You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1188 lines
53 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
// stringlint:disable
import Foundation
import Combine
import Sodium
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public extension Network.RequestType {
static func message(
_ message: SnodeMessage,
in namespace: SnodeAPI.Namespace
) -> Network.RequestType<SendMessagesResponse> {
return Network.RequestType(id: "snodeAPI.sendMessage", args: [message, namespace]) {
SnodeAPI.sendMessage(message, in: namespace, using: $0)
public final class SnodeAPI {
internal static let sodium: Atomic<Sodium> = Atomic(Sodium())
/// The offset between the user's clock and the Service Node's clock. Used in cases where the
/// user's clock is incorrect.
/// - Note: Should only be accessed from `Threading.workQueue` to avoid race conditions.
public static var clockOffsetMs: Atomic<Int64> = Atomic(0)
// MARK: - Hardfork version
public static var hardfork = UserDefaults.standard[.hardfork]
public static var softfork = UserDefaults.standard[.softfork]
// MARK: - Settings
public static let maxRetryCount: Int = 8
public static func currentOffsetTimestampMs() -> Int64 {
return Int64(
Int64(floor(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)) +
// MARK: - Batching & Polling
public static func poll(
namespaces: [SnodeAPI.Namespace],
refreshingConfigHashes: [String] = [],
from snode: LibSession.Snode,
swarmPublicKey: String,
using dependencies: Dependencies
) -> AnyPublisher<[SnodeAPI.Namespace: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: (messages: [SnodeReceivedMessage], lastHash: String?)?)], Error> {
guard let userED25519KeyPair = Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair() else {
return Fail(error: SnodeAPIError.noKeyPair)
let userX25519PublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(using: dependencies)
// Prune expired message hashes for this namespace on this service node
return Just(())
.setFailureType(to: Error.self)
.map { _ -> [SnodeAPI.Namespace: String] in
namespaces.reduce(into: [:]) { result, namespace in
guard namespace.shouldFetchSinceLastHash else { return }
// Prune expired message hashes for this namespace on this service node
for: snode,
namespace: namespace,
associatedWith: swarmPublicKey,
using: dependencies
result[namespace] = SnodeReceivedMessageInfo
for: snode,
namespace: namespace,
associatedWith: swarmPublicKey,
using: dependencies
.tryFlatMap { namespaceLastHash -> AnyPublisher<[SnodeAPI.Namespace: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: (messages: [SnodeReceivedMessage], lastHash: String?)?)], Error> in
var requests: [any ErasedPreparedRequest] = []
// If we have any config hashes to refresh TTLs then add those requests first
if !refreshingConfigHashes.isEmpty {
try SnodeAPI.prepareRequest(
request: Request(
endpoint: .expire,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: UpdateExpiryRequest(
messageHashes: refreshingConfigHashes,
expiryMs: UInt64(
SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs() +
(30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) // 30 days
extend: true,
pubkey: userX25519PublicKey,
ed25519PublicKey: userED25519KeyPair.publicKey,
ed25519SecretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey,
subkey: nil // TODO: Need to get this
responseType: UpdateExpiryResponse.self,
using: dependencies
// Determine the maxSize each namespace in the request should take up
let namespaceMaxSizeMap: [SnodeAPI.Namespace: Int64] = SnodeAPI.Namespace.maxSizeMap(for: namespaces)
let fallbackSize: Int64 = (namespaceMaxSizeMap.values.min() ?? 1)
// Add the various 'getMessages' requests
contentsOf: try { namespace -> any ErasedPreparedRequest in
// Check if this namespace requires authentication
guard namespace.requiresReadAuthentication else {
return try SnodeAPI.prepareRequest(
request: Request(
endpoint: .getMessages,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: LegacyGetMessagesRequest(
pubkey: swarmPublicKey,
lastHash: (namespaceLastHash[namespace] ?? ""),
namespace: namespace,
maxCount: nil,
maxSize: namespaceMaxSizeMap[namespace]
.defaulting(to: fallbackSize)
responseType: GetMessagesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
return try SnodeAPI.prepareRequest(
request: Request(
endpoint: .getMessages,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: GetMessagesRequest(
lastHash: (namespaceLastHash[namespace] ?? ""),
namespace: namespace,
pubkey: swarmPublicKey,
subkey: nil, // TODO: Need to get this
timestampMs: UInt64(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs()),
ed25519PublicKey: userED25519KeyPair.publicKey,
ed25519SecretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey,
maxSize: namespaceMaxSizeMap[namespace]
.defaulting(to: fallbackSize)
responseType: GetMessagesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
// Actually send the request
return try SnodeAPI
request: Request(
endpoint: .batch,
snode: snode,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: Network.BatchRequest(requestsKey: .requests, requests: requests)
responseType: Network.BatchResponse.self,
requireAllBatchResponses: true,
using: dependencies
.send(using: dependencies)
.map { (_: ResponseInfoType, batchResponse: Network.BatchResponse) -> [SnodeAPI.Namespace: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: (messages: [SnodeReceivedMessage], lastHash: String?)?)] in
let messageResponses: [Network.BatchSubResponse<GetMessagesResponse>] = batchResponse
.compactMap { $0 as? Network.BatchSubResponse<GetMessagesResponse> }
/// Since we have extended the TTL for a number of messages we need to make sure we update the local
/// `SnodeReceivedMessageInfo.expirationDateMs` values so we don't end up deleting them
/// incorrectly before they actually expire on the swarm
let refreshTTLSubReponse: Network.BatchSubResponse<UpdateExpiryResponse> = batchResponse
.first(where: { $0 is Network.BatchSubResponse<UpdateExpiryResponse> })
let refreshTTLResponse: UpdateExpiryResponse = refreshTTLSubReponse.body,
let validResults: [String: UpdateExpiryResponseResult] = try? refreshTTLResponse.validResultMap(
sodium: sodium.wrappedValue,
userX25519PublicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(),
validationData: refreshingConfigHashes
let targetResult: UpdateExpiryResponseResult = validResults[snode.ed25519PubkeyHex],
let groupedExpiryResult: [UInt64: [String]] = targetResult.changed
.updated(with: targetResult.unchanged)
{ { db in
try groupedExpiryResult.forEach { updatedExpiry, hashes in
try SnodeReceivedMessageInfo
.set(to: updatedExpiry)
return zip(namespaces, messageResponses)
.reduce(into: [:]) { result, next in
guard let messageResponse: GetMessagesResponse = next.1.body else { return }
let namespace: SnodeAPI.Namespace = next.0
result[namespace] = (
info: next.1,
data: (
messages: messageResponse.messages
.compactMap { rawMessage -> SnodeReceivedMessage? in
snode: snode,
publicKey: swarmPublicKey,
namespace: namespace,
rawMessage: rawMessage
lastHash: namespaceLastHash[namespace]
public static func preparedSequence(
requests: [any ErasedPreparedRequest],
requireAllBatchResponses: Bool,
swarmPublicKey: String,
using dependencies: Dependencies
) throws -> Network.PreparedRequest<Network.BatchResponse> {
return try SnodeAPI
request: Request(
endpoint: .sequence,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: Network.BatchRequest(requestsKey: .requests, requests: requests)
responseType: Network.BatchResponse.self,
requireAllBatchResponses: requireAllBatchResponses,
using: dependencies
/// **Note:** This is the direct request to retrieve messages so should be retrieved automatically from the `poll()` method, in order to call
/// this directly remove the `@available` line
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Avoid using this directly, use the pre-built `poll()` method instead")
public static func getMessages(
in namespace: SnodeAPI.Namespace,
from snode: LibSession.Snode,
swarmPublicKey: String,
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()
) -> AnyPublisher<(info: ResponseInfoType, data: (messages: [SnodeReceivedMessage], lastHash: String?)?), Error> {
return Deferred {
Future<String?, Error> { resolver in
// Prune expired message hashes for this namespace on this service node
for: snode,
namespace: namespace,
associatedWith: swarmPublicKey,
using: dependencies
let maybeLastHash: String? = SnodeReceivedMessageInfo
for: snode,
namespace: namespace,
associatedWith: swarmPublicKey,
using: dependencies
.tryFlatMap { lastHash -> AnyPublisher<(info: ResponseInfoType, data: GetMessagesResponse?, lastHash: String?), Error> in
guard namespace.requiresReadAuthentication else {
return try SnodeAPI
request: Request(
endpoint: .getMessages,
snode: snode,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: LegacyGetMessagesRequest(
pubkey: swarmPublicKey,
lastHash: (lastHash ?? ""),
namespace: namespace,
maxCount: nil,
maxSize: nil
responseType: GetMessagesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
.send(using: dependencies)
.map { info, data in (info, data, lastHash) }
guard let userED25519KeyPair: KeyPair ={ db in Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair(db) }) else {
throw SnodeAPIError.noKeyPair
return try SnodeAPI
request: Request(
endpoint: .getMessages,
snode: snode,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: GetMessagesRequest(
lastHash: (lastHash ?? ""),
namespace: namespace,
pubkey: swarmPublicKey,
subkey: nil,
timestampMs: UInt64(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs()),
ed25519PublicKey: userED25519KeyPair.publicKey,
ed25519SecretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey
responseType: GetMessagesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
.send(using: dependencies)
.map { info, data in (info, data, lastHash) }
.map { info, data, lastHash -> (info: ResponseInfoType, data: (messages: [SnodeReceivedMessage], lastHash: String?)?) in
return (
info: info,
data: { messageResponse -> (messages: [SnodeReceivedMessage], lastHash: String?) in
return (
messages: messageResponse.messages
.compactMap { rawMessage -> SnodeReceivedMessage? in
snode: snode,
publicKey: swarmPublicKey,
namespace: namespace,
rawMessage: rawMessage
lastHash: lastHash
public static func getSessionID(
for onsName: String,
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()
) -> AnyPublisher<String, Error> {
let validationCount = 3
// The name must be lowercased
let onsName = onsName.lowercased()
// Hash the ONS name using BLAKE2b
let nameAsData = [UInt8]( String.Encoding.utf8)!)
guard let nameHash = sodium.wrappedValue.genericHash.hash(message: nameAsData) else {
return Fail(error: SnodeAPIError.onsHashingFailed)
// Ask 3 different snodes for the Session ID associated with the given name hash
let base64EncodedNameHash = nameHash.toBase64()
return LibSession
.getRandomNodes(count: validationCount)
.tryFlatMap { nodes in
try { snode in
try SnodeAPI
request: Request(
endpoint: .oxenDaemonRPCCall,
snode: snode,
body: OxenDaemonRPCRequest(
endpoint: .daemonOnsResolve,
body: ONSResolveRequest(
type: 0, // type 0 means Session
base64EncodedNameHash: base64EncodedNameHash
responseType: ONSResolveResponse.self,
using: dependencies
.tryMap { _, response -> String in
try response.sessionId(
sodium: sodium.wrappedValue,
nameBytes: nameAsData,
nameHashBytes: nameHash
.send(using: dependencies)
.map { _, sessionId in sessionId }
.tryMap { results -> String in
guard results.count == validationCount, Set(results).count == 1 else {
throw SnodeAPIError.onsValidationFailed
return results[0]
public static func getExpiries(
swarmPublicKey: String,
of serverHashes: [String],
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()
) -> AnyPublisher<(ResponseInfoType, GetExpiriesResponse), Error> {
guard let userED25519KeyPair = Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair() else {
return Fail(error: SnodeAPIError.noKeyPair)
let sendTimestamp: UInt64 = UInt64(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs())
// FIXME: There is a bug on SS now that a single-hash lookup is not working. Remove it when the bug is fixed
let serverHashes: [String] = serverHashes.appending("///////////////////////////////////////////") // Fake hash with valid length
do {
return try SnodeAPI
request: Request(
endpoint: .getExpiries,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: GetExpiriesRequest(
messageHashes: serverHashes,
pubkey: swarmPublicKey,
subkey: nil,
timestampMs: sendTimestamp,
ed25519PublicKey: userED25519KeyPair.publicKey,
ed25519SecretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey
responseType: GetExpiriesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
.send(using: dependencies)
catch { return Fail(error: error).eraseToAnyPublisher() }
// MARK: - Store
public static func preparedSendMessage(
_ db: Database,
message: SnodeMessage,
in namespace: Namespace,
using dependencies: Dependencies
) throws -> Network.PreparedRequest<SendMessagesResponse> {
let swarmPublicKey: String = message.recipient
let userX25519PublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
let request: Network.PreparedRequest<SendMessagesResponse> = try {
// Check if this namespace requires authentication
guard namespace.requiresWriteAuthentication else {
return try SnodeAPI.prepareRequest(
request: Request(
endpoint: .sendMessage,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: LegacySendMessagesRequest(
message: message,
namespace: namespace
responseType: SendMessagesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
guard let userED25519KeyPair: KeyPair = Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair(db) else {
throw SnodeAPIError.noKeyPair
return try SnodeAPI.prepareRequest(
request: Request(
endpoint: .sendMessage,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: SendMessageRequest(
message: message,
namespace: namespace,
subkey: nil,
timestampMs: UInt64(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs()),
ed25519PublicKey: userED25519KeyPair.publicKey,
ed25519SecretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey
responseType: SendMessagesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
return request
.tryMap { _, response -> SendMessagesResponse in
try response.validateResultMap(
sodium: sodium.wrappedValue,
userX25519PublicKey: userX25519PublicKey
return response
public static func sendMessage(
_ message: SnodeMessage,
in namespace: Namespace,
using dependencies: Dependencies
) -> AnyPublisher<(ResponseInfoType, SendMessagesResponse), Error> {
let swarmPublicKey: String = message.recipient
let userX25519PublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
do {
let request: Network.PreparedRequest<SendMessagesResponse> = try {
// Check if this namespace requires authentication
guard namespace.requiresWriteAuthentication else {
return try SnodeAPI.prepareRequest(
request: Request(
endpoint: .sendMessage,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: LegacySendMessagesRequest(
message: message,
namespace: namespace
responseType: SendMessagesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
guard let userED25519KeyPair: KeyPair ={ db in Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair(db) }) else {
throw SnodeAPIError.noKeyPair
return try SnodeAPI.prepareRequest(
request: Request(
endpoint: .sendMessage,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: SendMessageRequest(
message: message,
namespace: namespace,
subkey: nil,
timestampMs: UInt64(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs()),
ed25519PublicKey: userED25519KeyPair.publicKey,
ed25519SecretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey
responseType: SendMessagesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
return request
.tryMap { info, response -> SendMessagesResponse in
try response.validateResultMap(
sodium: sodium.wrappedValue,
userX25519PublicKey: userX25519PublicKey
return response
.send(using: dependencies)
catch { return Fail(error: error).eraseToAnyPublisher() }
public static func sendConfigMessages(
_ messages: [(message: SnodeMessage, namespace: Namespace)],
allObsoleteHashes: [String],
swarmPublicKey: String,
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()
) -> AnyPublisher<Network.BatchResponse, Error> {
guard !messages.isEmpty || !allObsoleteHashes.isEmpty else {
return Fail(error: NetworkError.invalidPreparedRequest)
// TODO: Need to get either the closed group subKey or the userEd25519 key for auth
guard let userED25519KeyPair = Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair() else {
return Fail(error: SnodeAPIError.noKeyPair)
do {
let userX25519PublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
var requests: [any ErasedPreparedRequest] = try messages
.map { message, namespace in
// Check if this namespace requires authentication
guard namespace.requiresWriteAuthentication else {
return try SnodeAPI.prepareRequest(
request: Request(
endpoint: .sendMessage,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: LegacySendMessagesRequest(
message: message,
namespace: namespace
responseType: SendMessagesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
return try SnodeAPI.prepareRequest(
request: Request(
endpoint: .sendMessage,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: SendMessageRequest(
message: message,
namespace: namespace,
subkey: nil, // TODO: Need to get this
timestampMs: UInt64(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs()),
ed25519PublicKey: userED25519KeyPair.publicKey,
ed25519SecretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey
responseType: SendMessagesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
// If we had any previous config messages then we should delete them
if !allObsoleteHashes.isEmpty {
try SnodeAPI.prepareRequest(
request: Request(
endpoint: .deleteMessages,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: DeleteMessagesRequest(
messageHashes: allObsoleteHashes,
requireSuccessfulDeletion: false,
swarmPublicKey: userX25519PublicKey,
ed25519PublicKey: userED25519KeyPair.publicKey,
ed25519SecretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey
responseType: DeleteMessagesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
return try SnodeAPI
request: Request(
endpoint: .sequence,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: Network.BatchRequest(requestsKey: .requests, requests: requests)
responseType: Network.BatchResponse.self,
requireAllBatchResponses: false,
using: dependencies
.send(using: dependencies)
.map { _, response in response }
catch { return Fail(error: error).eraseToAnyPublisher() }
// MARK: - Edit
public static func updateExpiry(
swarmPublicKey: String,
serverHashes: [String],
updatedExpiryMs: Int64,
shortenOnly: Bool? = nil,
extendOnly: Bool? = nil,
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()
) -> AnyPublisher<[String: UpdateExpiryResponseResult], Error> {
guard let userED25519KeyPair = Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair() else {
return Fail(error: SnodeAPIError.noKeyPair)
// ShortenOnly and extendOnly cannot be true at the same time
guard shortenOnly == nil || extendOnly == nil else {
return Fail(error: NetworkError.invalidPreparedRequest)
// FIXME: There is a bug on SS now that a single-hash lookup is not working. Remove it when the bug is fixed
let serverHashes: [String] = serverHashes.appending("///////////////////////////////////////////") // Fake hash with valid length
do {
return try SnodeAPI
request: Request(
endpoint: .expire,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: UpdateExpiryRequest(
messageHashes: serverHashes,
expiryMs: UInt64(updatedExpiryMs),
shorten: shortenOnly,
extend: extendOnly,
pubkey: swarmPublicKey,
ed25519PublicKey: userED25519KeyPair.publicKey,
ed25519SecretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey,
subkey: nil
responseType: UpdateExpiryResponse.self,
using: dependencies
.send(using: dependencies)
.tryMap { _, response -> [String: UpdateExpiryResponseResult] in
try response.validResultMap(
sodium: sodium.wrappedValue,
userX25519PublicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(),
validationData: serverHashes
catch { return Fail(error: error).eraseToAnyPublisher() }
public static func revokeSubkey(
swarmPublicKey: String,
subkeyToRevoke: String,
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()
) -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error> {
guard let userED25519KeyPair = Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair() else {
return Fail(error: SnodeAPIError.noKeyPair)
do {
return try SnodeAPI
request: Request(
endpoint: .revokeSubaccount,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: RevokeSubkeyRequest(
subkeyToRevoke: subkeyToRevoke,
pubkey: swarmPublicKey,
ed25519PublicKey: userED25519KeyPair.publicKey,
ed25519SecretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey
responseType: RevokeSubkeyResponse.self,
using: dependencies
.send(using: dependencies)
.tryMap { _, response -> Void in
try response.validateResultMap(
sodium: sodium.wrappedValue,
userX25519PublicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(),
validationData: subkeyToRevoke
return ()
catch { return Fail(error: error).eraseToAnyPublisher() }
// MARK: Delete
public static func preparedDeleteMessages(
_ db: Database,
swarmPublicKey: String,
serverHashes: [String],
requireSuccessfulDeletion: Bool,
using dependencies: Dependencies
) throws -> Network.PreparedRequest<[String: Bool]> {
guard let userED25519KeyPair = Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair(db) else { throw SnodeAPIError.noKeyPair }
return try SnodeAPI
request: Request(
endpoint: .deleteMessages,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: DeleteMessagesRequest(
messageHashes: serverHashes,
requireSuccessfulDeletion: requireSuccessfulDeletion,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
ed25519PublicKey: userED25519KeyPair.publicKey,
ed25519SecretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey
responseType: DeleteMessagesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
.tryMap { _, response -> [String: Bool] in
let validResultMap: [String: Bool] = try response.validResultMap(
sodium: sodium.wrappedValue,
userX25519PublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
validationData: serverHashes
// If `validResultMap` didn't throw then at least one service node
// deleted successfully so we should mark the hash as invalid so we
// don't try to fetch updates using that hash going forward (if we
// do we would end up re-fetching all old messages)
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
try? SnodeReceivedMessageInfo.handlePotentialDeletedOrInvalidHash(
potentiallyInvalidHashes: serverHashes
return validResultMap
public static func deleteMessages(
swarmPublicKey: String,
serverHashes: [String],
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()
) -> AnyPublisher<[String: Bool], Error> {
guard let userED25519KeyPair = Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair() else {
return Fail(error: SnodeAPIError.noKeyPair)
let userX25519PublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(using: dependencies)
do {
return try SnodeAPI
request: Request(
endpoint: .deleteMessages,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: DeleteMessagesRequest(
messageHashes: serverHashes,
requireSuccessfulDeletion: false,
swarmPublicKey: userX25519PublicKey,
ed25519PublicKey: userED25519KeyPair.publicKey,
ed25519SecretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey
responseType: DeleteMessagesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
.send(using: dependencies)
.tryMap { _, response -> [String: Bool] in
let validResultMap: [String: Bool] = try response.validResultMap(
sodium: sodium.wrappedValue,
userX25519PublicKey: userX25519PublicKey,
validationData: serverHashes
// If `validResultMap` didn't throw then at least one service node
// deleted successfully so we should mark the hash as invalid so we
// don't try to fetch updates using that hash going forward (if we
// do we would end up re-fetching all old messages)
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
try? SnodeReceivedMessageInfo.handlePotentialDeletedOrInvalidHash(
potentiallyInvalidHashes: serverHashes
return validResultMap
catch { return Fail(error: error).eraseToAnyPublisher() }
/// Clears all the user's data from their swarm. Returns a dictionary of snode public key to deletion confirmation.
public static func deleteAllMessages(
namespace: SnodeAPI.Namespace,
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()
) -> AnyPublisher<[String: Bool], Error> {
guard let userED25519KeyPair = Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair() else {
return Fail(error: SnodeAPIError.noKeyPair)
let userX25519PublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
do {
return try SnodeAPI
request: Request(
endpoint: .deleteAll,
swarmPublicKey: userX25519PublicKey,
requiresLatestNetworkTime: true,
body: DeleteAllMessagesRequest(
namespace: namespace,
pubkey: userX25519PublicKey,
timestampMs: UInt64(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs()),
ed25519PublicKey: userED25519KeyPair.publicKey,
ed25519SecretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey
responseType: DeleteAllMessagesResponse.self,
using: dependencies
.send(using: dependencies)
.tryMap { info, response -> [String: Bool] in
guard let targetInfo: LatestTimestampResponseInfo = info as? LatestTimestampResponseInfo else {
throw NetworkError.invalidResponse
return try response.validResultMap(
sodium: sodium.wrappedValue,
userX25519PublicKey: userX25519PublicKey,
validationData: targetInfo.timestampMs
catch { return Fail(error: error).eraseToAnyPublisher() }
/// Clears all the user's data from their swarm. Returns a dictionary of snode public key to deletion confirmation.
public static func deleteAllMessages(
beforeMs: UInt64,
namespace: SnodeAPI.Namespace,
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()
) -> AnyPublisher<[String: Bool], Error> {
guard let userED25519KeyPair = Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair() else {
return Fail(error: SnodeAPIError.noKeyPair)
let userX25519PublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
do {
return try SnodeAPI
request: Request(
endpoint: .deleteAllBefore,
swarmPublicKey: userX25519PublicKey,
requiresLatestNetworkTime: true,
body: DeleteAllBeforeRequest(
beforeMs: beforeMs,
namespace: namespace,
pubkey: userX25519PublicKey,
timestampMs: UInt64(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs()),
ed25519PublicKey: userED25519KeyPair.publicKey,
ed25519SecretKey: userED25519KeyPair.secretKey
responseType: DeleteAllBeforeResponse.self,
using: dependencies
.send(using: dependencies)
.tryMap { _, response -> [String: Bool] in
try response.validResultMap(
sodium: sodium.wrappedValue,
userX25519PublicKey: userX25519PublicKey,
validationData: beforeMs
catch { return Fail(error: error).eraseToAnyPublisher() }
// MARK: - Internal API
public static func getNetworkTime(
from snode: LibSession.Snode,
using dependencies: Dependencies
) -> AnyPublisher<UInt64, Error> {
do {
return try SnodeAPI
request: Request(
endpoint: .getInfo,
snode: snode,
body: [String: String]()
responseType: GetNetworkTimestampResponse.self,
using: dependencies
.send(using: dependencies)
.map { _, response in
// Assume we've fetched the networkTime in order to send a message to the specified snode, in
// which case we want to update the 'clockOffsetMs' value for subsequent requests
let offset = (Int64(response.timestamp) - Int64(floor(dependencies.dateNow.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)))
SnodeAPI.clockOffsetMs.mutate { $0 = offset }
return response.timestamp
catch { return Fail(error: error).eraseToAnyPublisher() }
// MARK: - Convenience
private static func prepareRequest<T: Encodable, R: Decodable>(
request: Request<T, Endpoint>,
responseType: R.Type,
requireAllBatchResponses: Bool = true,
retryCount: Int = 0,
timeout: TimeInterval = Network.defaultTimeout,
using dependencies: Dependencies
) throws -> Network.PreparedRequest<R> {
return Network.PreparedRequest<R>(
request: request,
urlRequest: try request.generateUrlRequest(using: dependencies),
responseType: responseType,
requireAllBatchResponses: requireAllBatchResponses,
retryCount: retryCount,
timeout: timeout
receiveOutput: { _, response in
switch response {
case let snodeResponse as SnodeResponse:
// Update the network offset based on the response so subsequent requests have
// the correct network offset time
let offset = (Int64(snodeResponse.timeOffset) - Int64(floor(dependencies.dateNow.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)))
SnodeAPI.clockOffsetMs.mutate { $0 = offset }
// Extract and store hard fork information if returned
guard snodeResponse.hardFork.count > 1 else { break }
if snodeResponse.hardFork[1] > softfork {
softfork = snodeResponse.hardFork[1]
UserDefaults.standard[.softfork] = softfork
if snodeResponse.hardFork[0] > hardfork {
hardfork = snodeResponse.hardFork[0]
UserDefaults.standard[.hardfork] = hardfork
softfork = snodeResponse.hardFork[1]
UserDefaults.standard[.softfork] = softfork
default: break
// MARK: - Publisher Convenience
public extension Publisher where Output == Set<LibSession.Snode> {
func tryFlatMapWithRandomSnode<T, P>(
maxPublishers: Subscribers.Demand = .unlimited,
retry retries: Int = 0,
drainBehaviour: Atomic<SwarmDrainBehaviour> = .alwaysRandom,
using dependencies: Dependencies,
_ transform: @escaping (LibSession.Snode) throws -> P
) -> AnyPublisher<T, Error> where T == P.Output, P: Publisher, P.Failure == Error {
return self
.mapError { $0 }
.flatMap(maxPublishers: maxPublishers) { swarm -> AnyPublisher<T, Error> in
// If we don't want to reuse a specific snode multiple times then just grab a
// random one from the swarm every time
var remainingSnodes: Set<LibSession.Snode> = {
switch drainBehaviour.wrappedValue {
case .alwaysRandom: return swarm
case .limitedReuse(_, let targetSnode, _, let usedSnodes, let swarmHash):
// If we've used all of the snodes or the swarm has changed then reset the used list
guard swarmHash == swarm.hashValue && (targetSnode != nil || usedSnodes != swarm) else {
drainBehaviour.mutate { $0 = $0.reset() }
return swarm
return swarm.subtracting(usedSnodes)
var lastError: Error?
return Just(())
.setFailureType(to: Error.self)
.tryFlatMap(maxPublishers: maxPublishers) { _ -> AnyPublisher<T, Error> in
let snode: LibSession.Snode = try {
switch drainBehaviour.wrappedValue {
case .limitedReuse(_, .some(let targetSnode), _, _, _): return targetSnode
default: break
// Select the next snode
return try dependencies.popRandomElement(&remainingSnodes) ?? {
throw SnodeAPIError.ranOutOfRandomSnodes(lastError)
drainBehaviour.mutate { $0 = $0.use(snode: snode, from: swarm) }
return try transform(snode)
.mapError { error in
// Prevent nesting the 'ranOutOfRandomSnodes' errors
switch error {
case SnodeAPIError.ranOutOfRandomSnodes: break
default: lastError = error
return error
// MARK: - Request<T, EndpointType> Convenience
private extension Request {
init<B: Encodable>(
endpoint: SnodeAPI.Endpoint,
swarmPublicKey: String,
body: B,
retryCount: Int = SnodeAPI.maxRetryCount
) where T == SnodeRequest<B>, Endpoint == SnodeAPI.Endpoint {
self = Request(
method: .post,
endpoint: endpoint,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
body: SnodeRequest<B>(
endpoint: endpoint,
body: body
retryCount: retryCount
init<B: Encodable>(
endpoint: SnodeAPI.Endpoint,
snode: LibSession.Snode,
swarmPublicKey: String? = nil,
body: B,
retryCount: Int = SnodeAPI.maxRetryCount
) where T == SnodeRequest<B>, Endpoint == SnodeAPI.Endpoint {
self = Request(
method: .post,
endpoint: endpoint,
snode: snode,
body: SnodeRequest<B>(
endpoint: endpoint,
body: body
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
retryCount: retryCount
endpoint: SnodeAPI.Endpoint,
swarmPublicKey: String,
requiresLatestNetworkTime: Bool,
body: B,
retryCount: Int = SnodeAPI.maxRetryCount
) where T == SnodeRequest<B>, Endpoint == SnodeAPI.Endpoint, B: Encodable & UpdatableTimestamp {
self = Request(
method: .post,
endpoint: endpoint,
swarmPublicKey: swarmPublicKey,
requiresLatestNetworkTime: requiresLatestNetworkTime,
body: SnodeRequest<B>(
endpoint: endpoint,
body: body
retryCount: retryCount