublicKey: String) -> String {
switch collection {
case .old: return "LokiOldClosedGroupRatchetCollection.\(groupPublicKey)"
case .current: return "LokiClosedGroupRatchetCollection.\(groupPublicKey)"
internal static func getClosedGroupRatchet(for groupPublicKey: String, senderPublicKey: String, from collection: ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType = .current) -> ClosedGroupRatchet? {
let collection = getClosedGroupRatchetCollection(collection, for: groupPublicKey)
var result: ClosedGroupRatchet?
read { transaction in
result = transaction.object(forKey: senderPublicKey, inCollection: collection) as? ClosedGroupRatchet
return result
internal static func setClosedGroupRatchet(for groupPublicKey: String, senderPublicKey: String, ratchet: ClosedGroupRatchet, in collection: ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType = .current, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
let collection = getClosedGroupRatchetCollection(collection, for: groupPublicKey)
transaction.setObject(ratchet, forKey: senderPublicKey, inCollection: collection)
internal static func getAllClosedGroupRatchets(for groupPublicKey: String, from collection: ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType = .current) -> [(senderPublicKey: String, ratchet: ClosedGroupRatchet)] {
let collection = getClosedGroupRatchetCollection(collection, for: groupPublicKey)
var result: [(senderPublicKey: String, ratchet: ClosedGroupRatchet)] = []
read { transaction in
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: collection) { key, object, _, _ in
guard let senderPublicKey = key as? String, let ratchet = object as? ClosedGroupRatchet else { return }
result.append((senderPublicKey: senderPublicKey, ratchet: ratchet))
return result
internal static func getAllClosedGroupSenderKeys(for groupPublicKey: String, from collection: ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType = .current) -> Set<ClosedGroupSenderKey> {
return Set(getAllClosedGroupRatchets(for: groupPublicKey, from: collection).map { senderPublicKey, ratchet in
ClosedGroupSenderKey(chainKey: Data(hex: ratchet.chainKey), keyIndex: ratchet.keyIndex, publicKey: Data(hex: senderPublicKey))
internal static func removeAllClosedGroupRatchets(for groupPublicKey: String, from collection: ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType = .current, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
let collection = getClosedGroupRatchetCollection(collection, for: groupPublicKey)
transaction.removeAllObjects(inCollection: collection)
@objc public extension Storage {
// MARK: Private Keys
internal static let closedGroupPrivateKeyCollection = "LokiClosedGroupPrivateKeyCollection"
public static func getUserClosedGroupPublicKeys() -> Set<String> {
var result: Set<String> = []
read { transaction in
result = Set(transaction.allKeys(inCollection: closedGroupPrivateKeyCollection))
return result
internal static func getClosedGroupPrivateKey(for publicKey: String) -> String? {
var result: String?
read { transaction in
result = transaction.object(forKey: publicKey, inCollection: closedGroupPrivateKeyCollection) as? String
return result
internal static func setClosedGroupPrivateKey(_ privateKey: String, for publicKey: String, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
transaction.setObject(privateKey, forKey: publicKey, inCollection: closedGroupPrivateKeyCollection)
internal static func removeClosedGroupPrivateKey(for publicKey: String, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
transaction.removeObject(forKey: publicKey, inCollection: closedGroupPrivateKeyCollection)