You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public struct SnodeReceivedMessageInfo: Codable, FetchableRecord, MutablePersistableRecord, TableRecord, ColumnExpressible {
public static var databaseTableName: String { "snodeReceivedMessageInfo" }
public typealias Columns = CodingKeys
public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression {
case id
case key
case hash
case expirationDateMs
/// The `id` value is auto incremented by the database, if the `Job` hasn't been inserted into
/// the database yet this value will be `nil`
public var id: Int64? = nil
/// The key this message hash is associated to
/// This will be a combination of {address}.{port}.{publicKey} for new rows and just the {publicKey} for legacy rows
public let key: String
/// The is the hash for the received message
public let hash: String
/// This is the timestamp (in milliseconds since epoch) when the message hash should expire
/// **Note:** If no value exists this will default to 15 days from now (since the service node caches messages for
/// 14 days)
public let expirationDateMs: Int64
// MARK: - Custom Database Interaction
public mutating func didInsert(with rowID: Int64, for column: String?) { = rowID
// MARK: - Convenience
public extension SnodeReceivedMessageInfo {
private static func key(for snode: Snode, publicKey: String) -> String {
return "\(snode.address):\(snode.port).\(publicKey)"
snode: Snode,
publicKey: String,
hash: String,
expirationDateMs: Int64?
) {
self.key = SnodeReceivedMessageInfo.key(for: snode, publicKey: publicKey)
self.hash = hash
self.expirationDateMs = (expirationDateMs ?? 0)
// MARK: - GRDB Interactions
public extension SnodeReceivedMessageInfo {
static func pruneExpiredMessageHashInfo(for snode: Snode, associatedWith publicKey: String) {
// Delete any expired SnodeReceivedMessageInfo values associated to a specific node
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in
// Only prune the hashes if new hashes exist for this Snode (if they don't then we don't want
// to clear out the legacy hashes)
let hasNonLegacyHash: Bool = try SnodeReceivedMessageInfo
.filter(SnodeReceivedMessageInfo.Columns.key == key(for: snode, publicKey: publicKey))
guard hasNonLegacyHash else { return }
try SnodeReceivedMessageInfo
.filter(SnodeReceivedMessageInfo.Columns.key == key(for: snode, publicKey: publicKey))
.filter(SnodeReceivedMessageInfo.Columns.expirationDateMs <= (Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000))
/// This method fetches the last non-expired hash from the database for message retrieval
/// **Note:** This method uses a `write` instead of a read because there is a single write queue for the database and it's very common for
/// this method to be called after the hash value has been updated but before the various `read` threads have been updated, resulting in a
/// pointless fetch for data the app has already received
static func fetchLastNotExpired(for snode: Snode, associatedWith publicKey: String) -> SnodeReceivedMessageInfo? {
return GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in
let nonLegacyHash: SnodeReceivedMessageInfo? = try SnodeReceivedMessageInfo
.filter(SnodeReceivedMessageInfo.Columns.key == key(for: snode, publicKey: publicKey))
.filter(SnodeReceivedMessageInfo.Columns.expirationDateMs > (Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000))
// If we have a non-legacy hash then return it immediately (legacy hashes had a different
// 'key' structure)
if nonLegacyHash != nil { return nonLegacyHash }
return try SnodeReceivedMessageInfo
.filter(SnodeReceivedMessageInfo.Columns.key == publicKey)