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// Copyright © 2023 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SessionMessagingKit
import SessionUIKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
protocol SwipeActionOptimisticCell {
func optimisticUpdate(isMuted: Bool?, isBlocked: Bool?, isPinned: Bool?, hasUnread: Bool?)
extension SwipeActionOptimisticCell {
public func optimisticUpdate(isMuted: Bool) {
optimisticUpdate(isMuted: isMuted, isBlocked: nil, isPinned: nil, hasUnread: nil)
public func optimisticUpdate(isBlocked: Bool) {
optimisticUpdate(isMuted: nil, isBlocked: isBlocked, isPinned: nil, hasUnread: nil)
public func optimisticUpdate(isPinned: Bool) {
optimisticUpdate(isMuted: nil, isBlocked: nil, isPinned: isPinned, hasUnread: nil)
public func optimisticUpdate(hasUnread: Bool) {
optimisticUpdate(isMuted: nil, isBlocked: nil, isPinned: nil, hasUnread: hasUnread)
public extension UIContextualAction {
enum SwipeAction {
case toggleReadStatus
case hide
case pin
case mute
case block
case leave
case delete
static func configuration(for actions: [UIContextualAction]?) -> UISwipeActionsConfiguration? {
return { UISwipeActionsConfiguration(actions: $0) }
static func generateSwipeActions(
_ actions: [SwipeAction],
for side: UIContextualAction.Side,
indexPath: IndexPath,
tableView: UITableView,
threadViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel,
viewController: UIViewController?
) -> [UIContextualAction]? {
guard !actions.isEmpty else { return nil }
let unswipeAnimationDelay: DispatchTimeInterval = .milliseconds(500)
// Note: for some reason the `UISwipeActionsConfiguration` expects actions to be left-to-right
// for leading actions, but right-to-left for trailing actions...
let targetActions: [SwipeAction] = (side == .trailing ? actions.reversed() : actions)
let actionBackgroundColor: [ThemeValue] = [
return targetActions
.map { index, action -> UIContextualAction in
// Even though we have to reverse the actions above, the indexes in the view hierarchy
// are in the expected order
let targetIndex: Int = (side == .trailing ? (targetActions.count - index) : index)
let themeBackgroundColor: ThemeValue = actionBackgroundColor[
index % actionBackgroundColor.count
switch action {
// MARK: -- toggleReadStatus
case .toggleReadStatus:
let isUnread: Bool = (
threadViewModel.threadWasMarkedUnread == true ||
(threadViewModel.threadUnreadCount ?? 0) > 0
return UIContextualAction(
title: (isUnread ?
"MARK_AS_READ".localized() :
icon: (isUnread ?
UIImage(systemName: "") :
UIImage(systemName: "envelope.badge")
themeTintColor: .white,
themeBackgroundColor: .conversationButton_swipeRead, // Always Custom
side: side,
actionIndex: targetIndex,
indexPath: indexPath,
tableView: tableView
) { _, _, completionHandler in
// Delay the change to give the cell "unswipe" animation some time to complete .default).asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + unswipeAnimationDelay) {
switch isUnread {
case true: threadViewModel.markAsRead(
target: .threadAndInteractions(
interactionsBeforeInclusive: threadViewModel.interactionId
case false: threadViewModel.markAsUnread()
// MARK: -- hide
case .hide:
return UIContextualAction(
title: "TXT_HIDE_TITLE".localized(),
icon: UIImage(systemName: "eye.slash"),
themeTintColor: .white,
themeBackgroundColor: themeBackgroundColor,
side: side,
actionIndex: targetIndex,
indexPath: indexPath,
tableView: tableView
) { _, _, completionHandler in
switch threadViewModel.threadId {
case SessionThreadViewModel.messageRequestsSectionId:
Storage.shared.write { db in db[.hasHiddenMessageRequests] = true }
let confirmationModalExplanation: NSAttributedString = {
let message = String(
format: "hide_note_to_self_confirmation_alert_message".localized(),
return NSAttributedString(string: message)
attributes: [
.font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: Values.smallFontSize)
range: (message as NSString).range(of: threadViewModel.displayName)
let confirmationModal: ConfirmationModal = ConfirmationModal(
info: ConfirmationModal.Info(
title: "hide_note_to_self_confirmation_alert_title".localized(),
body: .attributedText(confirmationModalExplanation),
confirmTitle: "TXT_HIDE_TITLE".localized(),
confirmAccessibility: Accessibility(
identifier: "Hide"
confirmStyle: .danger,
cancelStyle: .alert_text,
dismissOnConfirm: true,
onConfirm: { _ in
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
try SessionThread.deleteOrLeave(
threadId: threadViewModel.threadId,
threadVariant: threadViewModel.threadVariant,
groupLeaveType: .silent,
calledFromConfigHandling: false
viewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
afterClosed: { completionHandler(false) }
viewController?.present(confirmationModal, animated: true, completion: nil)
// MARK: -- pin
case .pin:
return UIContextualAction(
title: (threadViewModel.threadPinnedPriority > 0 ?
"UNPIN_BUTTON_TEXT".localized() :
icon: (threadViewModel.threadPinnedPriority > 0 ?
UIImage(systemName: "pin.slash") :
UIImage(systemName: "pin")
themeTintColor: .white,
themeBackgroundColor: .conversationButton_swipeTertiary, // Always Tertiary
side: side,
actionIndex: targetIndex,
indexPath: indexPath,
tableView: tableView
) { _, _, completionHandler in
(tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? SwipeActionOptimisticCell)?
isPinned: !(threadViewModel.threadPinnedPriority > 0)
// Delay the change to give the cell "unswipe" animation some time to complete .default).asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + unswipeAnimationDelay) {
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadViewModel.threadId)
.set(to: (threadViewModel.threadPinnedPriority == 0 ? 1 : 0))
// MARK: -- mute
case .mute:
return UIContextualAction(
title: (threadViewModel.threadMutedUntilTimestamp == nil ?
"mute_button_text".localized() :
icon: (threadViewModel.threadMutedUntilTimestamp == nil ?
UIImage(systemName: "speaker.slash") :
UIImage(systemName: "speaker")
iconHeight: Values.mediumFontSize,
themeTintColor: .white,
themeBackgroundColor: themeBackgroundColor,
side: side,
actionIndex: targetIndex,
indexPath: indexPath,
tableView: tableView
) { _, _, completionHandler in
(tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? SwipeActionOptimisticCell)?
isMuted: !(threadViewModel.threadMutedUntilTimestamp != nil)
// Delay the change to give the cell "unswipe" animation some time to complete .default).asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + unswipeAnimationDelay) {
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
let currentValue: TimeInterval? = try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadViewModel.threadId)
.asRequest(of: TimeInterval.self)
try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadViewModel.threadId)
to: (currentValue == nil ?
Date.distantFuture.timeIntervalSince1970 :
// MARK: -- block
case .block:
return UIContextualAction(
title: (threadViewModel.threadIsBlocked == true ?
icon: UIImage(named: "table_ic_block"),
iconHeight: Values.mediumFontSize,
themeTintColor: .white,
themeBackgroundColor: themeBackgroundColor,
side: side,
actionIndex: targetIndex,
indexPath: indexPath,
tableView: tableView
) { [weak viewController] _, _, completionHandler in
let threadIsBlocked: Bool = (threadViewModel.threadIsBlocked == true)
let threadIsMessageRequest: Bool = (threadViewModel.threadIsMessageRequest == true)
let contactChanges: [ConfigColumnAssignment] = [
Contact.Columns.isBlocked.set(to: !threadIsBlocked),
/// **Note:** We set `didApproveMe` to `true` so the current user will be able to send a
/// message to the person who originally sent them the message request in the future if they
/// unblock them
(!threadIsMessageRequest ? nil : Contact.Columns.didApproveMe.set(to: true)),
(!threadIsMessageRequest ? nil : Contact.Columns.isApproved.set(to: false))
].compactMap { $0 }
let performBlock: (UIViewController?) -> () = { viewController in
(tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? SwipeActionOptimisticCell)?
isBlocked: !threadIsBlocked
viewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
// Delay the change to give the cell "unswipe" animation some time to complete .default).asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + unswipeAnimationDelay) {
.writePublisher { db in
// Create the contact if it doesn't exist
try Contact
.fetchOrCreate(db, id: threadViewModel.threadId)
try Contact
.filter(id: threadViewModel.threadId)
.updateAllAndConfig(db, contactChanges)
// Blocked message requests should be deleted
if threadIsMessageRequest {
try SessionThread.deleteOrLeave(
threadId: threadViewModel.threadId,
threadVariant: .contact,
groupLeaveType: .silent,
calledFromConfigHandling: false
.subscribe(on: .userInitiated))
switch threadIsMessageRequest {
case false: performBlock(nil)
case true:
let confirmationModal: ConfirmationModal = ConfirmationModal(
info: ConfirmationModal.Info(
confirmTitle: "BLOCK_LIST_BLOCK_BUTTON".localized(),
confirmAccessibility: Accessibility(
identifier: "Block"
confirmStyle: .danger,
cancelStyle: .alert_text,
dismissOnConfirm: true,
onConfirm: { _ in
afterClosed: { completionHandler(false) }
viewController?.present(confirmationModal, animated: true, completion: nil)
// MARK: -- leave
case .leave:
return UIContextualAction(
title: "LEAVE_BUTTON_TITLE".localized(),
icon: UIImage(systemName: "rectangle.portrait.and.arrow.right"),
iconHeight: Values.mediumFontSize,
themeTintColor: .white,
themeBackgroundColor: themeBackgroundColor,
side: side,
actionIndex: targetIndex,
indexPath: indexPath,
tableView: tableView
) { [weak viewController] _, _, completionHandler in
let confirmationModalTitle: String = {
switch threadViewModel.threadVariant {
case .legacyGroup, .group:
return "leave_group_confirmation_alert_title".localized()
default: return "leave_community_confirmation_alert_title".localized()
let confirmationModalExplanation: NSAttributedString = {
if threadViewModel.currentUserIsClosedGroupAdmin == true {
return NSAttributedString(string: "admin_group_leave_warning".localized())
let mutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(
string: String(
format: "leave_community_confirmation_alert_message".localized(),
value: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: Values.smallFontSize),
range: (mutableAttributedString.string as NSString).range(of: threadViewModel.displayName)
return mutableAttributedString
let confirmationModal: ConfirmationModal = ConfirmationModal(
info: ConfirmationModal.Info(
title: confirmationModalTitle,
body: .attributedText(confirmationModalExplanation),
confirmTitle: "LEAVE_BUTTON_TITLE".localized(),
confirmAccessibility: Accessibility(
identifier: "Leave"
confirmStyle: .danger,
cancelStyle: .alert_text,
dismissOnConfirm: true,
onConfirm: { _ in
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
try SessionThread.deleteOrLeave(
threadId: threadViewModel.threadId,
threadVariant: threadViewModel.threadVariant,
groupLeaveType: .standard,
calledFromConfigHandling: false
viewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
afterClosed: { completionHandler(false) }
viewController?.present(confirmationModal, animated: true, completion: nil)
// MARK: -- delete
case .delete:
return UIContextualAction(
title: "TXT_DELETE_TITLE".localized(),
icon: UIImage(named: "icon_bin"),
iconHeight: Values.mediumFontSize,
themeTintColor: .white,
themeBackgroundColor: themeBackgroundColor,
side: side,
actionIndex: targetIndex,
indexPath: indexPath,
tableView: tableView
) { [weak viewController] _, _, completionHandler in
let isMessageRequest: Bool = (threadViewModel.threadIsMessageRequest == true)
let confirmationModalTitle: String = {
switch (threadViewModel.threadVariant, isMessageRequest) {
case (_, true): return "TXT_DELETE_TITLE".localized()
case (.contact, _):
return "delete_conversation_confirmation_alert_title".localized()
case (.legacyGroup, _), (.group, _):
return "delete_group_confirmation_alert_title".localized()
case (.community, _): return "TXT_DELETE_TITLE".localized()
let confirmationModalExplanation: NSAttributedString = {
guard !isMessageRequest else {
return NSAttributedString(
guard threadViewModel.currentUserIsClosedGroupAdmin == false else {
return NSAttributedString(
string: "admin_group_leave_warning".localized()
let message = String(
format: {
switch threadViewModel.threadVariant {
case .contact:
case .legacyGroup, .group:
case .community:
return "leave_community_confirmation_alert_message".localized()
return NSAttributedString(string: message)
attributes: [
.font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: Values.smallFontSize)
range: (message as NSString).range(of: threadViewModel.displayName)
let confirmationModal: ConfirmationModal = ConfirmationModal(
info: ConfirmationModal.Info(
title: confirmationModalTitle,
body: .attributedText(confirmationModalExplanation),
confirmTitle: "TXT_DELETE_TITLE".localized(),
confirmAccessibility: Accessibility(
identifier: "Confirm delete"
confirmStyle: .danger,
cancelStyle: .alert_text,
dismissOnConfirm: true,
onConfirm: { _ in
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
try SessionThread.deleteOrLeave(
threadId: threadViewModel.threadId,
threadVariant: threadViewModel.threadVariant,
groupLeaveType: (isMessageRequest ? .silent : .forced),
calledFromConfigHandling: false
viewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
afterClosed: { completionHandler(false) }
viewController?.present(confirmationModal, animated: true, completion: nil)