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session-ios/SessionUIKit/Style Guide/ThemeManager.swift

466 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
// MARK: - Preferences
public extension Setting.EnumKey {
/// Controls what theme should be used
static let theme: Setting.EnumKey = "selectedTheme"
/// Controls what primary color should be used for the theme
static let themePrimaryColor: Setting.EnumKey = "selectedThemePrimaryColor"
public extension Setting.BoolKey {
/// A flag indicating whether the app should match system day/night settings
static let themeMatchSystemDayNightCycle: Setting.BoolKey = "themeMatchSystemDayNightCycle"
// MARK: - ThemeManager
public enum ThemeManager {
private static var hasSetInitialSystemTrait: Bool = false
/// **Note:** Using `weakToStrongObjects` means that the value types will continue to be maintained until the map table resizes
/// itself (ie. until a new UI element is registered to the table)
/// Unfortunately if we don't do this the `ThemeApplier` is immediately deallocated and we can't use it to update the theme
private static var uiRegistry: NSMapTable<AnyObject, ThemeApplier> = NSMapTable.weakToStrongObjects()
public static var currentTheme: Theme = {
Storage.shared[.theme].defaulting(to: Theme.classicDark)
}() {
didSet {
// Only update if it was changed
guard oldValue != currentTheme else { return }
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
db[.theme] = currentTheme
// Only trigger the UI update if the primary colour wasn't changed (otherwise we'd be doing
// an extra UI update
if let defaultPrimaryColor: Theme.PrimaryColor = Theme.PrimaryColor(color: currentTheme.color(for: .defaultPrimary)) {
guard primaryColor == defaultPrimaryColor else {
ThemeManager.primaryColor = defaultPrimaryColor
public static var primaryColor: Theme.PrimaryColor = {
}() {
didSet {
// Only update if it was changed
guard oldValue != primaryColor else { return }
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
db[.themePrimaryColor] = primaryColor
public static var matchSystemNightModeSetting: Bool = {
}() {
didSet {
// Only update if it was changed
guard oldValue != matchSystemNightModeSetting else { return }
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
db[.themeMatchSystemDayNightCycle] = matchSystemNightModeSetting
// Note: We have to trigger this directly or the 'TraitObservingWindow' won't actually
// trigger the trait change if the app launched with this setting switched off
// Note: We need to set this to 'unspecified' to force the UI to properly update as the
// 'TraitObservingWindow' won't actually trigger the trait change otherwise
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.mainWindow?.overrideUserInterfaceStyle = .unspecified
// When this gets set we need to update the UI to ensure the global appearance stuff is set
// correctly on launch
public static weak var mainWindow: UIWindow? {
didSet { updateAllUI() }
// MARK: - Functions
public static func traitCollectionDidChange(_ previousTraitCollection: UITraitCollection?) {
let currentUserInterfaceStyle: UIUserInterfaceStyle = UITraitCollection.current.userInterfaceStyle
// Only trigger updates if the style changed and the device is set to match the system style
currentUserInterfaceStyle != ThemeManager.currentTheme.interfaceStyle,
else { return }
// Swap to the appropriate light/dark mode
switch (currentUserInterfaceStyle, ThemeManager.currentTheme) {
case (.light, .classicDark): ThemeManager.currentTheme = .classicLight
case (.light, .oceanDark): ThemeManager.currentTheme = .oceanLight
case (.dark, .classicLight): ThemeManager.currentTheme = .classicDark
case (.dark, .oceanLight): ThemeManager.currentTheme = .oceanDark
default: break
public static func applySavedTheme() {
ThemeManager.primaryColor = Storage.shared[.themePrimaryColor].defaulting(to:
ThemeManager.currentTheme = Storage.shared[.theme].defaulting(to: Theme.classicDark)
public static func applyNavigationStyling() {
guard Thread.isMainThread else {
return DispatchQueue.main.async { applyNavigationStyling() }
let textPrimary: UIColor = (ThemeManager.currentTheme.color(for: .textPrimary) ?? .white)
// Set the `mainWindow.tintColor` for system screens to use the right colour for text
ThemeManager.mainWindow?.tintColor = textPrimary
// Update the nav bars to use the right colours (we default to the 'primary' value)
UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor = ThemeManager.currentTheme.color(for: .backgroundPrimary)
UINavigationBar.appearance().isTranslucent = false
UINavigationBar.appearance().tintColor = textPrimary
UINavigationBar.appearance().shadowImage = ThemeManager.currentTheme.color(for: .backgroundPrimary)?.toImage()
UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: textPrimary
UINavigationBar.appearance().largeTitleTextAttributes = [
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: textPrimary
// Update the bar button item appearance
UIBarButtonItem.appearance().tintColor = textPrimary
// Update toolbars to use the right colours
UIToolbar.appearance().barTintColor = ThemeManager.currentTheme.color(for: .backgroundPrimary)
UIToolbar.appearance().isTranslucent = false
UIToolbar.appearance().tintColor = textPrimary
// Note: Looks like there were changes to the appearance behaviour in iOS 15, unfortunately
// this breaks parts of the old 'UINavigationBar.appearance()' logic so we need to do everything
// again using the new API...
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
let appearance = UINavigationBarAppearance()
appearance.backgroundColor = ThemeManager.currentTheme.color(for: .backgroundPrimary)
appearance.shadowImage = ThemeManager.currentTheme.color(for: .backgroundPrimary)?.toImage()
appearance.titleTextAttributes = [
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: textPrimary
appearance.largeTitleTextAttributes = [
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: textPrimary
// Apply the button item appearance as well
let barButtonItemAppearance = UIBarButtonItemAppearance(style: .plain)
barButtonItemAppearance.normal.titleTextAttributes = [ .foregroundColor: textPrimary ]
barButtonItemAppearance.disabled.titleTextAttributes = [ .foregroundColor: textPrimary ]
barButtonItemAppearance.highlighted.titleTextAttributes = [ .foregroundColor: textPrimary ]
barButtonItemAppearance.focused.titleTextAttributes = [ .foregroundColor: textPrimary ]
appearance.buttonAppearance = barButtonItemAppearance
appearance.backButtonAppearance = barButtonItemAppearance
appearance.doneButtonAppearance = barButtonItemAppearance
UINavigationBar.appearance().standardAppearance = appearance
UINavigationBar.appearance().scrollEdgeAppearance = appearance
// Note: 'UINavigationBar.appearance' only affects newly created nav bars so we need
// to force-update any current navigation bar (unfortunately the only way to do this
// is to remove the nav controller from the view hierarchy and then re-add it)
func updateIfNeeded(viewController: UIViewController?) {
guard let viewController: UIViewController = viewController else { return }
let navController: UINavigationController = ((viewController as? UINavigationController) ?? viewController.navigationController),
let superview: UIView = navController.view.superview,
else {
viewController.presentedViewController ??
// Apply non-primary styling if needed
applyNavigationStylingIfNeeded(to: viewController)
// Re-attach to the UI
// Recurse through the rest of the UI
viewController.presentedViewController ??
updateIfNeeded(viewController: ThemeManager.mainWindow?.rootViewController)
public static func applyNavigationStylingIfNeeded(to viewController: UIViewController) {
// Will use the 'primary' style for all other cases
let navController: UINavigationController = ((viewController as? UINavigationController) ?? viewController.navigationController),
let navigationBackground: ThemeValue = (navController.viewControllers.first as? ThemedNavigation)?.navigationBackground
else { return }
navController.navigationBar.barTintColor = ThemeManager.currentTheme.color(for: navigationBackground)
navController.navigationBar.shadowImage = ThemeManager.currentTheme.color(for: navigationBackground)?.toImage()
// Note: Looks like there were changes to the appearance behaviour in iOS 15, unfortunately
// this breaks parts of the old 'UINavigationBar.appearance()' logic so we need to do everything
// again using the new API...
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
let textPrimary: UIColor = (ThemeManager.currentTheme.color(for: .textPrimary) ?? .white)
let appearance = UINavigationBarAppearance()
appearance.backgroundColor = ThemeManager.currentTheme.color(for: navigationBackground)
appearance.shadowImage = ThemeManager.currentTheme.color(for: navigationBackground)?.toImage()
appearance.titleTextAttributes = [
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: textPrimary
appearance.largeTitleTextAttributes = [
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: textPrimary
navController.navigationBar.standardAppearance = appearance
navController.navigationBar.scrollEdgeAppearance = appearance
public static func applyWindowStyling() {
guard Thread.isMainThread else {
return DispatchQueue.main.async { applyWindowStyling() }
mainWindow?.overrideUserInterfaceStyle = {
guard !ThemeManager.matchSystemNightModeSetting else { return .unspecified }
switch ThemeManager.currentTheme.interfaceStyle {
case .light: return .light
case .dark, .unspecified: return .dark
@unknown default: return .dark
mainWindow?.backgroundColor = ThemeManager.currentTheme.color(for: .backgroundPrimary)
public static func onThemeChange(observer: AnyObject, callback: @escaping (Theme, Theme.PrimaryColor) -> ()) {
existingApplier: ThemeManager.get(for: observer),
info: []
) { theme in callback(theme, ThemeManager.primaryColor) },
forKey: observer
private static func updateAllUI() {
guard Thread.isMainThread else {
return DispatchQueue.main.async { updateAllUI() }
ThemeManager.uiRegistry.objectEnumerator()?.forEach { applier in
(applier as? ThemeApplier)?.apply(theme: currentTheme)
if !hasSetInitialSystemTrait {
hasSetInitialSystemTrait = true
internal static func set<T: AnyObject>(
_ view: T,
keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, UIColor?>,
to value: ThemeValue?
) {
existingApplier: ThemeManager.get(for: view),
info: [ keyPath ]
) { [weak view] theme in
guard let value: ThemeValue = value else {
view?[keyPath: keyPath] = nil
view?[keyPath: keyPath] = ThemeManager.resolvedColor(theme.color(for: value))
forKey: view
internal static func remove<T: AnyObject>(
_ view: T,
keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, UIColor?>
) {
// Note: Need to explicitly remove (setting to 'nil' won't actually remove it)
guard let updatedApplier: ThemeApplier = ThemeManager.get(for: view)?.removing(allWith: keyPath) else {
ThemeManager.uiRegistry.removeObject(forKey: view)
ThemeManager.uiRegistry.setObject(updatedApplier, forKey: view)
internal static func set<T: AnyObject>(
_ view: T,
keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, CGColor?>,
to value: ThemeValue?
) {
existingApplier: ThemeManager.get(for: view),
info: [ keyPath ]
) { [weak view] theme in
guard let value: ThemeValue = value else {
view?[keyPath: keyPath] = nil
view?[keyPath: keyPath] = ThemeManager.resolvedColor(theme.color(for: value))?.cgColor
forKey: view
internal static func remove<T: AnyObject>(
_ view: T,
keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, CGColor?>
) {
ThemeManager.get(for: view)?
.removing(allWith: keyPath),
forKey: view
internal static func set<T: AnyObject>(
_ view: T,
to applier: ThemeApplier?
) {
ThemeManager.uiRegistry.setObject(applier, forKey: view)
/// Using a `UIColor(dynamicProvider:)` unfortunately doesn't seem to work properly for some controls (eg. UISwitch) so
/// since we are already explicitly updating all UI when changing colours & states we just force-resolve the primary colour to avoid
/// running into these glitches
internal static func resolvedColor(_ color: UIColor?) -> UIColor? {
return color?.resolvedColor(with: UITraitCollection())
internal static func get(for view: AnyObject) -> ThemeApplier? {
return ThemeManager.uiRegistry.object(forKey: view)
// MARK: - ThemeApplier
internal class ThemeApplier {
enum InfoKey: String {
case keyPath
case controlState
private let applyTheme: (Theme) -> ()
private let info: [AnyHashable]
private var otherAppliers: [ThemeApplier]?
existingApplier: ThemeApplier?,
info: [AnyHashable],
applyTheme: @escaping (Theme) -> ()
) {
self.applyTheme = applyTheme = info
// Store any existing "appliers" (removing their 'otherApplier' references to prevent
// loops and excluding any which match the current "info" as they should be replaced
// by this applier)
self.otherAppliers = [existingApplier]
.appending(contentsOf: existingApplier?.otherAppliers)
.compactMap { $0?.clearingOtherAppliers() }
.filter { $ != info }
// Automatically apply the theme immediately
self.apply(theme: ThemeManager.currentTheme, isInitialApplication: true)
// MARK: - Functions
public func removing(allWith info: AnyHashable) -> ThemeApplier? {
let remainingAppliers: [ThemeApplier] = [self]
.appending(contentsOf: self.otherAppliers)
.filter { applier in ! }
guard !remainingAppliers.isEmpty else { return nil }
guard remainingAppliers.count != ((self.otherAppliers ?? []).count + 1) else { return self }
// Remove the 'otherAppliers' references on self
self.otherAppliers = nil
// Attach the 'otherAppliers' to the new first remaining applier (just in case self
// was removed)
let firstApplier: ThemeApplier? = remainingAppliers.first
firstApplier?.otherAppliers = Array(remainingAppliers.suffix(from: 1))
return firstApplier
private func clearingOtherAppliers() -> ThemeApplier {
self.otherAppliers = nil
return self
fileprivate func apply(theme: Theme, isInitialApplication: Bool = false) {
// For the initial application of a ThemeApplier we don't want to apply the other
// appliers (they should have already been applied so doing so is redundant
guard !isInitialApplication else { return }
// If there are otherAppliers stored against this one then trigger those as well
self.otherAppliers?.forEach { applier in
// MARK: - Convenience Extensions
extension Array {
fileprivate func appending(contentsOf other: [Element]?) -> [Element] {
guard let other: [Element] = other else { return self }
var updatedArray: [Element] = self
updatedArray.append(contentsOf: other)
return updatedArray