You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

821 lines
30 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import AVFoundation
import MediaPlayer
import PromiseKit
import SessionUIKit
import CoreServices
public protocol AttachmentApprovalViewControllerDelegate: class {
func attachmentApproval(_ attachmentApproval: AttachmentApprovalViewController,
didApproveAttachments attachments: [SignalAttachment], messageText: String?)
func attachmentApprovalDidCancel(_ attachmentApproval: AttachmentApprovalViewController)
func attachmentApproval(_ attachmentApproval: AttachmentApprovalViewController,
didChangeMessageText newMessageText: String?)
optional func attachmentApproval(_ attachmentApproval: AttachmentApprovalViewController, didRemoveAttachment attachment: SignalAttachment)
optional func attachmentApprovalDidTapAddMore(_ attachmentApproval: AttachmentApprovalViewController)
// MARK: -
public enum AttachmentApprovalViewControllerMode: UInt {
case modal
case sharedNavigation
// MARK: -
public class AttachmentApprovalViewController: UIPageViewController, UIPageViewControllerDataSource, UIPageViewControllerDelegate {
// MARK: - Properties
private let mode: AttachmentApprovalViewControllerMode
private let isAddMoreVisible: Bool
public weak var approvalDelegate: AttachmentApprovalViewControllerDelegate?
public var isEditingCaptions = false {
didSet {
// MARK: - Initializers
@available(*, unavailable, message:"use attachment: constructor instead.")
required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
let kSpacingBetweenItems: CGFloat = 20
required public init(mode: AttachmentApprovalViewControllerMode,
attachments: [SignalAttachment]) {
assert(attachments.count > 0)
self.mode = mode
let attachmentItems = { SignalAttachmentItem(attachment: $0 )}
self.isAddMoreVisible = mode == .sharedNavigation
self.attachmentItemCollection = AttachmentItemCollection(attachmentItems: attachmentItems, isAddMoreVisible: isAddMoreVisible)
let options: [UIPageViewController.OptionsKey: Any] = [.interPageSpacing: kSpacingBetweenItems]
super.init(transitionStyle: .scroll,
navigationOrientation: .horizontal,
options: options)
self.dataSource = self
self.delegate = self
selector: #selector(didBecomeActive),
name: NSNotification.Name.OWSApplicationDidBecomeActive,
object: nil)
deinit {
public class func wrappedInNavController(attachments: [SignalAttachment], approvalDelegate: AttachmentApprovalViewControllerDelegate) -> OWSNavigationController {
let vc = AttachmentApprovalViewController(mode: .modal, attachments: attachments)
vc.approvalDelegate = approvalDelegate
let navController = OWSNavigationController(rootViewController: vc)
navController.ows_prefersStatusBarHidden = true
return navController
// MARK: - Notifications
@objc func didBecomeActive() {
// MARK: - Subviews
var galleryRailView: GalleryRailView {
return bottomToolView.galleryRailView
var attachmentTextToolbar: AttachmentTextToolbar {
return bottomToolView.attachmentTextToolbar
lazy var bottomToolView: AttachmentApprovalInputAccessoryView = {
let bottomToolView = AttachmentApprovalInputAccessoryView()
bottomToolView.delegate = self
return bottomToolView
lazy var touchInterceptorView = UIView()
// MARK: - View Lifecycle
public override var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool {
return true
override public func viewDidLoad() {
self.view.backgroundColor = Colors.navigationBarBackground
// avoid an unpleasant "bounce" which doesn't make sense in the context of a single item.
pagerScrollView?.isScrollEnabled = attachmentItems.count > 1
// Bottom Toolbar
galleryRailView.delegate = self
attachmentTextToolbar.attachmentTextToolbarDelegate = self
// Navigation
self.navigationItem.title = nil
guard let firstItem = attachmentItems.first else {
owsFailDebug("firstItem was unexpectedly nil")
self.setCurrentItem(firstItem, direction: .forward, animated: false)
// layout immediately to avoid animating the layout process during the transition
touchInterceptorView.isHidden = true
let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(didTapTouchInterceptorView(gesture:)))
override public func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
guard let navigationBar = navigationController?.navigationBar as? OWSNavigationBar else {
owsFailDebug("navigationBar was nil or unexpected class")
// Loki: Set navigation bar background color
navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(), for: UIBarMetrics.default)
navigationBar.shadowImage = UIImage()
navigationBar.isTranslucent = false
navigationBar.barTintColor = Colors.navigationBarBackground
navigationBar.respectsTheme = true
navigationBar.backgroundColor = Colors.navigationBarBackground
let backgroundImage = UIImage(color: Colors.navigationBarBackground)
navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(backgroundImage, for: .default)
override public func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
override public func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
private func updateContents() {
touchInterceptorView.isHidden = !isEditingCaptions
// MARK: - Input Accessory
override public var inputAccessoryView: UIView? {
return bottomToolView
override public var canBecomeFirstResponder: Bool {
return !shouldHideControls
public func updateInputAccessory() {
var currentPageViewController: AttachmentPrepViewController?
if pageViewControllers.count == 1 {
currentPageViewController = pageViewControllers.first
let currentAttachmentItem: SignalAttachmentItem? = currentPageViewController?.attachmentItem
let hasPresentedView = self.presentedViewController != nil
let isToolbarFirstResponder = bottomToolView.hasFirstResponder
if !shouldHideControls, !isFirstResponder, !hasPresentedView, !isToolbarFirstResponder {
bottomToolView.update(isEditingCaptions: isEditingCaptions,
currentAttachmentItem: currentAttachmentItem,
shouldHideControls: shouldHideControls)
public var messageText: String? {
get {
return attachmentTextToolbar.messageText
set {
attachmentTextToolbar.messageText = newValue
// MARK: - Navigation Bar
public func updateNavigationBar() {
guard !shouldHideControls else {
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = nil
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = nil
guard !isEditingCaptions else {
// Hide all navigation bar items while the caption view is open.
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: NSLocalizedString("ATTACHMENT_APPROVAL_CAPTION_TITLE", comment: "Title for 'caption' mode of the attachment approval view."), style: .plain, target: nil, action: nil)
let doneButton = navigationBarButton(imageName: "image_editor_checkmark_full",
selector: #selector(didTapCaptionDone(sender:)))
let navigationBarItems = [doneButton]
updateNavigationBar(navigationBarItems: navigationBarItems)
var navigationBarItems = [UIView]()
if let viewControllers = viewControllers,
viewControllers.count == 1,
let firstViewController = viewControllers.first as? AttachmentPrepViewController {
navigationBarItems = firstViewController.navigationBarItems()
// Show the caption UI if there's more than one attachment
// OR if the attachment already has a caption.
let attachmentCount = attachmentItemCollection.count
var shouldShowCaptionUI = attachmentCount > 0
if let captionText = firstViewController.attachmentItem.captionText, captionText.count > 0 {
shouldShowCaptionUI = true
if shouldShowCaptionUI {
let captionButton = navigationBarButton(imageName: "image_editor_caption",
selector: #selector(didTapCaption(sender:)))
updateNavigationBar(navigationBarItems: navigationBarItems)
let hasCancel = (mode != .sharedNavigation)
if hasCancel {
// Mimic a UIBarButtonItem of type .cancel, but with a shadow.
let cancelButton = OWSButton(title: CommonStrings.cancelButton) { [weak self] in
cancelButton.setTitleColor(Colors.text, for: .normal)
if let titleLabel = cancelButton.titleLabel {
titleLabel.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 17.0)
} else {
owsFailDebug("Missing titleLabel.")
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: cancelButton)
} else {
// Mimic a conventional back button, but with a shadow.
let isRTL = CurrentAppContext().isRTL
let imageName = isRTL ? "NavBarBackRTL" : "NavBarBack"
let backButton = OWSButton(imageName: imageName, tintColor: Colors.text) { [weak self] in
self?.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
// Nudge closer to the left edge to match default back button item.
let kExtraLeftPadding: CGFloat = isRTL ? +0 : -8
// Give some extra hit area to the back button. This is a little smaller
// than the default back button, but makes sense for our left aligned title
// view in the MessagesViewController
let kExtraRightPadding: CGFloat = isRTL ? -0 : +10
// Extra hit area above/below
let kExtraHeightPadding: CGFloat = 4
// Matching the default backbutton placement is tricky.
// We can't just adjust the imageEdgeInsets on a UIBarButtonItem directly,
// so we adjust the imageEdgeInsets on a UIButton, then wrap that
// in a UIBarButtonItem.
backButton.contentHorizontalAlignment = .left
// Default back button is 1.5 pixel lower than our extracted image.
let kTopInsetPadding: CGFloat = 1.5
backButton.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: kTopInsetPadding, left: kExtraLeftPadding, bottom: 0, right: 0)
var backImageSize =
if let backImage = UIImage(named: imageName) {
backImageSize = backImage.size
} else {
owsFailDebug("Missing backImage.")
backButton.frame = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: CGSize(width: backImageSize.width + kExtraRightPadding,
height: backImageSize.height + kExtraHeightPadding))
// Note: using a custom leftBarButtonItem breaks the interactive pop gesture.
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: backButton)
// MARK: - Control Visibility
public var shouldHideControls: Bool {
guard let pageViewController = pageViewControllers.first else {
return false
return pageViewController.shouldHideControls
// MARK: - View Helpers
func remove(attachmentItem: SignalAttachmentItem) {
if attachmentItem == currentItem {
if let nextItem = attachmentItemCollection.itemAfter(item: attachmentItem) {
setCurrentItem(nextItem, direction: .forward, animated: true)
} else if let prevItem = attachmentItemCollection.itemBefore(item: attachmentItem) {
setCurrentItem(prevItem, direction: .reverse, animated: true)
} else {
owsFailDebug("removing last item shouldn't be possible because rail should not be visible")
guard let cell = galleryRailView.cellViews.first(where: { $0.item === attachmentItem }) else {
owsFailDebug("cell was unexpectedly nil")
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2,
animations: {
// shrink stack view item until it disappears
cell.isHidden = true
// simultaneously fade out
cell.alpha = 0
completion: { _ in
self.attachmentItemCollection.remove(item: attachmentItem)
self.approvalDelegate?.attachmentApproval?(self, didRemoveAttachment: attachmentItem.attachment)
lazy var pagerScrollView: UIScrollView? = {
// This is kind of a hack. Since we don't have first class access to the superview's `scrollView`
// we traverse the view hierarchy until we find it.
let pagerScrollView = view.subviews.first { $0 is UIScrollView } as? UIScrollView
assert(pagerScrollView != nil)
return pagerScrollView
// MARK: - UIPageViewControllerDelegate
public func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, willTransitionTo pendingViewControllers: [UIViewController]) {
assert(pendingViewControllers.count == 1)
pendingViewControllers.forEach { viewController in
guard let pendingPage = viewController as? AttachmentPrepViewController else {
owsFailDebug("unexpected viewController: \(viewController)")
// use compact scale when keyboard is popped.
let scale: AttachmentPrepViewController.AttachmentViewScale = self.isFirstResponder ? .fullsize : .compact
pendingPage.setAttachmentViewScale(scale, animated: false)
public func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, didFinishAnimating finished: Bool, previousViewControllers: [UIViewController], transitionCompleted: Bool) {
assert(previousViewControllers.count == 1)
previousViewControllers.forEach { viewController in
guard let previousPage = viewController as? AttachmentPrepViewController else {
owsFailDebug("unexpected viewController: \(viewController)")
if transitionCompleted {
previousPage.zoomOut(animated: false)
// MARK: - UIPageViewControllerDataSource
public func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, viewControllerBefore viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? {
guard let currentViewController = viewController as? AttachmentPrepViewController else {
owsFailDebug("unexpected viewController: \(viewController)")
return nil
let currentItem = currentViewController.attachmentItem
guard let previousItem = attachmentItem(before: currentItem) else {
return nil
guard let previousPage: AttachmentPrepViewController = buildPage(item: previousItem) else {
return nil
return previousPage
public func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, viewControllerAfter viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? {
guard let currentViewController = viewController as? AttachmentPrepViewController else {
owsFailDebug("unexpected viewController: \(viewController)")
return nil
let currentItem = currentViewController.attachmentItem
guard let nextItem = attachmentItem(after: currentItem) else {
return nil
guard let nextPage: AttachmentPrepViewController = buildPage(item: nextItem) else {
return nil
return nextPage
public var currentPageViewController: AttachmentPrepViewController {
return pageViewControllers.first!
public var pageViewControllers: [AttachmentPrepViewController] {
return super.viewControllers!.map { $0 as! AttachmentPrepViewController }
public override func setViewControllers(_ viewControllers: [UIViewController]?, direction: UIPageViewController.NavigationDirection, animated: Bool, completion: ((Bool) -> Void)? = nil) {
direction: direction,
animated: animated) { [weak self] (finished) in
if let completion = completion {
var currentItem: SignalAttachmentItem! {
get {
return currentPageViewController.attachmentItem
set {
setCurrentItem(newValue, direction: .forward, animated: false)
private var cachedPages: [SignalAttachmentItem: AttachmentPrepViewController] = [:]
private func buildPage(item: SignalAttachmentItem) -> AttachmentPrepViewController? {
if let cachedPage = cachedPages[item] {
Logger.debug("cache hit.")
return cachedPage
Logger.debug("cache miss.")
let viewController = AttachmentPrepViewController(attachmentItem: item)
viewController.prepDelegate = self
cachedPages[item] = viewController
return viewController
private func setCurrentItem(_ item: SignalAttachmentItem, direction: UIPageViewController.NavigationDirection, animated isAnimated: Bool) {
guard let page = self.buildPage(item: item) else {
owsFailDebug("unexpectedly unable to build new page")
self.setViewControllers([page], direction: direction, animated: isAnimated, completion: nil)
func updateMediaRail() {
guard let currentItem = self.currentItem else {
owsFailDebug("currentItem was unexpectedly nil")
let cellViewBuilder: (GalleryRailItem) -> GalleryRailCellView = { [weak self] railItem in
switch railItem {
case is AddMoreRailItem:
return GalleryRailCellView()
case is SignalAttachmentItem:
let cell = ApprovalRailCellView()
cell.approvalRailCellDelegate = self
return cell
owsFailDebug("unexpted rail item type: \(railItem)")
return GalleryRailCellView()
galleryRailView.configureCellViews(itemProvider: attachmentItemCollection,
focusedItem: currentItem,
cellViewBuilder: cellViewBuilder)
if isAddMoreVisible {
galleryRailView.isHidden = false
} else if attachmentItemCollection.attachmentItems.count > 1 {
galleryRailView.isHidden = false
} else {
galleryRailView.isHidden = true
let attachmentItemCollection: AttachmentItemCollection
var attachmentItems: [SignalAttachmentItem] {
return attachmentItemCollection.attachmentItems
var attachments: [SignalAttachment] {
return { (attachmentItem) in
autoreleasepool {
return self.processedAttachment(forAttachmentItem: attachmentItem)
// For any attachments edited with the image editor, returns a
// new SignalAttachment that reflects those changes. Otherwise,
// returns the original attachment.
// If any errors occurs in the export process, we fail over to
// sending the original attachment. This seems better than trying
// to involve the user in resolving the issue.
func processedAttachment(forAttachmentItem attachmentItem: SignalAttachmentItem) -> SignalAttachment {
guard let imageEditorModel = attachmentItem.imageEditorModel else {
// Image was not edited.
return attachmentItem.attachment
guard imageEditorModel.isDirty() else {
// Image editor has no changes.
return attachmentItem.attachment
guard let dstImage = ImageEditorCanvasView.renderForOutput(model: imageEditorModel, transform: imageEditorModel.currentTransform()) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not render for output.")
return attachmentItem.attachment
var dataUTI = kUTTypeImage as String
guard let dstData: Data = {
let isLossy: Bool = attachmentItem.attachment.mimeType.caseInsensitiveCompare(OWSMimeTypeImageJpeg) == .orderedSame
if isLossy {
dataUTI = kUTTypeJPEG as String
return dstImage.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.9)
} else {
dataUTI = kUTTypePNG as String
return dstImage.pngData()
}() else {
owsFailDebug("Could not export for output.")
return attachmentItem.attachment
guard let dataSource = DataSourceValue.dataSource(with: dstData, utiType: dataUTI) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not prepare data source for output.")
return attachmentItem.attachment
// Rewrite the filename's extension to reflect the output file format.
var filename: String? = attachmentItem.attachment.sourceFilename
if let sourceFilename = attachmentItem.attachment.sourceFilename {
if let fileExtension: String = MIMETypeUtil.fileExtension(forUTIType: dataUTI) {
filename = (sourceFilename as NSString).deletingPathExtension.appendingFileExtension(fileExtension)
dataSource.sourceFilename = filename
let dstAttachment = SignalAttachment.attachment(dataSource: dataSource, dataUTI: dataUTI, imageQuality: .original)
if let attachmentError = dstAttachment.error {
owsFailDebug("Could not prepare attachment for output: \(attachmentError).")
return attachmentItem.attachment
// Preserve caption text.
dstAttachment.captionText = attachmentItem.captionText
return dstAttachment
func attachmentItem(before currentItem: SignalAttachmentItem) -> SignalAttachmentItem? {
guard let currentIndex = attachmentItems.firstIndex(of: currentItem) else {
owsFailDebug("currentIndex was unexpectedly nil")
return nil
let index: Int = attachmentItems.index(before: currentIndex)
guard let previousItem = attachmentItems[safe: index] else {
// already at first item
return nil
return previousItem
func attachmentItem(after currentItem: SignalAttachmentItem) -> SignalAttachmentItem? {
guard let currentIndex = attachmentItems.firstIndex(of: currentItem) else {
owsFailDebug("currentIndex was unexpectedly nil")
return nil
let index: Int = attachmentItems.index(after: currentIndex)
guard let nextItem = attachmentItems[safe: index] else {
// already at last item
return nil
return nextItem
// MARK: - Event Handlers
func didTapTouchInterceptorView(gesture: UITapGestureRecognizer) {"")
isEditingCaptions = false
private func cancelPressed() {
@objc func didTapCaption(sender: UIButton) {
isEditingCaptions = true
@objc func didTapCaptionDone(sender: UIButton) {
isEditingCaptions = false
// MARK: -
extension AttachmentApprovalViewController: AttachmentTextToolbarDelegate {
func attachmentTextToolbarDidBeginEditing(_ attachmentTextToolbar: AttachmentTextToolbar) {
currentPageViewController.setAttachmentViewScale(.compact, animated: true)
func attachmentTextToolbarDidEndEditing(_ attachmentTextToolbar: AttachmentTextToolbar) {
currentPageViewController.setAttachmentViewScale(.fullsize, animated: true)
func attachmentTextToolbarDidTapSend(_ attachmentTextToolbar: AttachmentTextToolbar) {
// Toolbar flickers in and out if there are errors
// and remains visible momentarily after share extension is dismissed.
// It's easiest to just hide it at this point since we're done with it.
currentPageViewController.shouldAllowAttachmentViewResizing = false
attachmentTextToolbar.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
attachmentTextToolbar.isHidden = true
approvalDelegate?.attachmentApproval(self, didApproveAttachments: attachments, messageText: attachmentTextToolbar.messageText)
func attachmentTextToolbarDidChange(_ attachmentTextToolbar: AttachmentTextToolbar) {
approvalDelegate?.attachmentApproval(self, didChangeMessageText: attachmentTextToolbar.messageText)
// MARK: -
extension AttachmentApprovalViewController: AttachmentPrepViewControllerDelegate {
func prepViewControllerUpdateNavigationBar() {
func prepViewControllerUpdateControls() {
// MARK: GalleryRail
extension SignalAttachmentItem: GalleryRailItem {
func buildRailItemView() -> UIView {
let imageView = UIImageView()
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
getThumbnailImage().map { image in
imageView.image = image
return imageView
// MARK: -
extension AttachmentItemCollection: GalleryRailItemProvider {
var railItems: [GalleryRailItem] {
if isAddMoreVisible {
return self.attachmentItems + [AddMoreRailItem()]
} else {
return self.attachmentItems
// MARK: -
extension AttachmentApprovalViewController: GalleryRailViewDelegate {
public func galleryRailView(_ galleryRailView: GalleryRailView, didTapItem imageRailItem: GalleryRailItem) {
if imageRailItem is AddMoreRailItem {
guard let targetItem = imageRailItem as? SignalAttachmentItem else {
owsFailDebug("unexpected imageRailItem: \(imageRailItem)")
guard let currentIndex = attachmentItems.firstIndex(of: currentItem) else {
owsFailDebug("currentIndex was unexpectedly nil")
guard let targetIndex = attachmentItems.firstIndex(of: targetItem) else {
owsFailDebug("targetIndex was unexpectedly nil")
let direction: UIPageViewController.NavigationDirection = currentIndex < targetIndex ? .forward : .reverse
self.setCurrentItem(targetItem, direction: direction, animated: true)
// MARK: -
enum KeyboardScenario {
case hidden, editingMessage, editingCaption
// MARK: -
extension AttachmentApprovalViewController: ApprovalRailCellViewDelegate {
func approvalRailCellView(_ approvalRailCellView: ApprovalRailCellView, didRemoveItem attachmentItem: SignalAttachmentItem) {
remove(attachmentItem: attachmentItem)
func canRemoveApprovalRailCellView(_ approvalRailCellView: ApprovalRailCellView) -> Bool {
return self.attachmentItems.count > 1
// MARK: -
extension AttachmentApprovalViewController: AttachmentApprovalInputAccessoryViewDelegate {
public func attachmentApprovalInputUpdateMediaRail() {
public func attachmentApprovalInputStartEditingCaptions() {
isEditingCaptions = true
public func attachmentApprovalInputStopEditingCaptions() {
isEditingCaptions = false