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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Combine
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public enum SendReadReceiptsJob: JobExecutor {
public static let maxFailureCount: Int = -1
public static let requiresThreadId: Bool = false
public static let requiresInteractionId: Bool = false
private static let maxRunFrequency: TimeInterval = 3
public static func run(
_ job: Job,
queue: DispatchQueue,
success: @escaping (Job, Bool) -> (),
failure: @escaping (Job, Error?, Bool) -> (),
deferred: @escaping (Job) -> ()
) {
let threadId: String = job.threadId,
let detailsData: Data = job.details,
let details: Details = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Details.self, from: detailsData)
else {
failure(job, JobRunnerError.missingRequiredDetails, true)
// If there are no timestampMs values then the job can just complete (next time
// something is marked as read we want to try and run immediately so don't scuedule
// another run in this case)
guard !details.timestampMsValues.isEmpty else {
success(job, true)
.writePublisher { db in
try MessageSender.preparedSendData(
message: ReadReceipt(
timestamps: { UInt64($0) }
to: details.destination,
namespace: details.destination.defaultNamespace,
interactionId: nil,
isSyncMessage: false
.flatMap { MessageSender.sendImmediate(preparedSendData: $0) }
.subscribe(on: queue)
.receive(on: queue)
receiveCompletion: { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error): failure(job, error, false)
case .finished:
// When we complete the 'SendReadReceiptsJob' we want to immediately schedule
// another one for the same thread but with a 'nextRunTimestamp' set to the
// 'maxRunFrequency' value to throttle the read receipt requests
var shouldFinishCurrentJob: Bool = false
let nextRunTimestamp: TimeInterval = (Date().timeIntervalSince1970 + maxRunFrequency)
let updatedJob: Job? = Storage.shared.write { db in
// If another 'sendReadReceipts' job was scheduled then update that one
// to run at 'nextRunTimestamp' and make the current job stop
let existingJob: Job = try? Job
.filter( !=
.filter(Job.Columns.variant == Job.Variant.sendReadReceipts)
.filter(Job.Columns.threadId == threadId)
_ = try existingJob
.with(nextRunTimestamp: nextRunTimestamp)
shouldFinishCurrentJob = true
return job
return try job
.with(details: Details(destination: details.destination, timestampMsValues: []))
.defaulting(to: job)
.with(nextRunTimestamp: nextRunTimestamp)
success(updatedJob ?? job, shouldFinishCurrentJob)
// MARK: - SendReadReceiptsJob.Details
extension SendReadReceiptsJob {
public struct Details: Codable {
public let destination: Message.Destination
public let timestampMsValues: Set<Int64>
// MARK: - Convenience
public extension SendReadReceiptsJob {
/// This method upserts a 'sendReadReceipts' job to include the timestamps for the specified `interactionIds`
/// **Note:** This method assumes that the provided `interactionIds` are valid and won't filter out any invalid ids so
/// ensure that is done correctly beforehand
@discardableResult static func createOrUpdateIfNeeded(_ db: Database, threadId: String, interactionIds: [Int64]) -> Job? {
guard db[.areReadReceiptsEnabled] == true else { return nil }
guard !interactionIds.isEmpty else { return nil }
// Retrieve the timestampMs values for the specified interactions
let timestampMsValues: [Int64] = (try? Interaction
.asRequest(of: Int64.self)
.defaulting(to: [])
// If there are no timestamp values then do nothing
guard !timestampMsValues.isEmpty else { return nil }
// Try to get an existing job (if there is one that's not running)
let existingJob: Job = try? Job
.filter(Job.Columns.variant == Job.Variant.sendReadReceipts)
.filter(Job.Columns.threadId == threadId)
let existingDetailsData: Data = existingJob.details,
let existingDetails: Details = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Details.self, from: existingDetailsData)
let maybeUpdatedJob: Job? = existingJob
details: Details(
destination: existingDetails.destination,
timestampMsValues: existingDetails.timestampMsValues
guard let updatedJob: Job = maybeUpdatedJob else { return nil }
return try? updatedJob
// Otherwise create a new job
return Job(
variant: .sendReadReceipts,
behaviour: .recurring,
threadId: threadId,
details: Details(
destination: .contact(publicKey: threadId),
timestampMsValues: timestampMsValues.asSet()