You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

283 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Combine
import GRDB
import SignalCoreKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SessionSnodeKit
public enum MessageSendJob: JobExecutor {
public static var maxFailureCount: Int = 10
public static var requiresThreadId: Bool = true
public static let requiresInteractionId: Bool = false // Some messages don't have interactions
public static func run(
_ job: Job,
queue: DispatchQueue,
success: @escaping (Job, Bool) -> (),
failure: @escaping (Job, Error?, Bool) -> (),
deferred: @escaping (Job) -> ()
) {
let detailsData: Data = job.details,
let details: Details = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Details.self, from: detailsData)
else {
SNLog("[MessageSendJob] Failing due to missing details")
failure(job, JobRunnerError.missingRequiredDetails, true)
// We need to include 'fileIds' when sending messages with attachments to Open Groups
// so extract them from any associated attachments
var messageFileIds: [String] = []
/// Ensure any associated attachments have already been uploaded before sending the message
/// **Note:** Reactions reference their original message so we need to ignore this logic for reaction messages to ensure we don't
/// incorrectly re-upload incoming attachments that the user reacted to, we also want to exclude "sync" messages since they should
/// already have attachments in a valid state
details.message is VisibleMessage,
(details.message as? VisibleMessage)?.reaction == nil
let jobId: Int64 =,
let interactionId: Int64 = job.interactionId
else {
SNLog("[MessageSendJob] Failing due to missing details")
failure(job, JobRunnerError.missingRequiredDetails, true)
// Retrieve the current attachment state
typealias AttachmentState = (error: Error?, pendingUploadAttachmentIds: [String], preparedFileIds: [String])
let attachmentState: AttachmentState = Storage.shared
.read { db in
// If the original interaction no longer exists then don't bother sending the message (ie. the
// message was deleted before it even got sent)
guard try Interaction.exists(db, id: interactionId) else {
SNLog("[MessageSendJob] Failing due to missing interaction")
return (StorageError.objectNotFound, [], [])
// Get the current state of the attachments
let allAttachmentStateInfo: [Attachment.StateInfo] = try Attachment
.stateInfo(interactionId: interactionId)
let maybeFileIds: [String?] = allAttachmentStateInfo
.sorted { lhs, rhs in lhs.albumIndex < rhs.albumIndex }
.map { Attachment.fileId(for: $0.downloadUrl) }
let fileIds: [String] = maybeFileIds.compactMap { $0 }
// If there were failed attachments then this job should fail (can't send a
// message which has associated attachments if the attachments fail to upload)
guard !allAttachmentStateInfo.contains(where: { $0.state == .failedDownload }) else {
SNLog("[MessageSendJob] Failing due to failed attachment upload")
return (AttachmentError.notUploaded, [], fileIds)
/// Find all attachmentIds for attachments which need to be uploaded
/// **Note:** If there are any 'downloaded' attachments then they also need to be uploaded (as a
/// 'downloaded' attachment will be on the current users device but not on the message recipients
/// device - both `LinkPreview` and `Quote` can have this case)
let pendingUploadAttachmentIds: [String] = allAttachmentStateInfo
.filter { attachment -> Bool in
// Non-media quotes won't have thumbnails so so don't try to upload them
guard attachment.downloadUrl != Attachment.nonMediaQuoteFileId else { return false }
switch attachment.state {
case .uploading, .pendingDownload, .downloading, .failedUpload, .downloaded:
return true
default: return false
.map { $0.attachmentId }
return (nil, pendingUploadAttachmentIds, fileIds)
.defaulting(to: (MessageSenderError.invalidMessage, [], []))
/// If we got an error when trying to retrieve the attachment state then this job is actually invalid so it
/// should permanently fail
guard attachmentState.error == nil else {
return failure(job, (attachmentState.error ?? MessageSenderError.invalidMessage), true)
/// If we have any pending (or failed) attachment uploads then we should create jobs for them and insert them into the
/// queue before the current job and defer it (this will mean the current job will re-run after these inserted jobs complete)
guard attachmentState.pendingUploadAttachmentIds.isEmpty else {
Storage.shared.write { db in
try attachmentState.pendingUploadAttachmentIds
.filter { attachmentId in
// Don't add a new job if there is one already in the queue
with: .attachmentUpload,
details: AttachmentUploadJob.Details(
messageSendJobId: jobId,
attachmentId: attachmentId
.compactMap { attachmentId -> (jobId: Int64, job: Job)? in
job: Job(
variant: .attachmentUpload,
behaviour: .runOnce,
threadId: job.threadId,
interactionId: interactionId,
details: AttachmentUploadJob.Details(
messageSendJobId: jobId,
attachmentId: attachmentId
before: job
.forEach { otherJobId, _ in
// Create the dependency between the jobs
try JobDependencies(
jobId: jobId,
dependantId: otherJobId
SNLog("[MessageSendJob] Deferring due to pending attachment uploads")
return deferred(job)
// Store the fileIds so they can be sent with the open group message content
messageFileIds = attachmentState.preparedFileIds
// Store the sentTimestamp from the message in case it fails due to a clockOutOfSync error
let originalSentTimestamp: UInt64? = details.message.sentTimestamp
/// Perform the actual message sending
/// **Note:** No need to upload attachments as part of this process as the above logic splits that out into it's own job
/// so we shouldn't get here until attachments have already been uploaded
.writePublisher { db in
try MessageSender.preparedSendData(
message: details.message,
to: details.destination,
namespace: details.destination.defaultNamespace,
interactionId: job.interactionId,
isSyncMessage: details.isSyncMessage
.map { sendData in sendData.with(fileIds: messageFileIds) }
.flatMap { MessageSender.sendImmediate(preparedSendData: $0) }
.subscribe(on: queue)
.receive(on: queue)
receiveCompletion: { result in
switch result {
case .finished: success(job, false)
case .failure(let error):
SNLog("[MessageSendJob] Couldn't send message due to error: \(error).")
switch error {
case let senderError as MessageSenderError where !senderError.isRetryable:
failure(job, error, true)
case OnionRequestAPIError.httpRequestFailedAtDestination(let statusCode, _, _) where statusCode == 429: // Rate limited
failure(job, error, true)
case SnodeAPIError.clockOutOfSync:
SNLog("[MessageSendJob] \(originalSentTimestamp != nil ? "Permanently Failing" : "Failing") to send \(type(of: details.message)) due to clock out of sync issue.")
failure(job, error, (originalSentTimestamp != nil))
SNLog("[MessageSendJob] Failed to send \(type(of: details.message)).")
if details.message is VisibleMessage {
let interactionId: Int64 = job.interactionId,{ db in try Interaction.exists(db, id: interactionId) }) == true
else {
// The message has been deleted so permanently fail the job
failure(job, error, true)
failure(job, error, false)
// MARK: - MessageSendJob.Details
extension MessageSendJob {
public struct Details: Codable {
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case destination
case message
case isSyncMessage
case variant
public let destination: Message.Destination
public let message: Message
public let isSyncMessage: Bool
public let variant: Message.Variant?
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(
destination: Message.Destination,
message: Message,
isSyncMessage: Bool = false
) {
self.destination = destination
self.message = message
self.isSyncMessage = isSyncMessage
self.variant = Message.Variant(from: message)
// MARK: - Codable
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container: KeyedDecodingContainer<CodingKeys> = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
guard let variant: Message.Variant = try? container.decode(Message.Variant.self, forKey: .variant) else {
SNLog("Unable to decode messageSend job due to missing variant")
throw StorageError.decodingFailed
self = Details(
destination: try container.decode(Message.Destination.self, forKey: .destination),
message: try variant.decode(from: container, forKey: .message),
isSyncMessage: ((try? container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: .isSyncMessage)) ?? false)
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container: KeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys> = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
guard let variant: Message.Variant = Message.Variant(from: message) else {
SNLog("Unable to encode messageSend job due to unsupported variant")
throw StorageError.objectNotFound
try container.encode(destination, forKey: .destination)
try container.encode(message, forKey: .message)
try container.encode(isSyncMessage, forKey: .isSyncMessage)
try container.encode(variant, forKey: .variant)