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371 lines
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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
// stringlint:disable
import Foundation
import SignalCoreKit
// MARK: - Log
public enum Log {
fileprivate typealias LogInfo = (level: Log.Level, message: String, withPrefixes: Bool, silenceForTests: Bool)
public enum Level {
case trace
case debug
case info
case warn
case error
case critical
case off
private static var logger: Atomic<Logger?> = Atomic(nil)
private static var pendingStartupLogs: Atomic<[LogInfo]> = Atomic([])
public static func setup(with logger: Logger) {
logger.retrievePendingStartupLogs = {
pendingStartupLogs.mutate { pendingStartupLogs in
let logs: [LogInfo] = pendingStartupLogs
pendingStartupLogs = []
return logs
Log.logger.mutate { $0 = logger }
public static func appResumedExecution() {
guard logger.wrappedValue != nil else { return }
public static func logFilePath() -> String? {
let logger: Logger = logger.wrappedValue
else { return nil }
return logger.fileLogger.logFileManager.sortedLogFilePaths.first
public static func flush() {
// MARK: - Log Functions
fileprivate static func empty() {
let emptyArguments: [CVarArg] = []
withVaList(emptyArguments) { ptr in
asynchronous: true,
level: .info,
flag: .info,
context: 0,
file: "",
function: "",
line: 0,
tag: nil,
format: "",
arguments: ptr)
public static func trace(
_ message: String,
withPrefixes: Bool = true,
silenceForTests: Bool = false
) {
custom(.trace, message, withPrefixes: withPrefixes, silenceForTests: silenceForTests)
public static func debug(
_ message: String,
withPrefixes: Bool = true,
silenceForTests: Bool = false
) {
custom(.debug, message, withPrefixes: withPrefixes, silenceForTests: silenceForTests)
public static func info(
_ message: String,
withPrefixes: Bool = true,
silenceForTests: Bool = false
) {
custom(.info, message, withPrefixes: withPrefixes, silenceForTests: silenceForTests)
public static func warn(
_ message: String,
withPrefixes: Bool = true,
silenceForTests: Bool = false
) {
custom(.warn, message, withPrefixes: withPrefixes, silenceForTests: silenceForTests)
public static func error(
_ message: String,
withPrefixes: Bool = true,
silenceForTests: Bool = false
) {
custom(.error, message, withPrefixes: withPrefixes, silenceForTests: silenceForTests)
public static func critical(
_ message: String,
withPrefixes: Bool = true,
silenceForTests: Bool = false
) {
custom(.critical, message, withPrefixes: withPrefixes, silenceForTests: silenceForTests)
public static func custom(
_ level: Log.Level,
_ message: String,
withPrefixes: Bool,
silenceForTests: Bool
) {
let logger: Logger = logger.wrappedValue,
else { return pendingStartupLogs.mutate { $0.append((level, message, withPrefixes, silenceForTests)) } }
logger.log(level, message, withPrefixes: withPrefixes, silenceForTests: silenceForTests)
// MARK: - Logger
public class Logger {
private let isRunningTests: Bool = (ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["XCTestConfigurationFilePath"] == nil)
private let primaryPrefix: String
private let forceNSLog: Bool
fileprivate let fileLogger: DDFileLogger
fileprivate let startupCompleted: Atomic<Bool> = Atomic(false)
fileprivate var retrievePendingStartupLogs: (() -> [Log.LogInfo])?
public init(
primaryPrefix: String,
customDirectory: String? = nil,
forceNSLog: Bool = false
) {
self.primaryPrefix = primaryPrefix
self.forceNSLog = forceNSLog
switch customDirectory {
case .none: self.fileLogger = DDFileLogger()
case .some(let customDirectory):
let logFileManager: DDLogFileManagerDefault = DDLogFileManagerDefault(logsDirectory: customDirectory)
self.fileLogger = DDFileLogger(logFileManager: logFileManager)
// We want to use the local datetime and show the timezone offset because it'll make
// it easier to debug when users provide logs and specify that something happened at
// a certain time (the default is UTC so we'd need to know the users timezone in order
// to convert and debug effectively)
let dateFormatter: DateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.formatterBehavior = .behavior10_4 // 10.4+ style
dateFormatter.locale = NSLocale.current // Use the current locale and include the timezone instead of UTC
dateFormatter.timeZone = NSTimeZone.local
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:SSS ZZZZZ"
self.fileLogger.logFormatter = DDLogFileFormatterDefault(dateFormatter: dateFormatter)
self.fileLogger.rollingFrequency = kDayInterval // Refresh everyday
self.fileLogger.logFileManager.maximumNumberOfLogFiles = 3 // Save 3 days' log files
// Now that we are setup we should load the extension logs which will then
// complete the startup process when completed
// MARK: - Functions
private func loadExtensionLogs() {
// The extensions write their logs to the app shared directory but the main app writes
// to a local directory (so they can be exported via XCode) - the below code reads any
// logs from the shared directly and attempts to add them to the main app logs to make
// debugging user issues in extensions easier .utility).async { [weak self] in
guard let currentLogFileInfo: DDLogFileInfo = self?.fileLogger.currentLogFileInfo else {
self?.completeStartup(error: "Unable to retrieve current log file.")
DDLog.loggingQueue.async {
let extensionInfo: [(dir: String, type: ExtensionType)] = [
("\(OWSFileSystem.appSharedDataDirectoryPath())/Logs/NotificationExtension", .notification),
("\(OWSFileSystem.appSharedDataDirectoryPath())/Logs/ShareExtension", .share)
let extensionLogs: [(path: String, type: ExtensionType)] = extensionInfo.flatMap { dir, type -> [(path: String, type: ExtensionType)] in
guard let files: [String] = try? FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: dir) else { return [] }
return { ("\(dir)/\($0)", type) }
do {
guard let fileHandle: FileHandle = FileHandle(forWritingAtPath: currentLogFileInfo.filePath) else {
throw StorageError.objectNotFound
// Ensure we close the file handle
defer { fileHandle.closeFile() }
// Move to the end of the file to insert the logs
if #available(iOS 13.4, *) { try fileHandle.seekToEnd() }
else { fileHandle.seekToEndOfFile() }
try extensionLogs
.grouped(by: \.type)
.forEach { type, value in
guard !value.isEmpty else { return } // Ignore if there are no logs
let typeNameStartData: Data = "🧩 \( -- Start\n".data(using: .utf8),
let typeNameEndData: Data = "🧩 \( -- End\n".data(using: .utf8)
else { throw StorageError.invalidData }
var hasWrittenStartLog: Bool = false
// Write the logs
try value.forEach { path, _ in
let logData: Data = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: path))
guard !logData.isEmpty else { return } // Ignore empty files
// Write the type start separator if needed
if !hasWrittenStartLog {
if #available(iOS 13.4, *) { try fileHandle.write(contentsOf: typeNameStartData) }
else { fileHandle.write(typeNameStartData) }
hasWrittenStartLog = true
// Write the log data to the log file
if #available(iOS 13.4, *) { try fileHandle.write(contentsOf: logData) }
else { fileHandle.write(logData) }
// Extension logs have been writen to the app logs, remove them now
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: path)
// Write the type end separator if needed
if hasWrittenStartLog {
if #available(iOS 13.4, *) { try fileHandle.write(contentsOf: typeNameEndData) }
else { fileHandle.write(typeNameEndData) }
catch {
self?.completeStartup(error: "Unable to write extension logs to current log file")
private func completeStartup(error: String? = nil) {
let pendingLogs: [Log.LogInfo] = startupCompleted.mutate { startupCompleted in
startupCompleted = true
return (retrievePendingStartupLogs?() ?? [])
// After creating a new logger we want to log two empty lines to make it easier to read
// Add any logs that were pending during the startup process
pendingLogs.forEach { level, message, withPrefixes, silenceForTests in
log(level, message, withPrefixes: withPrefixes, silenceForTests: silenceForTests)
fileprivate func log(
_ level: Log.Level,
_ message: String,
withPrefixes: Bool,
silenceForTests: Bool
) {
guard !silenceForTests || !isRunningTests else { return }
// Sort out the prefixes
let logPrefix: String = {
guard withPrefixes else { return "" }
let prefixes: String = [
(Thread.isMainThread ? "Main" : nil),
(DispatchQueue.isDBWriteQueue ? "DBWrite" : nil)
.compactMap { $0 }
.joined(separator: ", ")
return "[\(prefixes)] "
// Clean up the message if needed (replace double periods with single, trim whitespace)
let logMessage: String = logPrefix
.replacingOccurrences(of: "...", with: "|||")
.replacingOccurrences(of: "..", with: ".")
.replacingOccurrences(of: "|||", with: "...")
.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
switch level {
case .off: return
case .trace: OWSLogger.verbose(logMessage)
case .debug: OWSLogger.debug(logMessage)
case .info:
case .warn: OWSLogger.warn(logMessage)
case .error, .critical: OWSLogger.error(logMessage)
if forceNSLog {
// MARK: - Convenience
private enum ExtensionType {
case share
case notification
var name: String {
switch self {
case .share: return "ShareExtension"
case .notification: return "NotificationExtension"
private extension DispatchQueue {
static var isDBWriteQueue: Bool {
/// The `dispatch_queue_get_label` function is used to get the label for a given DispatchQueue, in Swift this
/// was replaced with the `label` property on a queue instance but you used to be able to just pass `nil` in order
/// to get the name of the current queue - it seems that there might be a hole in the current design where there isn't
/// a built-in way to get the label of the current queue natively in Swift
/// On a positive note it seems that we can safely call `__dispatch_queue_get_label(nil)` in order to do this,
/// it won't appear in auto-completed code but works properly
/// For more information see
return (String(cString: __dispatch_queue_get_label(nil)) == "\(Storage.queuePrefix).writer")
// FIXME: Remove this once everything has been updated to use the new `Log.x()` methods
public func SNLog(_ message: String, forceNSLog: Bool = false) {