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import PromiseKit
public final class OldSnodeAPI : NSObject {
// MARK: Sending
public static func objc_sendSignalMessage(_ signalMessage: SignalMessage) -> AnyPromise {
let promise = sendSignalMessage(signalMessage).mapValues2 { AnyPromise.from($0) }.map2 { Set($0) }
return AnyPromise.from(promise)
public static func sendSignalMessage(_ signalMessage: SignalMessage) -> Promise<Set<Promise<Any>>> {
// Convert the message to a Loki message
guard let lokiMessage = LokiMessage.from(signalMessage: signalMessage) else { return Promise(error: SnodeAPI.Error.generic) }
let publicKey = lokiMessage.recipientPublicKey
let notificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default .calculatingPoW, object: NSNumber(value: signalMessage.timestamp))
// Calculate proof of work
return lokiMessage.calculatePoW().then2 { lokiMessageWithPoW -> Promise<Set<Promise<Any>>> in .routing, object: NSNumber(value: signalMessage.timestamp))
// Get the target snodes
return SnodeAPI.getTargetSnodes(for: publicKey).map2 { snodes in .messageSending, object: NSNumber(value: signalMessage.timestamp))
let parameters = lokiMessageWithPoW.toJSON()
return Set( { snode in
// Send the message to the target snode
return attempt(maxRetryCount: 4, recoveringOn: SnodeAPI.workQueue) {
SnodeAPI.invoke(.sendMessage, on: snode, associatedWith: publicKey, parameters: parameters)
}.map2 { rawResponse in
if let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let powDifficulty = json["difficulty"] as? Int {
guard powDifficulty != SnodeAPI.powDifficulty, powDifficulty < 100 else { return rawResponse }
print("[Loki] Setting proof of work difficulty to \(powDifficulty).")
SnodeAPI.powDifficulty = UInt(powDifficulty)
} else {
print("[Loki] Failed to update proof of work difficulty from: \(rawResponse).")
return rawResponse