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// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
extern NSString *const NSNotificationNameBackupStateDidChange;
typedef void (^OWSBackupBoolBlock)(BOOL value);
typedef void (^OWSBackupStringListBlock)(NSArray<NSString *> *value);
typedef void (^OWSBackupErrorBlock)(NSError *error);
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, OWSBackupState) {
// Has never backed up, not trying to backup yet.
OWSBackupState_Idle = 0,
// Backing up.
// Last backup failed.
// Last backup succeeded.
NSString *NSStringForBackupExportState(OWSBackupState state);
NSString *NSStringForBackupImportState(OWSBackupState state);
NSArray<NSString *> *MiscCollectionsToBackup(void);
NSError *OWSBackupErrorWithDescription(NSString *description);
@class AnyPromise;
@class OWSBackupIO;
@class TSAttachmentPointer;
@class TSThread;
@class YapDatabaseConnection;
@interface OWSBackup : NSObject
- (instancetype)init NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
+ (instancetype)sharedManager NS_SWIFT_NAME(shared());
#pragma mark - Backup Export
@property (atomic, readonly) OWSBackupState backupExportState;
// If a "backup export" is in progress (see backupExportState),
// backupExportDescription _might_ contain a string that describes
// the current phase and backupExportProgress _might_ contain a
// 0.0<=x<=1.0 progress value that indicates progress within the
// current phase.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSString *backupExportDescription;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSNumber *backupExportProgress;
+ (BOOL)isFeatureEnabled;
- (BOOL)isBackupEnabled;
- (void)setIsBackupEnabled:(BOOL)value;
- (BOOL)hasPendingRestoreDecision;
- (void)setHasPendingRestoreDecision:(BOOL)value;
- (void)tryToExportBackup;
- (void)cancelExportBackup;
#pragma mark - Backup Import
@property (atomic, readonly) OWSBackupState backupImportState;
// If a "backup import" is in progress (see backupImportState),
// backupImportDescription _might_ contain a string that describes
// the current phase and backupImportProgress _might_ contain a
// 0.0<=x<=1.0 progress value that indicates progress within the
// current phase.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSString *backupImportDescription;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSNumber *backupImportProgress;
- (void)allRecipientIdsWithManifestsInCloud:(OWSBackupStringListBlock)success failure:(OWSBackupErrorBlock)failure;
- (AnyPromise *)ensureCloudKitAccess __attribute__((warn_unused_result));
- (void)checkCanImportBackup:(OWSBackupBoolBlock)success failure:(OWSBackupErrorBlock)failure;
// TODO: After a successful import, we should enable backup and
// preserve our PIN and/or private key so that restored users
// continues to backup.
- (void)tryToImportBackup;
- (void)cancelImportBackup;
- (void)logBackupRecords;
- (void)clearAllCloudKitRecords;
- (void)logBackupMetadataCache:(YapDatabaseConnection *)dbConnection;
#pragma mark - Lazy Restore
- (NSArray<NSString *> *)attachmentRecordNamesForLazyRestore;
- (NSArray<NSString *> *)attachmentIdsForLazyRestore;
- (AnyPromise *)lazyRestoreAttachment:(TSAttachmentPointer *)attachment backupIO:(OWSBackupIO *)backupIO __attribute__((warn_unused_result));