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// Copyright © 2023 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public enum SwarmDrainBehaviour {
case alwaysRandom
case limitedReuse(
count: UInt,
targetSnode: LibSession.Snode?,
targetUseCount: Int,
usedSnodes: Set<LibSession.Snode>,
swarmHash: Int
public static func limitedReuse(count: UInt) -> SwarmDrainBehaviour {
guard count > 1 else { return .alwaysRandom }
return .limitedReuse(count: count, targetSnode: nil, targetUseCount: 0, usedSnodes: [], swarmHash: 0)
// MARK: - Convenience
func use(snode: LibSession.Snode, from swarm: Set<LibSession.Snode>) -> SwarmDrainBehaviour {
switch self {
case .alwaysRandom: return .alwaysRandom
case .limitedReuse(let count, let targetSnode, let targetUseCount, let usedSnodes, _):
// If we are using a new snode then reset everything
guard targetSnode == snode else {
return .limitedReuse(
count: count,
targetSnode: snode,
targetUseCount: 1,
usedSnodes: usedSnodes.inserting(snode),
swarmHash: swarm.hashValue
// Increment the use count and clear the target if it's been used too many times
let updatedUseCount: Int = (targetUseCount + 1)
return .limitedReuse(
count: count,
targetSnode: (updatedUseCount < count ? snode : nil),
targetUseCount: updatedUseCount,
usedSnodes: usedSnodes,
swarmHash: swarm.hashValue
public func clearTargetSnode() -> SwarmDrainBehaviour {
switch self {
case .alwaysRandom: return .alwaysRandom
case .limitedReuse(let count, _, _, let usedSnodes, let swarmHash):
return .limitedReuse(
count: count,
targetSnode: nil,
targetUseCount: 0,
usedSnodes: usedSnodes,
swarmHash: swarmHash
public func reset() -> SwarmDrainBehaviour {
switch self {
case .alwaysRandom: return .alwaysRandom
case .limitedReuse(let count, _, _, _, _):
return .limitedReuse(
count: count,
targetSnode: nil,
targetUseCount: 0,
usedSnodes: [],
swarmHash: 0
// MARK: - Convenience
public extension Atomic where Value == SwarmDrainBehaviour {
static var alwaysRandom: Atomic<SwarmDrainBehaviour> { Atomic(.alwaysRandom) }