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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
// stringlint:disable
import Foundation
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public enum SnodeAPIError: Error, CustomStringConvertible {
case clockOutOfSync
case snodePoolUpdatingFailed
case inconsistentSnodePools
case noKeyPair
case signingFailed
case signatureVerificationFailed
case invalidIP
case responseFailedValidation
case rateLimited
case missingSnodeVersion
case unsupportedSnodeVersion(String)
// Onion Request Errors
case emptySnodePool
case insufficientSnodes
case ranOutOfRandomSnodes(Error?)
// ONS
case onsDecryptionFailed
case onsHashingFailed
case onsValidationFailed
// Quic
case invalidNetwork
case invalidPayload
case missingSecretKey
case nodeNotFound(String)
case unassociatedPubkey
case unableToRetrieveSwarm
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .clockOutOfSync: return "Your clock is out of sync with the Service Node network. Please check that your device's clock is set to automatic time (SnodeAPIError.clockOutOfSync)."
case .snodePoolUpdatingFailed: return "Failed to update the Service Node pool (SnodeAPIError.snodePoolUpdatingFailed)."
case .inconsistentSnodePools: return "Received inconsistent Service Node pool information from the Service Node network (SnodeAPIError.inconsistentSnodePools)."
case .noKeyPair: return "Missing user key pair (SnodeAPIError.noKeyPair)."
case .signingFailed: return "Couldn't sign message (SnodeAPIError.signingFailed)."
case .signatureVerificationFailed: return "Failed to verify the signature (SnodeAPIError.signatureVerificationFailed)."
case .invalidIP: return "Invalid IP (SnodeAPIError.invalidIP)."
case .responseFailedValidation: return "Response failed validation (SnodeAPIError.responseFailedValidation)."
case .rateLimited: return "Rate limited (SnodeAPIError.rateLimited)."
case .missingSnodeVersion: return "Missing Service Node version (SnodeAPIError.missingSnodeVersion)."
case .unsupportedSnodeVersion(let version): return "Unsupported Service Node version: \(version) (SnodeAPIError.unsupportedSnodeVersion)."
// Onion Request Errors
case .emptySnodePool: return "Service Node pool is empty (SnodeAPIError.emptySnodePool)."
case .insufficientSnodes: return "Couldn't find enough Service Nodes to build a path (SnodeAPIError.insufficientSnodes)."
case .ranOutOfRandomSnodes(let maybeError):
switch maybeError {
case .none: return "Ran out of random snodes (SnodeAPIError.ranOutOfRandomSnodes(nil))."
case .some(let error):
let errorDesc = "\(error)".trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet(["."]))
return "Ran out of random snodes (SnodeAPIError.ranOutOfRandomSnodes(\(errorDesc))."
// ONS
case .onsDecryptionFailed: return "Couldn't decrypt ONS name (SnodeAPIError.onsDecryptionFailed)."
case .onsHashingFailed: return "Couldn't compute ONS name hash (SnodeAPIError.onsHashingFailed)."
case .onsValidationFailed: return "ONS name validation failed (SnodeAPIError.onsValidationFailed)."
// Quic
case .invalidNetwork: return "Unable to create network (SnodeAPIError.invalidNetwork)."
case .invalidPayload: return "Invalid payload (SnodeAPIError.invalidPayload)."
case .missingSecretKey: return "Missing secret key (SnodeAPIError.missingSecretKey)."
case .nodeNotFound(let nodePubkey): return "Next node was not found: \(nodePubkey) (SnodeAPIError.nodeNotFound)."
case .unassociatedPubkey: return "The service node is no longer associated with the public key (SnodeAPIError.unassociatedPubkey)."
case .unableToRetrieveSwarm: return "Unable to retrieve the swarm for the given public key (SnodeAPIError.unableToRetrieveSwarm)."