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import PromiseKit
public struct LokiMessage {
/// The hex encoded public key of the recipient.
let recipientPublicKey: String
/// The content of the message.
let data: LosslessStringConvertible
/// The time to live for the message in milliseconds.
let ttl: UInt64
/// Whether this message is a ping.
/// - Note: The concept of pinging only applies to P2P messaging.
let isPing: Bool
/// When the proof of work was calculated, if applicable (P2P messages don't require proof of work).
/// - Note: Expressed as milliseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.
private(set) var timestamp: UInt64? = nil
/// The base 64 encoded proof of work, if applicable (P2P messages don't require proof of work).
private(set) var nonce: String? = nil
private init(destination: String, data: LosslessStringConvertible, ttl: UInt64, isPing: Bool) {
self.recipientPublicKey = destination = data
self.ttl = ttl
self.isPing = isPing
/// Construct a `LokiMessage` from a `SignalMessage`.
/// - Note: `timestamp` is the original message timestamp (i.e. `TSOutgoingMessage.timestamp`).
public static func from(signalMessage: SignalMessage) -> LokiMessage? {
// To match the desktop application, we have to wrap the data in an envelope and then wrap that in a websocket object
do {
let wrappedMessage = try MessageWrapper.wrap(message: signalMessage)
let data = wrappedMessage.base64EncodedString()
let destination = signalMessage.recipientPublicKey
var ttl = TTLUtilities.fallbackMessageTTL
if let messageTTL = signalMessage.ttl, messageTTL > 0 { ttl = UInt64(messageTTL) }
let isPing = signalMessage.isPing
return LokiMessage(destination: destination, data: data, ttl: ttl, isPing: isPing)
} catch let error {
print("[Loki] Failed to convert Signal message to Loki message: \(signalMessage).")
return nil
/// Calculate the proof of work for this message.
/// - Returns: The promise of a new message with its `timestamp` and `nonce` set.
public func calculatePoW() -> Promise<LokiMessage> {
return Promise<LokiMessage> { seal in .userInitiated).async {
let now = NSDate.ows_millisecondTimeStamp()
let dataAsString = as! String // Safe because of how from(signalMessage:with:) is implemented
if let nonce = ProofOfWork.calculate(data: dataAsString, pubKey: self.recipientPublicKey, timestamp: now, ttl: self.ttl) {
var result = self
result.timestamp = now
result.nonce = nonce
} else {
public func toJSON() -> JSON {
var result = [ "pubKey" : recipientPublicKey, "data" : data.description, "ttl" : String(ttl) ]
if let timestamp = timestamp, let nonce = nonce {
result["timestamp"] = String(timestamp)
result["nonce"] = nonce
return result