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session-ios/SessionUIKit/Style Guide/Gradients.swift

48 lines
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import UIKit
public final class Gradient : NSObject {
public let start: UIColor
public let end: UIColor
private override init() { preconditionFailure("Use init(start:end:) instead.") }
@objc public init(start: UIColor, end: UIColor) {
self.start = start
self.end = end
@objc public extension UIView {
@objc func setGradient(_ gradient: Gradient) {
let layer = CAGradientLayer()
layer.frame = UIScreen.main.bounds
layer.colors = [ gradient.start.cgColor, gradient.end.cgColor ]
if let existingSublayer = self.layer.sublayers?[0], existingSublayer is CAGradientLayer {
self.layer.replaceSublayer(existingSublayer, with: layer)
} else {
self.layer.insertSublayer(layer, at: 0)
final public class Gradients : NSObject {
@objc public static var defaultLokiBackground: Gradient {
switch AppModeManager.shared.currentAppMode {
case .light: return Gradient(start: UIColor(hex: 0xFCFCFC), end: UIColor(hex: 0xFFFFFF))
case .dark: return Gradient(start: UIColor(hex: 0x171717), end: UIColor(hex: 0x121212))
@objc public static var homeVCFade: Gradient {
switch AppModeManager.shared.currentAppMode {
case .light: return Gradient(start: UIColor(hex: 0xFFFFFF).withAlphaComponent(0), end: UIColor(hex: 0xFFFFFF))
case .dark: return Gradient(start: UIColor(hex: 0x000000).withAlphaComponent(0), end: UIColor(hex: 0x000000))